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Outside Influences

Posted on Tue Dec 12th, 2023 @ 8:21am by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Lieutenant JG Mario Pranjić

2,116 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 1, Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD C18, 0945 hours

=/\= On =/\=

Jason had asked to speak with the captain at his first opportunity, the time had come and there was much to be said and doing so would jeopardize his career but the time had past, other lives were now at risk, and so were relationships. He also knew that this discussion would end him in starfleet at the least he'd be sent packing off the ship, the blow-up with Paisley the night before had the whole matter playing on his mind even more, his back was against the wall, and time was running out.

After being summoned to enter Jason did something he needed to do, "Captain, someone within intelligence is making efforts to interfere with our current mission, and their doing so by making direct and indirect threats against me."

"Threats?! We won't stand for that." Ryhl stood and quickly approached Jason. He could see the anxiety on Jason's features. "I wonder what they'd have against this mission. That's worth investigating in and of itself. But tell me. Who is saying exactly what to you?"

Jason pulled out a pad from his pocket, "All of the reports I've been filing with intelligence using the normal filing process have been intentionally delayed or removed from the system, when I filed duplicate reports with a private codex to intelligence operations directly they have been received, plus the JAG officer who refused to prosecute the senior officers from the Blackburn who were arrested when they fired on the Romulan civilians is now threatening legal action against me for and unlawful arrest of starfleet officers if I don't find a so far non-existent Romulan connection too the matters taking place on the planet below."

"On the pad is the com logs, Admiral Savok Judge Advocate General Vulcan sector, the yesterday Fleet Captain Garret same sector intelligence and Commodore Stevens have both demanded updates they're not entitled too as it isn't their sector, Captain Garret was very open about her opposition too allowing the Romulans cross the neutral zone." Jason paused fighting a yawn "All of the communications are logged here, simply because I cannot trust my non-commissioned staff, I've found altered records, and information that should not have been open knowledge has been in conversation in an attempt to intimidate me."

Passing over another pad Jason continued, "I discovered this while I was on duty today, it's an amended ship deployment, USS Wilson has been redeployed to Teneb and has three Hazard and commando teams aboard now along with the complement of Marines already aboard the excalibur class ship." Jason finished with emphasis on the ship class.

Ryhl took and studied the material from Jason as he listened, looking up to him with a quizzical look. "Here's the first thing I'm going to say. They don't have any right to make any demands from you. I frankly don't care if the person coming to you is a Vice Admiral or Fleet Admiral Bremer himself. Be sure to tell them to speak to your commanding officer before trying to pull their typical gray shirt bullshit. My own brother Thov tries to do this to me all the time. I told him that he's not my personal flag officer who gets to send me where he wants to."

"This ship is not mine, nor Thov's. It is Starfleet's. And I don't like hearing that our own forces seem to be working against us. Keep tabs on your NCOs for now. See who they may be contacting or what they're up to. They won't be staying for long. If we can't trust the intel staff you were sent, I'll be forced to reach out to my brother for a more capable crew." His eyes cut deep into Jason's. He knew Lieutenant Elliot thought of the department as his baby. Ryhl made it clear he would not hesitate to make an impact on the department if things weren't working smoothly. There was a steely resolve in his mannerisms as he pondered the situation.

Ryhl looked up from the reports. "I understand how uncomfortable it must be for you. Commander Chalan and I only want what's best for you and to accomplish the mission." The location of the USS Wilson stuck out to the Andorian. "It does sound like we need to be wary of the Wilson." Teneb was one of the closest planets to Campor III. "It sounds like they're waiting for a moment to launch an operation on the colony. The question is what they might be after."

Thoughts of the Romulans also lingered in his mind. "Commander Chalan and I have been told of ongoing sabotage within the Romulan settlements over the past few months. It does sound like an inside job. There may in fact be a negative element within the Romulan camp."

Ryhl lifted the PADD to review the data once more, hoping to reveal something hidden within. "I also personally believe that the events within the Klingon and Ferengi camps are also inside jobs, even if the Klingons are too proud to admit it. Having said that, I pose this question. Why does it sound like your contacts in Starfleet Intelligence are a negative Federation element?" He looked up from the data as if startled by the thought.

Jason looked up, "Intel has nothing to do with this, it's all political and fueled by by a disgraced JAG head who was made to look like the bad guy when he refused to prosecute officers who refused to follow a lawful order, when I spoke directly to Commodore Wallace a few days ago he warned me that certain cliques within starfleet were looking for a reason too roust all of the Romulan refugees."

Ryhl nodded on Jason's mention of Intel, but shrugged soon afterwards. "The first thing you told me was that somebody within Intelligence was working against the mission that this ship has been handed down from Starfleet Command. You also mentioned that you cannot trust your own NCOs. Forgive me for keeping my guard up. In any case, one key is to focus on potential goals of their operations."

