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Exploring Campor City - Part II

Posted on Thu Dec 14th, 2023 @ 3:40pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Edited on on Thu Dec 14th, 2023 @ 3:40pm

2,022 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Campor III - Campor City
Timeline: Following Part I, Throwback to MD C14

=/\= On =/\=

Ryhl looked to Johanna, but was curious about each officer's opinion. "If it were up to me, I'd bring them all back as specimens for the lab", Ryhl said quietly, hoping the Tellarite couldn't hear at this distance. "Of course, that would be risky". The Captain laughed at the thought, knowing he shouldn't.

"Interesting," began Johanna. "Perhaps if we find one with unusual properties and/or abilities."

Ryhl grinned for a moment as he turned to Johanna. "I know what you mean.. It doesn't hurt to at least have a look."

A scaly creature that sat soaking in a small bowl of water peeked up from its edge, large eyes blinking as they studied the approaching officers.

Feeva, too, noticed the lizard-type creature. "Hello," she said to it. Interesting mix of fauna-she didn't recognize any of them. Her husband had been fond of Earth critters, particularly cats, and it had been the one THING between them. Carefully, she approached the shopkeeper. "Pardon, what's that one called?" She asked, pointing to her new lizard acquaintance.

"They call it a maple-back skitter", said the Tellarite. As they looked closer, they saw the creature's shape differed from an Earth frog or toad, but seemed similar. It had longer legs than either, with the smooth slimy scales of a snake and the bumps of a toad. Its eyes were extremely large and expressive. It nervously peered up at Feeva before spinning around in a circle. It leaned closer, as if studying the counselor.

Feeva chuckled. "There ya go, Commander Lyngstad. That's how you learn the names of local flora and fauna. Don't be afraid-they, so far, appear friendly," she said.

Rachel eyed the creature and while it was cute, she never trusted any creature she couldn't identify by heart. Growing up she only had dogs and horses which one could usually trust with ease. Here however anything could be a danger. "Is it poisonous?" She asked, interjecting and adding to the questions at the same time.

The creature chirped as Rachel began to speak. The high pitched squeak pierced the air like a melodic whistle. It reared up, lifting its front legs slightly and pawing towards the officers. "Skitters are completely safe, peaceful creatures. We use them to control our water pest population here." The shopkeeper looked over gathered creatures. "Many of these little wonders play a role in our community. Some act as living alarms in our homes. Others protect homes or livestock. Some are companions used for emotional support. But all are important here."

Ryhl studied the horned, furry creature. Long golden-tan hair covered the footlong body, making it appear as a horned patch of cream fur. It chattered as it ran towards the Captain. Ryhl reached in cautiously. The creature squawked and angled its horn towards the approaching cerulean hand. "Yowch", Ryhl yipped as he pulled away. "You could have warned me about the hair worm."

"That's no worm Captain, don't be silly", said the Tellarite as he reached in to pet the creature. It ran towards his hand and cowered under it, squawking as it looked up towards Ryhl. "These little wonders are more intelligent than one might think. They are native to Campor III and are called Pav'vog."

"Such an interesting being", Ryhl replied while studying the squat creature. "It does seem to like you." Ryhl turned to his crew. "Maybe we should return here later." He could sense Feeva's hesitation. "I would like your thoughts on establishing an ecosystem study.. Either in the arboretum or maybe Ops can work something up on one of the cargo decks. Thoughts? Concerns?"

"That would be interesting," she said. "The children would learn much," she commented. "If you decide to do it. Mine's been bothering me for a pet, anyway. I explained we'd need permission, and that it doesn't just come from a replicator," she said.

"Bringing wildlife aboard the ship is not something I would take lightly.. It sounds like you feel the same way about bringing a pet back to your home." Ryhl's eyelids lifted happily.

Feeva nodded. "I do," she said. "Leena understands that it's a case closed topic for now. If we return to a Space Station, I might think differently," she said. Things had to be done differently when you were a parent-your own whims and fancies had to be weighed carefully, and you couldn't give in to every single one of your child's wishes. Feeva continued. "I think a more scientific study would be useful. As I mentioned, the children would enjoy it, and so would the science department. I would enjoy it," she said. "Certainly, that wouldn't happen for a while, I understand." She added.

"That would definitely be the best approach", Ryhl said as he studied horned creature. It spun in circles before prancing within the small space. "A scan from the Columbia's sensors could even tell us a lot about their habitats.. If they're local at least."

Rachel eyed the creature for a moment before holding out a hand in offering for it to smell, or whatever it was they did. "I'm sure we could set something up, although we'd need to make sure we could control the population." Tribbles came to mind, however these creatures were much quicker and could fit into more nooks and crannies.

It cautiously looked up at Rachel, more prepared for her hand's offering than the Captain's surprise. It slowly took a few steps closer and lifted its head towards her. Other creatures ran around excitedly at the increased attention.

"Maybe I am rushing into this", he said with a grunting laugh. "What do you think, Miss Lyngstad?"

Johanna looked at the skitter and the Pav'vog. "Both are definitely worth studying. I think we should take both back to the ship. Once we find out what they eat, of course."

