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Haunted Trail Part 2: Candy!

Posted on Sun Nov 5th, 2023 @ 4:18pm by Commander Chalan Kendri
Edited on on Sun Nov 5th, 2023 @ 4:18pm

2,131 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission Zeta: An Eerie Evening
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: Halloween 2396, 1502 hours

Kendri skipped through dressed as a butterfly. Kendri's costume was a full body suit, antennae on her head, and large delicate looking wings that spanned from slightly over her head all the way down to the back of her thighs were colorfully animated as she walked. She milled about the children, handing out candy.

"Hello guys, it looks like your children are enjoying the festivities," she said to Kas and Fee. "There's a dance party at the end of the trick-or-treating trail. I'll see you all there." She flashed a smile at them, saying hello to those along the trail before taking her spot.

Feeva nodded. "Yes, ma'am!" She couldn't help it; it was too foreign to call your XO by her name, even out of uniform. She clapped a hand over her mouth, though. Geez, calm down, Feeva!

Kas flashed his pearly with teeth in a grin, "Yes Kendri, that sounds wonderful." He turned back to Fee, "I hope you'll join me, these things easier to do in pairs."

Fee nodded. "Of course!" She said. "We can tag team these two," she said.

Kas looked up when he heard Keena squeal with delight, the girls were climbing an obstacle that was made out of hay bails Keena got to the top easily. Leena was struggling to follow, the course was clearly designed for older children. It warmed Kas's heart to see Keena turning back to help her little friend.

Feeva's eyes were watching the two girls carefully. "Be careful, Leena," she called out. She hoped she could be heard over the din in the room. The Arboretum was PACKED-nearly the whole ship was participating, save a small skeleton crew of volunteers.

"It's alright Feeva, I will see to her safety and this will be a great way to work off some of that energy," The Hybrid said as he lifted the giggling child up to the top with Keena .

Fee smiled. "Thanks," she said. "It probably is..." she sighed. She needed to calm down, she knew, but she also knew that Leena was all she had and it was important to her to keep her safe and alive, at least until she was an adult.

Kas moved alongside the two children as they moved through the course he helped Leena when she needed it. Keena had no trouble making her through. As they got to the end Keena whispered in Leena's ear and they both giggled. Then Keena smiled and looked at Kas "Leena wants to fly like a fairy Papa."

Kas crouched down to look the little girl in the eye, "I see," He reached out offering to pick her up.

Feeva watched carefully. What was about to happen? She smiled.

*Yes, I do* Leena said, letting him pick her up.

Kas lifted the child effortlessly and propped her little legs on his shoulder and held her out in front of him, so she could wave her little arms around. He jogged around the pumpkin patch while Keena ran ahead of them.

"Let's fly back to your mother," Kas said laughing with the girls.

The other children playing in the pumpkin patch seem to stop and stare at the large Hybrid playing with the girls. Other parents seemed to be both surprised and amused by Kas' behavior. Kas didn't seem to notice, as he brought Leena back to Fee. He spoke in an eloquent and warm tone. "Here's your princess, 'My Lady." The Hybrid bowed the mother and daughter with a hand wave.

Feeva watched. She smiled a little-Eoin had done similar "airplane rides" with Leena in the past. She looked at Kas. "Thank you, sir! Where's your princess?" She asked. "Let's get them candy hunting, maybe?" She suggested...

Keena ran up to Kas, "There's lots of candy Papa!"

Kas nodded, "I think the girls want candy."

Feeva nodded. "Of course!! That's the point!" She said. She followed the girls and Kas to the nearby officers handing out candy from bags that seemed unending. "Leena, you can't eat too much, just a few pieces. We'll save the rest." She would dole it out over the next few weeks for treats for her, or after a meal.

From the entrance to the arboretum, heading down the trail, Dressed to the nines as the old Earth movie character, Jack Skellington, the good Doctor McEntyre enters the trail with glee. He had large plastic pumpkins full of candy, a joyful glee on his face as he sang:

“Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween”

His song rang out as he approached all the others already attending the gathering, his tail swishing happily behind him.

“This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene”

He saw Feeva, stopping along the way to greet her and her little one with a big happy smile. “Are we enjoying the festivities, hmmmm?” He asked with a purr.

Feeva chuckled as Leena nodded. *Mommy, it's a Skeleton!* She said. *We're going to the arboretum*. Feeva laughed. "Alright, Doc, we'll see you there!" She said.

Dramin felt severely overdressed for the occasion as he shuffled through the arboretum doors - in uniform, as he had the last time he'd been to anything like this. It seemed like everyone around him was dressed suitably for the occasion with their costumes - even the kids that ran past his feet chasing each other through the bushes as their parents walked resignedly behind. He'd never liked having one of these costumes on; that one time he'd tried in high school had gone down really, really badly and since then he'd never entertained the idea of it - not that he'd ever really found the time to attend these types of events, with the instructors he'd had at the Academy.

Now that he did have the free time to be here, though, the feeling of inadequacy returned in force. Dramin pushed it aside and walked on, admiring the effort that'd been put in to make the arboretum suitable for the occasion. It must've taken days to get such a big room dressed up, he reckoned. He accepted a cup of some kind of frothy, sweet-smelling liquid from a volunteer and sipped from it idly as he made for the 'woods'.

