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Check Up

Posted on Thu Aug 10th, 2023 @ 3:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D.

908 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD9, 1700 Hrs

Kas entered his quarters and looked to his daughter who was playing with some toys in the living room. The hybrid smiled at the little girl who seemed to be adjusting to her new environment. "Come Keena we have an appointment with the doctor."

The girl looked up and at him before returning to her play, Kas sighed and took a moment to decide how to handle this.

"Keena, I have been ordered to take you for your exam in sickbay," Kas said slowly. "I will do my duty to my ship and to you. Now you can walk down there with me or I can carry you, make your choice."

The child stood up and glared at him and moved past him out the door, Kas followed her and made their way to the sickbay in silence. They entered the sickbay and Keena sat cross-legged on the floor in front of a chair in the waiting area as Kas went to the desk to inform them that they'd arrived. Kas went and sat cross-legged next to Keena, she didn't make eye contact. Kas kept a neutral expression to mask his frustration at his daughter's behavior.

A woman, noticeably pregnant by at least five months walked out into the waiting area. She had dark blue hair and was rather short and petite, all but her belly. "Lieutenant Razka?" She asked as she glanced at the PADD in her hands.

"Yes, Ma'am, " Kas said as he rose from the floor in one smooth motion. "This is my daughter Keena, she's here for a check-up."

Keena stood and stepped toward the woman, she was fascinated by her blue hair. Kas wanted to tell her not to stare, but one fight at a time.

Rikka crouched down to be at eye level with Keena. "Hello, Keena. I'm Doctor Takanashi, how about we go through to one of the examination rooms and we'll get this over with quickly?"

"Why is your hair blue?" Keena asked with a smile.

Rikka smiled at the young girl's curiosity. "That's a long and complicated answer. I could tell you, but I don't think you would understand," she replied back.

"I see," the girl said. "Can you make my hair blue?"

The doctor chuckled. "I could, but your hair is pretty as it is," she replied. She offered a hand out to the girl. "Shall we take a look at you then?" She asked.

Keena nodded, "Okay."

Kas smiled at his daughter's interaction with the doctor.

Rikka led them both into one of the examination rooms. "Ok, just hop up onto the biobed here," she said as she slapped her hand on the bed's cushioned mattress. "And we'll get started with some simple checks."

"Very well," Keena said climbing onto the biobed. "you may begin."

The doctor gave the girl a small smile as she picked up an old fashioned stethoscope from the equipment tray. "I'm going to listen to your heart. Can you lift up your shirt for me?" She asked as she popped the stethoscope ends into her ears.

The child recognized the medical instrument and nodded.

"This will be cold," Rikla said softly as she placed the end over the girl's chest. Counting in her head she monitored the heartbeat for roughly thirty seconds. "Well, you have a very healthy heart in there don't you!" She smiled. "I bet you do a lot of running around don't you?"

"Yeah, Bella and I were playing hide and seek in the arboretum." Keena giggled. "She kept pretending she couldn't find me."

"You must be good at hiding," Rikka replied as she then held the stethoscope in the elbow bend of her arm and counted again. "Let's have a look at those beautiful eyes of yours shall we?"

Next Rikka produced a small torch. She shone the torch at a slight angle to look into her eyes. "You have good vision don't you?" She smiled.

She stepped away and tapped on a PADD. "Overall, you seem like a very healthy young girl. You still have lots of growing to do. I'll just conduct a quick body scan, just to check everything is OK inside you."

"Okay," Keena smiled.

She held out the tricorder and ran it over Keena's body. "All green from what I can see. But I knew that anyways just from checking you over," she told her.

"Are you going to have a baby?" Keena asked.

Rikka nodded. "Yes, I am. In about three months," she told her with a smile.

"May your womb be blessed," Keena said in a sincere tone.

Rikka raised an eyebrow at the comment. "Erm, thank you..."

"Her grandmother is a shaman," Kas explained.

"Ah, I see." Rikka replied. "Well, it's nice to know you have good manners. Be sure to keep them when you get older," she smiled.

Keena's facial expression changed at the mention of her grandmother, she hopped off the bed and ran out of the room.

"Is she ok? Would you like me to help?" Rikka asked.

"It's alright I'll collect her in a minute." Kas sighed. "She's having trouble adjusting, she hasn't spoken to me since we came here."

The doctor nodded. "I see. Family can be difficult," she told him as she placed a single hand on her belly. "I know that from my own experience."

"Thank you, for understanding." Kas turned and walked out of the room and when to find his daughter.


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