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Ferengi Part 3: Rebuilding the Water Tower

Posted on Wed Dec 27th, 2023 @ 11:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Ensign Sar

1,749 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Campor III Ferengi Settlement
Timeline: MD: C19, After Part 2

Meanwhile Rachel had taken some time to set up a series of scanners above ground along the route from where the tower was and down the way to check the pipes where it fed into the main supply system. In addition, she had requested help from Naltar in setting up the relay nodes and additional scanners all the way up to the treatment facility. Granted the ship was able to scan from orbit but she wanted more detailed scans of the system overall to check for serious damage or blockages. It was vital that the water get to everyone unencumbered considering as far as she knew, they planned on deploying any cures through it. She stared at her control panel to check the interlinks as the Cardassian came up behind her, sweating.

"Well this isn't my typical focus on power systems but I'm happy to help, you needed an engineer and most everyone else is indisposed taking a look at the tower. And it gives us some time together" he replied. "Are there any more nodes I need to check or is everything coming up?" He wiped the seat from his brow and grabbed a water bottle before taking a swig and offering some to the Ops Chief. She obliged.

"Well, it looks like everything is powering up so we'll give it a few minutes and I'll start the detailed scans after. I appreciate all the help." Considering most of her own team was assigned to other tasks back on the ship, everyone was short handed. She tapped her comm badge to notify all the rest of the senior staff on the ground "Soros here, we'll be starting the detailed infrastructure scan shortly. If any of you find anything you want a more extensive scan of, let me know. Soros out. "

Sar had rebooted the panel. A flashing readout showed it was in standby mode. "If I may add my opinion on the control panel. I feel rerouting the entire control network to an internal position would be a complex operation. A more simple idea may be to improve the tower's security system. Perhaps the Ferengi can be convinced of the importance of keeping this location secure."

Paisley nodded. "Noted, Ensign. Thank you. I agree; they're intelligent enough to understand that keeping it secure is important. We'll present it to them in language they'll appreciate." If you presented it as an "investment" with a return in the future (ie, not having to spend MORE labor later), she suspected they'd "get it."

Vashir slid down the side of the water tower's reservoir and landed on the platform. "If we're just rebooting the Ferengi's old design, then i don't know why the science department is here." Vashir shrugged. "We can't use our filtration design if the controls aren't more easily accessible." Vashir started her descent down the ladder to rejoin Commander Lyngstad on the ground.

Sar looked back to the tricorder's readings. He wasn't sure if the scientist knew how complex rerouting the system would be from an engineer's point of view, but decided against debating her. He turned back to the flashing readout, pressing a touchpad to open up further readouts.

"We could keep the controls accessible, but then set up a system so they could be monitored remotely. That is, if you are worried about the water being sabotaged again." Johanna hoped that this would answer Vashir's question.

Paisley leaned over the railing to chat with Johanna. "You getting anything?" She asked. "I think that Vashir and I have worked out the issue at hand. We need to get some supplies, and I'll need a bit more of my team out here for extra hands. Sar is excellent, but he's just one person," she said. "After your scans, I say we head back Shipside and present things to Ryhl and Chalan," she said.

"All right. Let me just take some readings." Johanna activated her tricorder. She showed the readings to Paisley. "See for yourself."

Paisley landed on the ground next to Johanna, pulling her tunic back on. "Let's see..." She looked at the woman's tricorder. "I am no scientist, but from what I remember from science classes in school, it looks like it's still harboring a small viral load-a few thousand parts per million," Paisley said. "I'll get back in there with a filter. Let me radio over to Turner and see what he can do; may also need to get one of the docs out here. We should let the Captain and Commander Chalan know," she said. "Alright, people, pack up." She sighed. Work wasn't over yet, but they needed more hands and more supplies. "We might need a second team at the main water source-upstream. Could you spare Ensign bet Ira and I'll assign her to Turner, plus we'll get one of the security folks out here?"

"Ok, sounds good," Johanna responded. A few thousand parts per million was of course too high. "We will have to have someone checking this on a regular basis, at least twice a day. They can adjust the radiation, depending on the viral load."

Paisley nodded, and turned back around. "Change of plans. I am going to radio over to Turner to beam over the filter supplies, including a size 22cc pump. I'll have an extra person head upstream to install it, and I'll head back inside to check everything out. Please keep watch on the external pumps," she said.

