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The Lab

Posted on Mon Jan 1st, 2024 @ 8:47pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Pharos Ventari

2,245 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Engineering Deck
Timeline: Current

What had started out as a project to help Pharos settle in onboard, had quickly taken on a life of its own. Columbia had numerous sections onboard reserved for future expansion, and he had toured those that were available in proximity to main engineering until he located one that fit all the necessary criteria. In truth, there were multiple technical laboratories onboard already, but given the opportunity, he would rather build one from scratch, rather than adapt an existing lab to do the job. He knew that the projects he intended to pursue in the lab might hit dead ends or fail to be fully realized, but the lab itself might endure; with a little luck, for as long as the Columbia itself was around.

Heading through engineering, the lieutenant took the slightly longer scenic route as he made a point of passing by the warp core, for no more reason than to admire it for a few moments, then he was through and with a glance at the PADD in his lower hand, he maintained the pursuit of his prey until they were in sight. "Ensign Sar," the Rechakan greeted as he caught up with the Vulcan. "Have you a moment to speak?"

The pale blue glow of the warp core bathed the room in an otherworldly light, casting shadows on Sar's sharply defined features. Sar's fingers moved with a calculated grace as he typed the last few commands of a diagnostic. His arched eyebrows remained unruffled as he turned towards Pharos. "Certainly, sir." His head tilted as he spoke.

A readout on the screen behind the propulsion specialist displayed information about a specific sub-section of the warp core tied to engine acceleration. Sar bowed his head respectfully and clasped his hands behind his back. "How may I be of assistance?"

"I've been tasked by Commander F.. Fr... Paisley, who suggested I look into setting up a new technical lab onboard the Columbia. In my own opinion, a starship is typically overlooked as far as technical research, in favor of stations or planetary installations. That's understandable where space is at a premium, but Columbia has, as the saying goes, 'room to spare', and I've selected a vacant section that meets all the necessary power, data and access criteria." He offered the PADD to the ensign, containing the general layout and design of the proposed lab. "This may be a little outside your regular duties, but I could use your assistance on the construction phase of this project; assuming, of course, that the Commander approves the design and gives the go-ahead."

Sar's eyebrows remained lowered as he took the PADD and began reviewing the layout. An eyebrow raised as scrolled to study. "Improving the laboratory capabilities of the Columbia would be a most fulfilling task." The Vulcan looked into the Rechakan's reflective blue eyes. "I endeavor to gain experiences beyond that of a propulsion specialist. Transferring power to the facilities via redirection the EPS flow would likely be my starting point. I can also ensure fabrication of necessary equipment and materials is handled by the proper specialists. Thank you for including me in this essential project, Lieutenant."

After looking down for a few more seconds of reading, the stoic Vulcan handed back the PADD.

Pharos took the PADD back with a lower hand, and clapped the Vulcan solidly on the shoulder with his upper. "Excellent!" He bobbed his head and leaned in briefly with his mandibles wide as he familiarized himself with his colleague's scent. "I look forward to working with you. As I don't yet have final approval to proceed from the chief, I would say 'don't quit your day job just yet' until I've received her blessing. I will keep you apprised."

Sar pondered his colleague's last words momentarily before realizing Pharos wasn't referring to him actually quitting. "Indeed. I shall stand by and await further notice." He turned to watch the Rechakan leave. He was inwardly grateful for the chance to have met Pharos. Setting up a new lab also seemed to be an interesting proposition for him. He turned back towards the display of the warp core's subsection, tapping a control as he studied the readout.

Taking his leave from the Vulcan, Pharos worked his way through engineering, stopping first to work up a power allocation profile for the proposed lab, then an estimate on the usage of ship's resources to get the lab built initially, plus keeping it running afterwards. As with anything, there would be drawbacks to having an additional lab functioning onboard, though in his opinion it was outweighed by the potential gains.

It took some time to locate Commander F'Rar, and Pharos busied himself running a couple minor diagnostics while he waited for her to finish up with the crewmembers she was speaking with, before padding in to catch up before she could take off again. "Commander," he greeted. "I have that proposal on the TRAP lab you requested."

Paisley, indeed, was busy with Turner and Garcia, working through the best way to reroute power while a dead console in Medical was fixed-so as not to electrocute one or the other person. When they agreed that rerouting the computers through science for the short amount of time that the repair would take, she sent them off to complete that task. She still hadn't had time to look at the warp core. She smiled at Pharos. "Excellent," she said. "Tell me while we head down to the Core," she said, beginning to head for the Turbolift that would take them from Main Engineering to the basement Warp Core. "The Warp Core needs a single new piston," she said. "And I am the only one who knows how to install them. I haven't had a chance to look at it today, so you get to learn how. Tell me about this lab," she said, stepping into the lift with her kit.

"'Piston'? Does the Columbia utilize internal combustion?" he joked with a guttural chuckle for a moment. "Yes, the lab. It is a Technical Research And Prototyping lab. Rather than handing off a proposal to a starbase or dedicated research facility, it should allow us to develop new ideas here onboard. Equipped with holographic generators to allow virtual design and simulations, and dedicated access to the engineering computer core to provide the necessary computing capacity. The prototyping chamber will utilize standard industrial replicators for the majority of the work performed, but will also integrate modified transporter imaging coils for quantum level replication. This will increase the size of the hardware as well as the power demands, but should allow us to recreate almost anything we can design. And for the rare materials that simply cannot be replicated, there will be integrated nanotech-assembly; inductively powered, so any nanites removed from the chamber will simply lose power and shut down."

