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Klingons & Marines

Posted on Tue Feb 6th, 2024 @ 7:39am by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles

1,606 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Upon Stranger Stars
Location: Campor III - Klingon Settlement
Timeline: MD C23, 2100 hours

The Columbia’s away team materialized outside the Klingon’s Government building, they were there to compare notes on intel and find the truth. Kas wasn’t thrilled about the Marines assigned as a protection detail, but he wasn’t in the position to refuse it. Kas looked up to see Kormak standing in the square with his guards. He pushed past one of the Marines and moved toward his cousin. As Kas approached one of Kormak's warriors tried to step in between them. Kormak pulled the guard back, “Kas is family! Do not insult him!

Sergeant Ed Vannerson held his phaser rifle at the low ready. He looked away as the Klingon stomped through their formation, opting to point towards an area of high ground. The marines had been cautioned that the Klingons would likely be moody at their presence. As professionals, they remained focused on their mission.

Kas grinned and embraced Kormak, “Is Brok’tan going to join us?”

”No Brok’tan is in a council meeting” Kormak explained. ”Bring your investigators and two guards, the rest can guard the building.

Kas turned back to his group, he looked to the Sergeant, “Vale bring one of your Marines, leave to rest to stand guard.”

The hulking Staff Sergeant nodded to Kas.

"Ramirez with me. Sutter, take the rest of the chalk, form a perimeter around the building. Radio any contact, Oo-Rah?"

The group responded with a resounding "OO-RAH!" as they moved to thier positions while Jeksyne and Ramirez followed Kas.

Jeksyne followed close. He was a hulk of a man, nearly 7 foot tall naturally and built like a tank. His body armor having been custom made for someone of his size, hugged him tight still, his Phaser Rifle close to his chest on a sling on his shoulder as he moved.

A lanky human marine with dark brown skin shouted to the Marines around him. "Be ready to move! Be ready to react!" He shot a look towards Kormak. Sergeant Trevor Dunne was one of the younger squad leaders, looking to make his mark. It was only on Jeksyne's word that his marines moved.

"Yes Sergeant!" Vannerson had bright blue eyes and fair skin. His light brown hair had already started balding, despite his youthful appearance. He'd celebrated his 27th birthday not long ago. He turned to Sutter, a fellow sergeant. "Hey Sutter.. You take your team that way.. We'll go this way and flank around the building. After a quick nod, two groups of marines moved with speed to wrap around the building, encircling it before Sutter and Vannerson met. Each person was separated by several meters, watching their surroundings.

Captain th'Zeles had ordered increased activity on the surface. Different Security and SFMC teams were acting as a Quick Reaction Force. Despite reluctance on behalf of the Klingons and Romulans, they were eventually talked into acceptance.

The marines formed a wide perimeter, spread out by several meters. Three warriors clad in KDF uniforms approached, each with a batleth slung behind their back. Each seemed to scowl to one varying degree or another. They moved down the line of marines until they found Sutter and Vannerson.

"Well.. If it isn't the great Starfleet Marine Corps. Tell me, are you always so redundant? We already have this building secure."

Vannerson smirked, pointing his phaser rifle towards the ground in a low ready position. "We're not here to watch your building Klingon. We're here to assist your forces in the event that something comes up." Vannerson knew that certain locations were being monitored, almost like traps. The goal was to catch a saboteur in the act. Known events of sabotage had been plotted and charted on a calendar. Some hints of a pattern seemed to show, especially in the Klingon settlement. If the saboteur hadn't quit, they would be likely to move soon. The day of the week, and time of night synced with past activity.

This wasn't something the marine would share with random observers. One of the Klingons approached Sutter. "And you, marine. What is it you fight for? Why should we trust you aliens to watch our back?"

Kormak moved to correct his warrior but Kas motioned to let the marine handle his own business.

"Because us Starfleet personnel believe in ideals", Sutter replied with a cold stare and playful smirk. "We aren't here to do anything other than accomplish the mission. That makes working with you in our best interests."

Kas turned to his cousin, "My people have their orders and will carry them out. Now, Lt. Elliot is our Intel officer we're here to compare notes on the investigation."

