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Spooky Shenanigans at Ye Olde Castle, Part 2

Posted on Sun Dec 10th, 2023 @ 7:37pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Ensign Dramin & Ensign Sar
Edited on on Sun Dec 10th, 2023 @ 8:44pm

1,542 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission Zeta: An Eerie Evening
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: Halloween 2396, 1948 hours, After Part 1

"Indeed", he said as the creature moved along. They stopped further away from the castle and closer to the entrance. "Perhaps it is time to open the castle."

She nodded. "Good idea. Let's do that," she said, and moved into the door of the holosuite to begin the program.

Paisley came in next, dressed in her costume. She was a "Viking Shield Maiden" to Jason's Ragnor. From what she knew of the ancient Earth culture, they were warriors and the Shield Maidens were tough, bad-ass women. She liked that. She had wanted to just wear something that was, truthfully, nearly indistinguishable from lingerie and some kind of animal ears. She supposed this was more appropriate.

The Chief Engineer approached Sar and Sarah as she made her way down the path. He called out to her. "Greetings Commander." He lifted his sack of candy. "Welcome to our gathering. We worked hard to put this together for everyone."

"Neat! Did Sarah explain to you about Halloween?" she asked. She smiled. He and Sarah were cute together, and she wished them happiness. She was waiting for Jason-he had a call, and things had been WILD for Engineering that day. She looked around, taking in the sights. It was cool. Paisley had spent a few years living on Earth, in America, and Halloween had been one of those ancient traditions she was glad they'd kept.

"She has. The holiday originated from the ancient celebration known as Samhain. It now presents an opportunity to confront that which can normally be seen as frightening. The holiday also allows people to bond over snack items and storytelling. In that spirit, I have prepared a special candy blended with moonberry fruit and synthahol. You are welcome to try some", he said as he opened his silken sack.

The woman laughed. "Indeed," she said. "Thank you!" She took a bit of the candy. "The children will enjoy this, too." She said.

"This candy includes a Synthahol blend and is only for adults", he cautioned.

She just nodded. "Oh, yes, good point!" There was a reason she had no children, after all.

A figure filled the doorway, backlit by the holodeck lighting. He walked forward his boots barely making any sounds, he walked in the general direction of Paisley he stopped behind her placing his hand on her hip and whispering "Hello beautiful."

Paisley smiled. "Heyyy," she said, turning away from Sar and Sarah, and straight into Jason's arms.

Jason wrapped his arms around her, "This place looks great!, so do you."

She giggled. "Not as good as you," she said. "Wanna get a drink?" She asked him.

"Let's grab one," he said taking her hand "Shall we?"

"Ok!!" She pulled him towards the bar setup at the "entrance" to the Castle. She got herself a whiskey over ice to sip on throughout the evening. "Where should we start? Haunted castle, hay rides, or should we just duck out after a few minutes and make our own fun?" She asked.

The whole moment was tempting, "Let's make some appearances and then sneak away."

Paisley raised an eyebrow, and then smiled slyly. "Sounds good. Lead the way," she said, taking her drink with her. She had gotten a rye on the rocks. Normally, she was a wine girl but tonight called for something more.

Taking his drink, Jason led the way into the castle, he'd become lost in this moment like many others with her, it felt dangerous and exciting. He took her hand leading Paisley up some stairs, pausing as he stopped to look deep into her eyes "I don't want this to end..." kissing her.

Paisley followed him after he took her hand. She stopped when he did, and then smiled. She kissed him back, passionately. "Me, too," she said. She kissed him again.

Breaking the embrace "Let's get out of here, I want you to myself." Paisley took his hand and led him out of the castle, heading for the turbolifts. If anyone asked, they had at least put in an appearance, and she was pretty sure that whatever chaos today had, there'd be plenty of clean up for her to do tomorrow.

Jason took her hand and followed, there was just enough going on he wasn't going to be missed, he gave a quick look back they exited, the crowds were excited with the festivities, Jason chased after Paisley, their night's plans were different.

Sar nodded an acknowledgment to the couple, he got Sarah's attention. They moved towards the castle, through the light of the full moon.

Dramin moved on swiftly, cheeks burning with embarrassment, trying hard to ignore the people around him for the time being. As if standing out like a sore thumb with his rangy figure wasn't enough.

Lissa strolled in, as Little Red Riding Hood. She had on a white blouse, topped with a black bustier, a flowing skirt, over black leggings, actual riding boots, and of course a red-hooded cloak. She scanned the room for Sarah and Sar, but didn't see either, so she approached Dr. McEntyre instead, who had apparently been hitting it off with the science officer she had introduced him to.

"Hey guys," she said as she approached the two. "Nice costumes. Have you been here long?" She asked J.R. and Kevin.

Kevin hooked his arm inside of J.R.'s and leaned against him slightly. "No, we just got here. J.R. wanted to hand out candy at the children's event. And then there was the kids dance party." Kevin had a big smile on his face. "I don't think I've acted so silly since... well I'm not even sure I even let loose like that when I was a child to be honest."

J.R purred, tilting his head to rest against the top of Kevin's.

"I bet you were quite the silly kid. I know My Sister and I were quite rambunctious...or maybe that was just me. Anna was always kinda...hyper though," J.R said in thought before looking at Lissa with a smile.

"Will you be at the dance party later?" he asked Lissa

"There's a dance party later?" Lissa asked her face showing interest. "Is it here or somewhere else? I feel like I am missing out on all the news. So not like me," she pouted.

"It's down at the end of the trail. We're goin to be handin out candy there as well." J.R. replies, holding out the candy bucket. "Kit Kat?"

"More candy?" Lissa shook her head. "We've been giving it out all day. I don't care if I never see candy again," she said dramatically.

Sar climbed up the staircase, approaching the large double doors. A heavy iron bolt hung chained to bind the door. Sar effortlessly removed the thick chains and lifted the massive chunk of metal. It creaked and groaned until it snapped into place. His hand reached between them to spread them apart. A large main room was revealed, glowing with ultraviolet color and neon lights. To Ryhl's alien vision, the blacklights looked even more otherworldly. Closed doors seemed to lead deeper into the castle. A well stocked bar was staffed by a cast of creepy barkeeps. Ghoulish servers stood ready to attend to large tables. Haunted phantasms floated throughout the space, forming a spiral of spirits that rose towards a candelabra hanging from the ceiling.

Sar waited for Sarah to join him, standing side by side as he announced, "The Castle is open!" He lifted his arm before leaning closer to Sarah and speaking more quietly. "Are you enjoying the event, my setting star?" As the effects of his first moonberry candies began to settle, Sar began to feel the soothing sensations. It distracted him from his calculations and once again focused his attention on Sarah.

Sarah was right behind Sar as they set up the holo-program. Sar made a show of "opening" the Castle, and she smiled. "Mmmmhmm, I am. It's always fun to dress up and spend time with people you like," she said, taking his hand, and giving it a squeeze.

Sar gently held her hand, squeezing it back as she felt her gentle grasp. "I can understand how one could feel this way. Spending time with you in this environment is most stimulating."

"Let's get a drink and go through the haunted castle!" She exclaimed. "I'll definitely need you to hold my hand through this," she said. "I don't like dark, cramped places much." She led him towards the bar. A single drink or two wouldn't hurt-she wasn't much of a drinker but it was a holiday, and seemed appropriate.

>> to Part Three

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Paisley F'Rar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.R. McEntyre M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Rachel Soros
Chief Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Feeva Drylo
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Dramin
JAG Officer
USS Columbia


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