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Haunted Trail Part 1: Pumpkin Patches and Haunted Forests

Posted on Sun Nov 5th, 2023 @ 4:12pm by Commander Chalan Kendri
Edited on on Sun Nov 5th, 2023 @ 4:19pm

1,763 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission Zeta: An Eerie Evening
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: Halloween 2396, 1501 hours

Kendri and Rhyl stood on one of the upper decks overlooking the arboretum admiring how the trails through the space had been decorated for Halloween festivities.

There were themed sections, one was a pumpkin patch, filled with scarecrows, floating white ghosts that were more cute than scary, a friendly witch stirring a post and singing the children's song 'Witches' Brew' on repeat as children walked by, Trevis and Flotter were even there wearing silly masks and interacting with the children as they walked by, and a Monster Mash dance party was set up at the end of this particular part of the trail. Many crew members had volunteered to set up along the trail and hand out candy and trinkets for trick-or-treaters who would be showing up soon. The volunteers were already trickling in, all of them wearing various costumes, as they walked through and set up on their designated spot along the trail.

Other parts of the trail were decorated with more scary sights - both for the older children and the adults who may want to walk through or join the hay ride later. Near the children's section, Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory was set up. From there the trail turned into a section that had animated zombies walking about, some of whom were hiding, waiting to jump out and try to scare passers by. In a particularly wooded area, vampires and werewolves set the stage, a warning at the beginning of this section warned travelers to avoid being bitten.

"I think it looks great," Kendri commented. "We should get our costumes on and get situated before the kids start arriving."

Ryhl nodded in agreement. They turned and began walking towards the turbolift. "This all seems so alien and foreign to me. I bet it does to you as well", Ryhl said happily. "We celebrated at the Academy and on the Cairo. The festival here looks like it should be really fun for the kids. Starfleet life is tough on families, especially for children." They turned and made their way down a corridor of Astrometrics laboratories. "Have you had the chance to celebrate many alien holidays throughout your career? It'd be fun to celebrate holidays from as many worlds as possible."

"That's a great idea. I know Kas had mentioned a holiday that is particularly important to his people, and I suggested that we make a point to celebrate," Kendri replied. "I've always tried to learn about as many holidays - especially those of Federation members. I have to admit, Halloween at the Academy was always one of my favorites." Kendri smiled as she remembered Halloweens she had celebrated before. "It's fun, and always full of surprises."

"And Autumn is gorgeous on Earth. I had never seen anything quite like it." They entered the turbolift. Both the CO and XO had quarters on the same floor. "Deck two, Residential... Especially with the way the humans rally around the season. Beautiful!"

The turbolift whirred, quickly whisking them through the Columbia's inner caverns. "We'll ensure Commander Razka has a chance to share his holiday. I know ceremonies are essential to Klingon culture." As it came to a stop, the officers exited.

Ryhl walked with Kendri until their paths were set to separate at the end of a short hall. "I'll be down in a few. This should be fun!"

"It looks fun already," she said with a smile. "See you later."
Having been finally able to pull herself away from her desk, Rachel had been annoyed when she checked the time, she had promised to be at one of the spots to hand out candy to the kids and she had much less time to get dressed than she had planned on. This year she decided to be a witch, something she found ironic considering anyone that worked with systems on a ship was expected to magically make things happen at times as it was. But she smiled still as she looked at herself in the mirror of her quarters

Her black pointy hat adorned with a green bow, form fitting long sleeve black shirt made of a thicker velvet material with large silver buttons, a black belt with a large buckle over her stomach, black pants and a waist cape tying in everything with her knee high black boots. She was dressed to kill. Picking up her gloves and grabbing a crooked broom laying up against the doorway, she quickly made her way towards the Arboretum.
Feeva was busy helping Leena re-do her costume. Running wild all day, combined with sweets, too much energy, and a lack of rest was causing her to act a little out-of-pocket. Fee was hoping that some proper dinner and time with Feeva would help her to calm down. They were supposed to meet Keena and Razka later-Fee was happy that the two girls were bonding. It made things better when you had a friend on a Starship.

Finally, she stepped back, satisfied. Leena was dressed as a fairy-tale princess, by her own wishes, and Feeva was dressed as a Mermaid-though she was a bit more modest than most-her top was a tube style, but she wore a skin-toned leotard under it for coverage. It was more than she was used to wearing on any kind of occasion, but she actually DID love to dress up. She just felt like she had to set a good example for Leena. They ate a quick dinner-a sandwich, chips, and carrot sticks-and finally, Feeva let Leena go. They arrived at the Arboretum, looking around for their friends.