Paisley nodded as he spoke. "Wow, that sounds like quite the endeavor," she said. "But definitely will be helpful. And no, it's a more modern Warp Core; the pistons help it rotate," she said, "when we're at Warp 9." She explained. "It needs regular maintenance and checks, since it's the most important part of the ship. No warp core, no flying," she said. That wasn't technically true, but floating was boring. "Will you need any special equipment or manpower?" She asked. A moment later, they were in the Core room, and she entered the code. "Myself and Lt. Turner have the codes; since we work opposite shifts, there shouldn't be a reason that one of us isn't available, but if you do a good enough job, you might earn my trust and access to the Warp Core codes," she said. "Of course, the Captain and Commander Chalan each have one," she said. "Here we are," she said, proudly, as if the warp core were her own child.

"I'll let you know on equipment, though if we can get the main chamber built first, we'd only need power and it could fabricate most of what we need for the rest of the lab. And for manpower, I've already enlisted Ensign Sar, provided we receive approval to go ahead." The Rechakan stopped, looking up at the core with just a touch of awe. "What was it my roommate at the academy was fond of saying? 'Dayum!' What's the theoretical maximum it can generate? Three thousand cochranes? Four?"

"Four," Paisley answered immediately. She got to her knees to look at the piston in question. "Alright, I am going under the core," she said. "Keep talking, I can hear you. Hand me a tricorder, please," she said. She took the handheld device, and climbed under the belly of the large, imposing engine, much like a mechanic would, checking the undercarriage of a car. THIS is what she liked to do. "Ok, power, and Ensign Sar," she said. "I will give you intermediate approval, but of course, we'll need a sign off from the Captain, and possibly Chalan," she said. "The Commander will be a harder sell than the Captain," she said. She extended her arm. "Ok, please hand me the Head-hook wrench, please," she said. "I don't mean to use you as an assistant...just my kit won't fit under here. Stupid things are too tall," she said. "Can you fit under here?" She asked. "I'd like you to see it, but there's always the training holodeck," she said.

Locating the tool in question, Pharos flipped it around handle-first, and passed in underneath until she took it. "I believe so." He couldn't exactly squeeze in beside her without making things too cramped to work, so he moved a third of the way around the core before going prone and beginning a slow and careful crawl underneath. "If it helps the 'sell', then the TRAP lab would also have tactical applications. With command authorization to unlock the template, it could be used to manufacture replacement torpedos, assuming our inventory had been depleted in battle or something. I had not designed the PT chamber to be big enough to accommodate a shuttlecraft, but in theory it could manufacture all the components of a shuttle, to be assembled in the shuttlebay." It was fortunately not as claustrophic as a Miranda class jefferies tube, and sliding in on his back, Pharos moved in close enough to see what the Commander was doing without risk of an accidental spanner to the face. "Columbia is too new for these components to already require replacement from wear. Manufacturing defect that didn't show up until after the shakedown cruise?"

Paisley was busy tightening screws and washers, sighing in frustration as more pieces seemed to come off. "Likely, or poorly installed pre-launch. I did do a first check, but sometimes, things don't show up for a bit. We hit a bit of rough weather out in the Nebula we crossed through a bit ago, just before Campor airspace. That likely loosened it, and if it was already shoddily done, it explains it. Normally, it should hold for at least the duration of a tour, combat notwithstanding," she said. "Alright, that sounds like a plan. Like I said, a blueprint and a quick write-up will go a long way," she said. "Ok, I have it secured. I need to replicate a few new parts, but it'll hold for now." She slid out from under the machine, and brushed off her uniform. She waited for him to come out, too, and then continued. "Back upstairs we go. Do you think you can handle replacing the piston yourself?" she asked. "I need to make a nasty-gram call to the Station engineer we launched from, and let the Command team know," she sighed. While she knew that things happened, she felt responsible. She should've kept a closer eye on things.

"I believe so," Pharos assured. "The access might be a little tricky, but the mechanics aren't worrying." He held up the PADD for a moment. "I can make the TRAP proposal and design made available to you to share with whomever is required."

She nodded as they left the Core room, and headed back to Main Engineering. "Excellent. As soon as that is done, we'll get you approval," she said. "Let's get some parts replicated, and you can finish down here, and I will make that call, and check in with the others," she said. "Anything else I should know?" She said, stepping into the turbolift.

"No sir. Ma'am." The lieutenant turned his focus to the PADD as he typed at it for a few moments. "Access unlocked for the proposal and design. However, if you or anyone else feels something should be added or changed, now would be the time to incorporate the change before any physical work is begun."

Paisley nodded. "Maybe also talk to Ops. At this time, I have nothing further to add," she said. "Good luck down there," she said. "I will override the lock code from up here," she said, looking at her office. She hated that part of the job. She much preferred to be combat-crawling through the walls. "I will have Sar beam down the parts; the mechanical replicator is slow for some reason. All of us have tried to make it work faster," she said. "Thanks." Finally, she sent a quick note to Sar, asking the young Vulcan to replicate the needed parts, beam to the main Core room, and then settled in to make a call.


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