She tapped her Comms badge. =/\=F'Rar to Turner. Beam over one extra personnel-perhaps Mr. Shan-and a biochemical filter system. Size 22cc Standard. I think Dilithium will work fine for this application, but maybe make the filter out of crystalline.=/\= She paused while her assistant confirmed, and then nodded once. She turned to Johanna and the others.

Sar climbed down, carefully stepping onto the ground and approaching the group.

"Alright, Ens. Shan and a filtering system should be arriving shortly. I'll have him head upstream to install it with you, Sar, and I'll stay here. Lt. Soros, can you oversee that, please?" The Carjoran asked the Ops officer. "It's a pretty basic filtering system but if you need any input, radio back to me. I have seen the Ensign's work, though, and I am confident he can do it," she said. She pulled her tunic back off, put her comms badge in her pocket this time, and made her way back to the ladder.

Almost a minute later Kendri's voice responded back over the communicator. =/\= Commander F'Rar, Officer Turner picked up likely life forms in the area of the filtration system, though we are having trouble getting a read on what the lifeforms are. Something is interfering with our readings. We could send our marines over to scout the area. =/\=

Paisley sighed, but replied. =/\=Crap. Yes, that's probably a good idea. Alright, I'll have the others stand by for a bit first. Thanks.=/\= She looked at the three. "Guess not. Have a seat, replicate yourselves some coffee, and a nap, I guess," she said. What was going ON here?!

"I will head over and meet security, to see what is up. Sar, you're going to have to go in and check the pumps, most likely, so get ready to get wet," she said. "Beaming out shortly," she said, and prepared herself with her kit and phaser to meet the security team.

Sar started to speak, but another stepped forward first. He looked to Zeke, setting his down satchel at his feet.

Lieutenant Ligan stepped forward adjusting the items on his utility belt, "Commander, if there is a security risk, I don't recommend going alone. Permission to join you."

Paisley nodded. "That's probably a good idea. Thank you. Prepare to beam out in five minutes," she said. That would give her enough time to use the restroom and coordinate with Lyngstad.

"Yes ma'am," Ligan responded.

"Repairing the pumps should be fairly straightforward. I reviewed the diagram on the display and believe I have the necessary tools for the task." Sar was used to working on engines as a propulsion specialist, but was a versatile engineer. "I shall begin immediately." He lifted his bag and climbed, this time towards the opening Paisley had inspected. The metallic rungs clanged faintly with each step.

A few minutes later Paisley returned and the two were beamed to a sight near the water filtration plant.

Ensign th'Kaasnik approached the Chief Operations officer. "Is there anything I can do for you while we wait?"

=/\= Commander Kendri to Lieutenant Commander Lyngstad, do you copy? =/\=

=/\=This is Lyngstad, go ahead.=/\=

Kendri spoke again, =/\= F'Rar called in a security threat nearby. We've deployed Marines. I'd like you and Soros to gather the team for an emergency beam out. =/\=

=/\=Copy that.=/\= =/\=Commander Lyngstad to the team. There is a security threat, Everyone report back to the rendevous point for an emergency beam out. Acknowledge and get here as fast as you can.=/\=

Shan heard the comm and turned to see the Chief Science Officer. It was a short jog to her position, so he gathered up his things and made his way. "Commander, any idea what is going on?" he asked as he approached.

"No idea, Ensign. When there is a security threat called, I generally don't ask questions."

Sar climbed out of the tower, peeking his head from an opening to observe for a moment. Carefully, he turned to climb down with agility. He approached Shan and Johanna, bag of tools slung over his shoulder. "The tower's internals are secure." Lieutenant Rachel Soros joined them. The Vulcan scanned the horizon, turning to check behind them.

"Excellent to know, Ensign. Is that everybody?"

Rachel gave a nod, making note of Naltar next to her as well as a few enlisted that had been with her team "Everyone's here that I've seen." She was antsy to get out of there and back to the ship. The scans were running and would transmit the data back to the ship. She didn't want to risk meeting whatever was coming their way.

Johanna activated her communicator. "This is Commander Lyngstad with the landing party. We need an emergency beam out pronto."

=/\= Commander Lyngstad, this is Transporter Room 3. We have a lock on your party. Beaming you out now. =/\=

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Paisley F'Rar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Rachel Soros
Chief Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Engineering Officer
USS Columbia


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