"I wouldn't be surprised if the Wilson has elements or contacts on Campor's surface. They can't just round up the Romulans though." Ryhl set the tablet on the desk, planning to give it an in-depth review later. "The good thing is that we are working with them, we have statements from two of their officials. They are currently involved in a joint investigation. Our only hope is that any rogue Romulan elements can be identified."

"I'm sure you know that's easier said than done." Ryhl motioned for Jason to follow him towards a replicator at the side of the large ready room. Not only was there a chair, but there was a small leather couch facing the Captain's desk. "I would head to Teneb and search for the Wilson, but exposing classified positions is not proper protocol. I want to thank you for sharing. Not only do I have your back, but so do the officers in your chain of command. It starts with Commander Chalan and myself up to Vice Admiral T'Slaak. Commodore Wallace is important and I'm glad to hear you can still trust him." He ordered a katheka drink, heavily caffeinated, and took it quickly into his grasp.

"I know this situation has been worrying you. I just want to thank you for sharing. I am grateful that you can trust me with this news." He sipped from the mug, nodding towards the replicator in an invitation to Jason.

Jason grabbed the mug, looking up he spoke again "If things go sideways captain I'm expendable, I'd rather know that the rest of the crew are safe than be the reason that people are getting hurt." knowing the captain would object he continued "Since this mission began we've had eyes on us, many wanting it to fail to justify the centuries of hate to be justified I can't let it continue, if the quadrant is going to survive in this new era it needs to start here, and that means the hate has to end."

"Well said." A weak smile formed on Ryhl's features as he contemplated Jason's words. "Some seem to only want to fight based on the past. There are some people who are stuck over a hundred years ago, the the 2260s. Many of these colonists came here seemingly to escape the politics as usual back on their homeworlds. Despite that, the old guard seems to remain.. Dredging up feelings of the past from some sides."

Ryhl patted Jason on the back. "There's one thing I disagree with. You're not expendable. The Columbia needs you, as do I. We'll get through this. Not only do I have your back, but so does Commander Chalan and your crewmates. We'll keep an eye on you."

Jason sat up not completely reassured, "There's one other thing." Jason tapped his combadge "Come on in Raven"

Mario stood at the entry a mechanics' rag covering an item, "Sir this is Lieutenant Mario Pranjic he's the flight leader of our recon fighters, his ground crew found something disturbing when they were doing a preflight for a training mission this morning."

Mario set down the rag flipping it over revealing a part, "Sir this is a throttle position module for the Gryphon recon fighter, this one particular was improperly installed in a fighter, and before you ask this one was not the one installed when the fighter in question was in for scheduled overhaul three months ago, this one is defective and should have been destroyed, also... it's not from a part supply from this sector, we're certain that someone attempted to disable the fighters." Pausing to keep his train of thought, "Fortunately the improper install triggered a safety cut off during a preflight inspection, fortunately this was only a training exercise that wasn't open known to anyone outside of my ground crews and Flight control."

"That's pretty worrying. At this point we can't leave our fighters or shuttles unguarded. We should be able to check logs to see exactly who has had access to the fighter bay." Ryhl took a step closer to Mario as he shifted his weight. Movements of officers were tracked by their comm badge. Of course one could enter without their badge, but it's likely that unauthorized visitors would trip alarms. It was more likely that someone sabotaged the systems while on duty. At least that's how Ryhl thought as he scratched his chin.

"I'll have security step up their monitoring, by try to keep it covert. At this point, we can't be sure they won't try to sabotage the Columbia itself. I'm going to speak to Commander Tomm about the security logs. Thank you both for your time and reporting", Ryhl said as he looked from officer to officer. "I want you to keep an eye on your department and your equipment. We'll have to set a snare, draw them out and catch them in the act. I'm open to ideas."

Mario decided to test the waters, "If we want things to settle down we should go after the smugglers directly, even one might flush out who ever is suppling the weapons, plus it might also flush out our rat." he finished with emphasis.

"It sounds likely that we'll work on such a course. If we go in, we're going in with force. This is going to take a great deal of planning. The first step is gathering information. We've got the Romulans and Klingons keeping an eye on their equipment and infrastructure. If anyone tries something, they'll likely be caught. Campor City Security Forces are stepping up their own investigation of local traders. At this point, the traps are set. We'll see where the information takes us."

Ryhl looked to Jason. "Until then, prepare your team for a potential movement. Some of you may accompany the interdiction team if we get a target." His gaze shifted to Mario. "I want the Recon fighters ready as well. If we put a lot of people on the ground, we'll want support in the air. Any final questions?"

Mario and Jason looked at each other as if they were on the same train of thought, Jason spoke "We'll have a plan of three ready."

"I look forward to reviewing it. Ensure that it's fluid and ready to integrate with other teams. Okay, thanks for this important update. Keep me updated. Dismissed." Ryhl offered a smile and a curt nod.


Captain Ryhl th'Zeles 
Commanding Officer 
USS Columbia 

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer 
USS Columbia 

Lieutenant JG Mario Pranjić
Fighter Pilot
USS Columbia


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