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Early Arrival

Posted on Tue Feb 6th, 2024 @ 6:40am by Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D. & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles

2,020 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Main Sickbay
Timeline: MD C32, July 20th 2396

It was 03:20 in the morning when the doors of the main sickbay swished open and Rikka walked in, holding tightly onto her partner Yuuta. She wasn't in uniform but still in her maternity pajamas which were cropped to allow her belly to expand outwards. Indeed now at 35 weeks her belly was very much fully rounded out infront of her, in the middle her navel protruded far outwards and it was easy to see why it became visible through her duty uniform and clothing.

"Doctor!" Yuuta called out, a sense of panic in his voice as he supported Rikka. "Doctor!"

"Calm down Yuuta," Rikka said calmy. She broke free of him and made her way over to a biobed. "Help me up onto here," she said to him. Yuuta rushed over and helped Rikka up. She sat on the edge of the biobed. She pointed to one of the medical tricorders on the sideboard, indicating for Yuura to pass it to her.

"What do you need this for?" He asked as he picked it up and held it out to her.

"Taking some scans..." she replied as she took it from him and began to wave the wand over her exposed belly. "Just as I thought. This baby is making an early appearance." She said calmly.

That didn't help Yuuta at all. "DOCTOR!" he shouted even louder. Rikka simply sighed, she knew that he would panic like this and she was relatively calm and relaxed. To her this was all a learning experience.

J.R. had been in his office, he’d taken a split shift and at this point was asleep when he heard the commotion and the yelling out in the main annex of sickbay. He came out of his office, walking over to the biobed where Rikka had claimed.

“Quit ya hollering, I’m right here.”

He said to Yuuta as he swiftly took the tricorder from Rikka’s hand.

“Now, how far apart are the contractions and when did they start.”

He asked the mother to be, smiling as he looked over what scans she already took.

"By my timing..." Rikka said as she suddenly winced. "About four minutes. I think they started earlier when I was asleep," she explained.

“Alrighty, so we’re still in the early stages, so we’ll get you hooked up to the biomonitors and get you settled in the Obstetric Ward. Have you been remembering your breathing?”

Rikka nodded. "Yes." She replied calmy. She looked over towards Yuuta who had started to pace up and down. "Why not teach him that too? Or get him some calming tea?" She suggested indicating to her partner.

"I could give him a sedative if he wants one?"

J.R suggested with a smirk.

"For now though, focus on your breathing, do your best to relax, a long road ahead."

"A mild one maybe, to chill him out a little," Rikka smirked. Another contraction came along and she scowled. "Ok, I know this baby is early bit they really want to come out!"

“Relax, work with your body.”

J.R reminded her as he set about getting equipment and supplies together. “The baby is fine from what the monitors are telling me. Just let gravity help move it down.”

Crewman Dana Hemdahl was on duty as a medical assistant and receptionist. As soon as Rikka was brought in, she was reminded of a memo from the captain. For the past three weeks, he placed reminders asking to be informed if certain staff members went into labor. Doctor Takanashi's name was alongside a young science officer who was set to give birth three weeks before her.

Crewman Hemdahl was shocked that Rikka was giving birth first, so early. She spent a few moments listening to the conversation while debating on whether she should wake the Captain. She finally tapped her commbadge. "Crewman Hemdahl to Captain th'Zeles... Sir wake up.. Wake up! Doctor Takanashi is going into labor."

Ryhl's voice could be heard, sounding groggy at first. =/\= "I'm up, Crewman. I... Did you say she's going into labor?!"=/\= His voice became more excited. =/\= "I'll be right down. I know Counselor Drylo also wants to be there. I'll inform her right away. Thank you, Crewman.. th'Zeles out."=/\=

Ryhl rushed to get dressed, quickly speaking to Feeva over comms and planning to meet at Sickbay.

Feeva was actually still awake. Or awake again. She wasn't sure she had ever really slept, just dozed a bit. Her mind was buzzing with everything going on in her personal life, and right now, she was sitting in Leena's room, watching the child sleep. She radioed over to Bella Rodriguez, who agreed to sit with Leena for a bit until she could contact Commander Razka, and she made her way down to Sickbay. She wasn't sure what she could do as Counselor, but she had given birth once already, so she supposed she could offer that as advice.

Lissa came breezing through the Sickbay doors, her eyes looked considerably heavy, and she chugged the last bit of her coffee, setting the cup on the reception desk before jogging to Birthing Room 1.

"Dr. Takanashi, good, I'm not too late," Lissa said breathlessly. "Let's get your feet propped up and have a look?" she said, nodding to a tech, who brought over a sterile gown and gloves and fitted her with them almost immediately.

Feeva made her way into the exam room, as well. "Why on EARTH is a bloody counselor needed?" She asked, wearily. "Doc, do the spinal block, trust me," she said. "I did it and do not regret it a moment," she said. It still amazed the Vissian that a child the size of a watermelon had come of her body, given how small she was, but it had worked. "I'll get some tea for your...husband? Partner?" She disappeared to find a replicator.

Ryhl entered the sickbay somewhat hesitantly. He was looking for a waiting room, but each one was empty. It forced him to wander deeper into the sickbay. He ran into the medical assistant, who pointed him towards Rikka's room. She led him towards it, to his surprise. "Oh wait, you want me to go in? Sure! I mean, I wasn't expecting." He began to feel butterflies towards the shocking reality of the moment.