Standing now at her spot with her own drink and candy to hand out, Rachel smiled as the first few children stopped by for candy. Looking down the way she saw Dramin and gave a wave smiling to get his attention "Hey, want to help give out some candy?" She could tell he was either unaccustomed to the holiday or may have felt out of place being in uniform still, but wanted to spread as much joy for the occasion as she could. No one should be left out on such a fun holiday.

Dramin stared at the brunette with a mix of confusion and apprehension. "Oh, um. I tend to scare children. I don't think they'll be all that willing to accept sweets from me." He stammered, clutching his PADD to his chest as his eyes darted around. People didn't usually invite him to things, much less do things like this. Up till the mediation he'd grown used to being left in the legal labs to do his work - being asked to come to the bridge had in fact been a first for him in a while. A little boy dressed as a viking looked up at him and instantly shied away as he followed behind his mother, which broke Dramin's heart a little.

"Alright then" Rachel replied as she turned her focus to giving out candy and being asked about her costume.

Dramin moved on swiftly.

Kevin Billingsley, dressed as a red devil with horns and a pitchfork jogged his way through the trail until he found where J.R. had set up candy for the trick-or-treaters. "I haven't missed anything have I?" he asked as he settled into place. They'd only been on a few dates, and Kevin was still a little nervous around the doctor.

"You haven't." J.R. Purred with a happy purr. "I'm very glad you came though, and I love your costume, very classic."

J.R. smiled, affectionately putting his head against Kevin's.

Kevin smiled and tried not to giggle, as J.R. rubbed his head briefly along his own. Caitian forms of endearment were pleasant, but still somewhat foreign to him. Everything still felt so new between them.

"I wouldn't miss it," Kevin replied. Truth be told, last year he may not have made it out of the labs in time, but J.R. was so excited for the different parties today, the excitement was contagious.

A bright blue shape could be seen walking from amidst the Scarecrow patch. A soft, puffy suit made of faux reptilian scales gave the figure a rotund appearance. A long, spotted tail wagged behind the figure as it approached. Two horns stuck up from the top of its head, occasionally twitching as the Captain's antennae swirled underneath the fabric. Ryhl roared playfully as he approached the crowd. He carried a basket made of quilted wood lattice.

A lanky young Benzite child screamed at the sight of the blue dragon. Ryhl lifted the clawed foot at the bottom of his costume. The Benzite couple smiled and waved to the Captain. Ryhl smiled under the prosthetic nose Nurse Lissa had crafted to slip on like a mask. He didn't break character, chasing the young Benzite around as she laughed. "Candy... Candy!" He offered the basket in her direction. She ran quickly and took a few pieces, pulling her mother quickly to escape.

"Thanks, Captain," said the Benzite father. Ryhl waved and nodded as they left.

Ryhl noticed the Caitian doctor with a friend. He waddled towards them and waved his dragon's paw, fingers encased within the soft "claws" that still provided tactile grip. "Gentlemen! How are you enjoying the festivities?"

"Captain!" Billingsley responded in surprise. "What a great costume. I think seeing your commanding officer as a dragon really ups the fun level, if I may say so."

Ryhl laughed heartily before he spoke. "I'm glad it's appreciated. It is nice to be among people without the nature of duty looming overhead." He looked over J.R. and Kevin. "I enjoy your costumes as well! Devilishly cool", he said to Billingsley. "And is that Jack.. Jack Something or another.. With the pumpkin man?" He had seen 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' long ago as a young officer.

"Jack Skellington. My sister and I adored the movie when we were kids. Our Great-Grandpa, Jeremiah, use to show it to us. He and my great great grandmother are my reasons for being in Medicine. She was Medical Officer of the old Lancaster Class USS Wolfe, and my Great Grandfather served on the Constitution Class Midway. So I try to honor him whenever I can," J.R commented.

"But, A wonderful dragon costume such as that deserves candy." He held out the bucket to the Captain.

"Don't mind if I do." The Captain laughed as the officers exchanged candy. "It's nice to get away from the bridge."

Making note of the Captain just up the trail, Rachel gave him a wave as well. She was happy to see him partaking in the festivities and letting loose just like everyone else. Her attention was turned back to a couple more of the young ones tugging at her for candy, giving her the traditional "Trick or treat !"

Ryhl nodded for Kevin and J.R. to follow as he walked towards Rachel. He waved to her, happiness in his golden eyes. The Captain began to stomp his clawed, puffy feet and bend his forearms up at the elbow while exaggerating his walk. He roared to get the attention of the children. "Trick or treat, trick or treat! Who wants a dragon's candy to eat?" A booming, playful laugh rumbled from deep within.

"Candy, Candy, what a fright!" J.R added in.

Rachel couldn't help but take a moment and laugh in joy at Rhyl's energy. Halloween had been something she'd always enjoyed growing up, and to see everyone putting the amount of energy in for the children that they were, brought back fond memories.

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Rachel Soros
Chief Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Feeva Drylo
USS Columbia

Lt. J.R. McEntyre
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS. Columbia

Ensign Dramin
JAG Officer
USS Columbia


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