"Their diets are influenced by their habitat", replied the Tellarite. The skitter favors insects and aquatic creatures. Pav'vog feed off roots and vegetables... Grasses."

Ryhl's antennae twisted inwards towards each other in thought. "Maybe they might not be best for the arboretum.. I wouldn't want them getting into the crops." The Captain thought of his own flowers and plants, suddenly feeling the need to protect them from hungry Pav'vog. "Let's make a note of this place. We'll circle back." Ryhl looked to the Tellarite. "Thank you for sharing your finds. We'll return."

"Please do. Welcome again.. To the Gosbene Markets." The Tellarite bowed and closed his eyes.

Ryhl turned to the others. "Let's head deeper into the alley. We can't afford to have our hands full just yet." Ryhl and the others moved past varying stalls. As the path continued, side allies with more stalls were revealed. The group turned left into a crowded alley, making their way through a tight group of diverse aliens.

"Watch your step, hoo-mans", griped a well-dressed Ferengi. He looked towards the approaching officers defensively, eventually stepping out of their way.

"We did not mean to force you out of the way", Ryhl said apologetically. "Please excuse us. We're visitors from the USS Columbia, we're looking for unique souvenirs and gifts." Ryhl wanted to downplay their mission in the hopes that the Ferengi might point them in an interesting direction.

"Well if you needed a guide, why didn't you just say so?" The Ferengi looked from Captain th'Zeles to the others. "What are you all in the market for anyway?"

Feeva eyeballed the Ferengi man with a bit of suspicion. "A bit of refreshment might be nice," she replied. "Local delicacies would be lovely," she said. "Anyone care to come with me?" She asked, pointedly. "Captain?"

"Certainly! I'm up for a quick bite". Ryhl took a step closer to Feeva as the Ferengi followed closely. His expressive eyes shot a wary look towards Feeva once the Captain's back was turned. As Ryhl looked back in his direction the Ferengi smiled.

"The name is Nez.. Trader, Traveler.. Former Marine."

"Well that's unlikely", Ryhl said in disbelief.

Nez raised the back of his right hand, showing a well worn tattoo of the SFMC's green Globe and Anchor. "That's not something I would lie about, Captain." The challenging look in his eye forced Ryhl to accept.

"Apologies.. Forgive our mistrust." Ryhl spoke as the group began walking deeper into the market.

"The best food is in the market's center", Nez said. "It's a little bit of a walk, but it's worth it." Vendors continued to call to the officers as they walked through another tightly packed section.

Johanna followed the Ferengi Marine through the crowded stalls, ever mindful to check her possessions periodically. Areas like this were well-known for pickpockets. She didn't know Ferengis had Marines. She was anxious to get to the center and try some of the local foods. Swedish culture was heavy on fish.

Feeva listened as the man led them away. Was this a good idea?! She didn't know yet. She remained acutely aware to danger. "I see. Marketplaces usually have the best food, for sure," she said. Plus, it would give them some time to talk amongst themselves and the townspeople.

As they continued, a small group of Fernegi children took note and made their way over, curious. Rachel kept an eye on the ones that seemed to be the oldest and also felt a pair of vibrations from her tricorder, indicating detection but nothing serious, yet. She'd check when they had a moment but for now was more concerned with their defensive posture, especially with the captain there. She appreciated and understood why he was with them but it didn't make her feel any better. She did however notice the goods and items offered as they went in further certainly were of better quality. One thing did come to mind however with this newly found guide, the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife. Former Star Fleet Marine or not, he was still a Ferengi.

Ryhl was less worried about the Ferengi, having dealt with many devious aliens in his time. Captain th'Zeles hated the idea that a Captain should be surrounded by a glass container. Starfleet may have wanted him to minimize his exposure to risk because of what they had invested in him. Ryhl was more concerned with getting control of the situation. Several teams led by Commander Chalan and the senior officers had uncovered a web of events unfolding across the surface of Campor III.

Ryhl might have been disappointed to know that Rachel withheld inform, as he had asked her to share information. He valued her input and would have wanted her to share.

"Hey buddy, Scram!" Nez grunted towards the oldest member of the group. "There's nothing to see here." The Gosbene Markets were in a mixed settlement heavily traveled by Federation members. Andorians were a common sight, as were many of Starfleet's races. Most citizens here came looking for a better life. Nefarious elements were also present.

"You ssay there is nothing to ssee" the oldest, about 13, replied "but yet these Federation clowns are here, they help everyone, or so they say. And they have not helped usss. So why should we not enjoy the show?" He brought his hands up in front of him as if to almost shrug. His friends and most of the younger Ferengi children laughed in kind.

Ryhl studied the kids as they laughed, mind focused more on the safety of the colony than a few individuals. "Our mission has been helping Ferengi less fortunate than those surrounded by the splendor of Campor City. The food and water aren't even safe there. Consider yourselves lucky."The Captain noticed someone in the distance quickly packing goods from his table into large cargo containers. He noticed the long shape of a phaser rifle wrapped in cloth. "That stall there", Ryhl said and pointed to the others, noticing the group still seemed to be eyeing them. "Food will have to wait."


Captain Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Rachel Soros
Chief Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant JG Feeva Drylo
USS Columbia


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