"I think you'll find our records thorough," Kormak said. "However we may be able to use your data."

"I'd like to get started right away." Jason said scanning the room.

Kas spoke with confidence he didn't really feel, his injuries were far from healed. So his safety was in the hands of others. He needed the play the role of the elder warrior and chieftain his people had groomed him to be. The Hybrid nodded to the Marines as they followed their orders.

Kas turned to Jeksyne and spoke in a low tone. "Sergeant, I'm well aware of your advanced training and capabilities. However, I need you to play the part of the bodyguard. If things go south I trust you and your people to do what needs doing and I'll back you up." He smiled up at the giant of a man. "Understood?"

From somewhere near the back, a female voice piped up. First Lieutenant Roro Paki, a Bajoran Marine. "Gentlemen. Might I advise you to-first-shut the hell up. Second, start a patrol?" Men. She looked to her friend Vevi for backup. Vevi had balls of steel, while Roro was more or less cautious. She could definitely hold her own, but she wasn't mean and in your face about it like Vevi was. She stepped forward.

"Jeksyne, pull three men to assist. Send the rest back with Lt. Elliot. They'll be more useful doing tactical work from there," she said, taking over. "Commander Razka, I'll cover your six," she said. "1st Lt. Roro Paki. Marine Linguistics Liaison," she said, by way of introduction.

"Aye, Sir! Ramesy, Holton, Eames, with me, the rest, fall back with Lt. Elliot."

Jeksyne's booming voice echoes as he carries out Roro's orders as he and the three other fall in behind her.

Kas gave the Bajoran a quizzical look, he felt a little defensive… He was of mixed heritage, but he was an expert in his father’s language and didn’t need… He stopped himself, this wasn’t about him and if the Lieutenant wanted to have his own linguist, So be it. He smiled at Lt. Roro.

“Linguistics?” Kas stated, looking at her earrings. ”How did a woman from Ordeve end up all the way out here?”

She smiled. "Same as you, probably," she said. "Lead the way, please." She said. "My family it familiar to you, Commander?" She asked. "You're half Bajoran, correct? I read things."

Kas nodded he was speaking in a Bajoran dialect from Ordeve “I voyaged with my mother's vessel the Yangteeze we used to deliver supplies to Ordeve.” Kas explained. "I’m a bit of a linguist myself. I don’t know how familiar you are with Klingon, it will be good to have a second opinion.”

She smiled. "I am very well versed in many Federation languages. It shouldn't be a problem. I am happy to assist," she said. "My boss just told me to haul my six out here, but I am PRETTY sure I was just supposed to be babysitting Vevi at first, then this opportunity came up," she explained.

Kormak took them into a large room with a table that had a computer setup with intelligence reports. Kormak's guards hung back in the doorway. Kas motioned for the Sergeant to do the same. Kas turned to Kormak.

"I see you are already comparing our file with yours on the sabotage and thefts," Kas said in federation standard. He wanted the Marines to know what was going on and didn't always like the way the universal translator interpreted his words. "Roro and I will be going over the file in their untranslated form."

She sat quietly, and nodded along. "Thank you, Councilor," she said. "Mr?" She inquired as to Kormak's surname. She took a file, and then smiled again at Kas. "Might be helpful to suggest some kind of offering of peace...I'd suggest bloodwine but it IS a work day," she said. "I am not good at diplomacy, though." She gave a shrug.

"That's alright neither the Commander," Kormak laughed. "We are warriors first."

Roro laughed. "Same with me, then," she said. "What are we looking for, specifically?" She asked.

"Inconsistences," Kormak said. "We may have traitors among us."

Paki nodded. She buried her head in the files, and then, a little later, tapped Kas on the arm. "Do you have a record for this?" She asked him.

A middle-aged Klingon approached, long hair flowing behind him as he walked quickly. A gruff expression crossed his face, armor of the KDF clad his body. "Ah! There you are Kormak.. I have the day's surveillance reports." The man was known as M'Dagh. The insignia on his belt tied him to the Intelligence branch of the Klingon Defense Forces. He had just attempted to check Kormak's previous location, just missing him by moments.


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