"Leena!" a little figure in a green and red costume with with two very realistic extra arms attached to her sides ran to her little friend and hugged her.

"Keena, do not shout," Kas called out from few feet away. "You're a Martian princess tonight, remember your etiquette."

Kas's tone was firm, but full of warmth. The hybrid knew little of this holiday, but anything that gave his daughter such joy was welcome. She had chosen his costume, John Carter of Mars; an earth character from before humans knew the science about Mars. The costume was a loincloth with a sash wraped around his waist. His chest was bare aside from a small decorative plate on his chest secured by two leather straps that were fastened to the waist of his loincloth. It was a ridiculous costume, but it made Keena happy, well almost happy... She tried to get him to cover his clan tattoos with makeup, but he refused. His markings were part of his identity and soul. He also airbrushed their birthship's insignia on Keena's neck once she applied the green makeup.

Feeva followed the warning that Kas had issued. She smiled as the two little girls met. Finally, she found the man. "Hello," she said. She took in his costume-a loin cloth was a bold choice. "Um...Tarzan?" She asked. She couldn't help but blush a little. "What's Keena meant to be?" She asked.

"Close, John Carter of Mars," Kas explained. "I guess Bella let her read those Edgar Rice Burroughs's books. Keena is a Martian, She was very disappointed when she found out that Martians aren't real. She said I need to dress like a hero because that is who I am. I couldn't say no to that."

Feeva smiled. "Aww, that's cute. And yes, I've heard of the Martian Chronicles. Makes sense now. You might...get cold, though," she said. "Looks like a fun party. Leena is desperate for a pumpkin to decorate-I understand that they used to be carved, a couple hundred years ago," she said. "Do you care to join me for the evening? Maybe two sets of eyes on the kids is a good idea," she said. "I don't normally let Leena eat this much candy, cookies, and things like that...I suppose that holidays are a special day, though. She's WILD," Feeva said, looking a little frazzled.

"I'd be happy to, Feeva," Kas smiled down at his friend. "Can I call you Feeva?"

Feeva nodded. "Sure, or Fee. Either one. I am glad. How is Keena?" She asked. "How are YOU?" She asked.

"I am well, Keena is adjusting to life on the ship," Kas said.

The Flotter hologram, wearing a raccoon mask on his face approached the two young girls that Fee and Kas had brought with them. "And what are your names, my young friends?"

Leena smiled. "I am Leena, and this is Keena," she said, in her sweet baby voice. "She's a Mawtian, and I am a Fawiy Pwincess," she said. Leena still had trouble with the "R" sounds in Standard.

"We request passage through the Puma-Kins," she said with a bow.

Flotter clapped his hands in delight. "You chose well! The best candy is near the pumpkins, which grow near a babbling brook. I'll take you there, it's this way," Flotter gestured with his arm.

Suddenly Trevis appeared wearing rabbit ears. "Why I quite disagree. I think all the best candy is found near the trees. You should follow me!"

Flotter huffed. "I think they should go to the pumpkins."

Trevis crossed his arms stubbornly. "I think they should go to the trees."

"We wish to go through the Puma-Kins," Keena firmly. She took Leena's hand. "We can go to the tree later."

"Yes, I want a pun-king," she said. "Let's go!" Leena said. They could do other things later, after all. Her mother had said she could spend TWO hours there.

Kas smiled at his daughter's headstrong ways, "I think Keena has her mother's stubborn streak."

Feeva smiled. "Leena is still too young to buck authority," she said, "But I suspect that she will be a bit like that. Let's go," she said, heading off in the direction the Keena was leading Leena.

"Of course," Kas chuckled. realizing that Keena's influence on Leena would be a double-edged sword. As the two girls ran to the pumpkin patch Kas saw that Leena was stepping into a hole. The Hybrid his forward and caught his daughter's little friend and put her back on her feet.

"Careful 'Little One' Kas smiled.

"Leena, watch out!" Fee's voice rang through the Arboretum. Oh, no. She watched as Keena caught Leena, though. Geez. That could've been a disaster!

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Rachel Soros
Chief Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Feeva Drylo
USS Columbia


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