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Coming Onboard

Posted on Mon Nov 6th, 2023 @ 10:09pm by Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II

1,103 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: USS Bonaventure/USS Columbia
Timeline: MD1, 0700 hrs


Jorel put some commands into his console in the cockpit of the Yellowstone Class Runabout USS Bonaventure. Jorel didn't feel like being paraded around in a lap of luxury like several of the diplomats that he had the pleasure of working with on Starbase One. Thus, Jorel borrowed one of the Runabouts that the Starbase had to head over to his new posting onboard the USS Columbia.

Jorel was excited to be posted onboard the USS Columbia, as it was an Odyssey Class Starship with several new amenities, such as bigger diplomatic spaces that he could use whenever a function was being hosted onboard. Jorel had looked over the specifications before he left the Starbase and was just overall excited to see what adventures awaited him once he got onboard.

After putting in the final commands onto the console in front of him, Jorel waited for a moment before getting up from his seat and heading into the back section of the Runabout. Once he walked through the doors to the back section, Jorel saw that his PADDs were left right where he had left them.

Jorel had been reading up on several of the happenings around the Columbia and their recent adventures on the outskirts of the quadrant. The crew of the Columbia was set on course to help with a resupply mission to Campor III, which appeared to need some help with various components for their colony.

This meant that Jorel's mission when he first came onboard would be a rather easy one, he was hoping. Jorel knew that he could be useful in helping to make sure the supplies that were needed down on the colony got down safely, that the people of the colony were being treated properly, and that everything that the Federation had envisioned for the colony was being taken care of.

A beep from the computer console in the back section made Jorel snap back into reality after he was going over everything in his head. He got up from his chair and walked over to computer console to see what was causing the alarm.

The good news was that it was something rather simple, but a good surprise for Jorel. His mother, Emory, had written him a letter congratulating him on his promotion and move to a new ship. She invited him over for a meal whenever the ship was anywhere near the Trill homeworld and said that his new ship and crew were invited over for a meal as well. Putting the letter away with a marker to remind Jorel to respond to it once he had a few more free moments.

Jorel got up from the computer console and walked over to the replicator and said, "Coffee, Jamaican blend. Double strong, double sweet, please." Jorel knew that the computer was sentient, but not in the one that would appreciate a please or thank you. But, Jorel had grown up watching old Earth movies called "Terminator" and told himself from that day onward, he would always try to say please and thank you to the computer, even if nothing ever came from it.

Once the drink appeared and the replicator finished swirling, Jorel picked up the coffee and headed back up to the cockpit for a few moments, looking over the course, current direction, and current speed. He saw that he had enough time to take a nap before the ship made it to the Columbia. So, Jorel headed back to the back and told the computer to lower the lights in the back section to make it where he could take his nap.

A few hours passed and Jorel woke up to the beeping of the computer. Jorel tapped his combadge and said, "What's the matter? Are we under attack or something?"

The computer replied, "Negative. You directed me to tell you once we dropped out of warp and we were within five minutes of our arrival to the USS Columbia."

Shaking his head and trying to shake off the sleepiness that was still in his eyes, Jorel got up out of his little bed in the back and made his way up to the Cockpit. The ship definitely had dropped out out of warp and was coming up behind the beautiful Odyssey Class Starship that was to become his new home as the Chief Diplomat.

Opening a channel to the ship, Jorel said, "Jorel Torin to USS Columbia operations. Requesting permission to dock and report onboard as the new Chief Diplomatic Officer."

There was an eerie silence for a few moments before someone finally responded back, "Lieutenant Torin, permission granted. If you can dock in Shuttlebay Two, we'd have your Runabout checked and cleaned up for you. The captain has requested you make your time up to see him after reporting into Sickbay for your reporting onboard physical. You can talk to any of our wonderful medical staff once you've arrived onboard. Also, welcome aboard."

Jorel smiled as he replied back, "Thank you very much! I'm glad to be onboard." Within a few minutes, Jorel guided the Bonaventure straight into the shuttlebay that was requested of him. He smiled as he realized that he still was able to pilot a small to medium craft into a shuttlebay, even though he hadn't recertified on such a vessel in quite some time.

Once the Runabout landed within the shuttlebay and the engines were turned off, Jorel went to the back and grabbed the few belongings that he brought with him. It was a duffle bag filled with a few clothes and a picture of him with his parents. It was on the day that he graduated from the Academy several years ago. He went on to get the Torin symbiant a few years later, where his parents were apart of the ceremony on the homeworld for that too. Jorel was happy to have been able to do everything he has done with his family.

Jorel walked back up front and through the recently opened hatch to walk down towards the Quartermaster on duty. He handed over the PADD with all of his information and reported for duty. The male Cardassian looked over the information and handed the PADD back to him, letting Jorel know where his quarters were, as well as where to report for the aforementioned physical before welcoming Jorel onboard the Columbia.

Jorel smiled before thanking him and walking slightly past him. He was beaming from ear to ear before deciding to head down to sickbay and his quarters to settled in.


Lieutenant Jorel Torin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Columbia


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