As he entered the doors, a warm smile spread across his face. "Now now, everything will be fine." He mainly spoke to reassure himself, moving towards an angle where Rikka's lower torso was covered. Ryhl wondered why he felt so tense, laughing a bit to shake off the moment. He studied Rikka's facial expressions. "How are you doing, Doctor?"

"Fantastic..." Rikka said in a rather unusual sarcastic tone. She gave him a small smile. "Yuuta however..." she said nodding towards Yuuta who had started to wear out the carpet by pacing back and forth.

He noticed the tension on Yuuta's face. Ryhl turned to him and said, "I feel nervous for you too! But don't worry. The Columbia is a family. You aren't in this alone." Ryhl stood between him and Feeva, quickly turning to nod to her.

"Nervous?!" Yuuta questioned. "Sorry Captain. I think nervous is an understatement. I'm more petrified than anything right now."

"Need coffee, captain?" Feeva asked. "Mr. Yuuta, drink this," she said, handing him a steaming cup of golden liquid. "Vissian Flax tea. It'll calm your nerves. People have been giving birth since the dawn of time. It'll be fine," she said. She gave him a LOOK in her best Mom face, and then continued. "You should sit down. Captain, it might be best for you to wait outside," she said. "I will keep you informed. We just don't want to clog up the room with unnecessary people. Shall I put on some music?" She bustled around the room. Soon, soothing classical music could be heard. Orchestra. "I forewent Bajoran drums; they've always unnerved me," she said.

"Coffee? No thanks. I'm wide awake." Ryhl chuckled to himself for a moment before closing his eyes and nodding. "I'll wait outside. Figured I'd show support for the first birth aboard the ship." Ryhl turned and walked towards the door, making his way outside.

Lissa looked up at Rikka, Dr. McEntyre to her left. "You're dilated to 10 centimeters, I think we can start pushing with your next contraction," she said soothingly. "If you'd like more privacy, I can make that happen, Doctor," Lissa offered.

"Moving me now wouldn't be a...." she stopped for a moment as her face scrunched up. "Good idea..." she said. "Ok hell to it..." she began to bear down. "The sooner this baby gets out of me the sooner I can...." she stopped again. "Get back to work!"

“Alright then, anyone who is not the mama, papa or Medical, get the hell out my sickbay. I’ll let yall know when the baby is born.”

J.R said firmly as he started to usher people out of the delivery ward.

Feeva stood back. She wasn't medical, exactly, but she might be able to provide moral support in some way. For now, though, she Mother Henned, bustling folks out, and checking in on the Captain.

"She's fully dilated, and the baby will come any time. I don't know why she waited so long to come down," Feeva said. "There's going to be a new crew mate shortly, sir," she said, with a smile. "Tea, then, Captain?" she asked.

"I can't wait to meet the newborn." He approached Feeva as she exited moments after him. Excitement was visible in his expression and rapidly scanning antennae. "Tea sounds good actually", Ryhl replied. "Let's find a replicator. I want to check different Bajoran tea recipes." The officers walked into a nearby corridor where a replicator stood to service the medical staff.

"Alright," she said, letting him lead the way. "Me, too. New babies are always a blessing," she said. "Is there a special reason you want to check out Bajoran teas specifically?" She asked.

He smiled in response, nodding at her mention of blessing. "The flavors are very fragrant. Sweet. I think I just have romantic thoughts of Bajor, since it's so different than Andoria. Such nice farmland there.. Forests."

Feeva nodded. "Indeed," she said. "I know a few people who've said. Let me get your tea," she said.

The officers quickly found the replicator and input their orders.

"Doctor, the head is beginning to crown," Lissa said calmly, still situated at the foot of the bed, between Rikka's knees. "I don't know who you want where, but it's time."

"Rikka, you are doing great. Take some deep breaths for me," Lissa added. Lissa demonstrated the breaths for her, encouraging her to breathe along.

"Right. Rikka, you're doin fantastic but the real work is about to begin. When Lissa tells you, we want you to give us a big push. Ok?"

J.R. says claming as he gathered up supplies and equipment needed to help with the delivery.

Out in the hallway, Feeva had gotten the men situated. It was like babysitting around here.

"Sit here, and bloody wait. Doc'll come out. Let me go check on the husband," she said, quietly slipping into the exam room.

"Mr. Yuuta, do you need anything?" She asked, quietly. "Sorry for the interruption, Doc. Labor is moving quickly. Dr. Takanashi, anything you need?" She asked.

[2 Hours Later]

Rikka sat holding the little baby boy in her arms. She was exhausted, but a smile had crept across the doctor's face. She had not expected it to be like that at all. Yuuta had reentered the sickbay and was sitting next to Rikka. "Here." Rikka said holding out their son to Yuuta. Slowly Yuuta took the baby boy in his arms, the soft bundle of blankets seemed so delicate and so small. He seemed nervous as if he was about to squash the small human nestled amongst them.

"Welcome to the family. And welcome aboard the Columbia..." He whispered to the baby boy. They had yet to name him, but for now they were living in the moment.


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