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Haunted Trail Part 3: And the Costumes...

Posted on Sun Nov 5th, 2023 @ 4:24pm by Commander Chalan Kendri

1,881 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission Zeta: An Eerie Evening
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: Halloween 2396, 1503 hours

More enthusiastic about the party than Dramin, it seemed, was Ki'ana, who'd come dressed as a Viking woman, complete with helmet, wig and prop battleaxe. She smiled and waved to the children that ran past her feet as she made for the castle.

Kendri fluttered past Ki'ana, her butterfly wings moving realistically behind her. "Hello, Cadet. I'm just on my way to the children's dance party at the end of the trail. Will you be joining us?"

"Of course I shall be! Onward!" Ki'ana cheered, moving on forward while hefting the battleaxe over her shoulder. Faux animal skin was draped over her shoulders and dragged on the floor as she walked. "Might I say, Commander, you look good."

"So do you, that's a great costume!" Kendri responded. "I'm headed through a shortcut if you want to come along, but feel free to take the long way around if you like."

"I'll come! A fairy and her Viking companion! How magical can that be?" Ki'ana smiled and trailed after the first officer. "I had to borrow this faux wolfskin from petty officer Baird. He says I'll have to wash and return it tomorrow..."

"Alright, this way through the pumpkin patch," Kendri said leading the way. "Though when the kids start arriving, you are required to dance," Kendri stated to the cadet with a straight face.

"I... did not know that the Vikings had a native dance." Ki'ana admitted, blinking her large lilac eyes. "I am more than willing to learn, though, if it'll mean keeping them entertained."

Kendri laughed lightheartedly. "Well, I'm sure they might, but no, that's not what I meant. It's a kid's dance party. It's called a Monster Mash. There will be children's halloween songs playing. Just be silly."

"Oh! Well, that I can most certainly do, Commander. How well I do it is something else entirely," Ki'ana giggled. Children's Halloween songs. Things like that new one from Argelius, something about dancing pumpkins? She quite liked that one as a child, and she was sure some children would, too. "Though children tend to find me quite... intimidating. Young Christoper Peppler wouldn't let me give him his shot yesterday, something about looking directly at a prawn?"

"Aww, kids are notoriously skittish around doctors and nurses, especially when shots are involved. I wouldn't worry too much about it," Kendri said with a smile.

"Is that so? Kelpien children are quite alright with it." Ki'ana shrugged

Vevi had volunteered to hand out candy to children. She didn't know much about this human holiday, but any excuse to get out of a shift was fine with her. She'd heard it was a costume party-now that? -she understood! She appeared, dressed in a blue dress with with a white apron, striped tights, and a wig with red pigtail braids. Based on the old Earth story of Pippi Longstocking, a story about a little girl who lived alone for reasons that Vevi had forgotten. On her shoulder was a stuffed Sock Monkey-in the story, the monkey was Pippi's confidante and friend. She approached the Commander to find out where she should go.

"Good evening, Ma'am," she said, the antenna above the braids moving as she spoke. "Where should I go?" She asked. "Great costume!"

"I love yours," Kendri responded. "I thought about a storybook theme, but I could decide which one. Rachel set up just a little down that way if you want to set up next to her, you could keep each other company," Kendri suggested.

Vevi nodded. "I will check in with her," Vevi said, her antennae now calmer. "A storybook theme is always fun. I've loved old Earth fairytales ever since I was a child," she said.

"I'll be toward the end of the trail making sure the kid's dance party goes well, and getting the hayrides started. It's sure to be chaos, but maybe everyone will burn off some sugar before heading home for the night," Kendri said with a laugh.

The Andorian nodded. "For sure!!" She said. "Alright, I'll connect with Lt. Soros," she said. "See you around!" She turned away to find the Chief Operations Officer.

Kendri watch Vevi walk off, and took in the scene, making sure everything was running smoothing.

Ryhl, Rachel, Kevin and J.R. gathered around one midpoint of the trail. "I just want to take the time to thank you all for your service to the Columbia", Ryhl said to those nearby. "You all mean so much to Commander Chalan and I." Sparkling white chompers revealed themselves alongside bright gums and upturned lips. The children chased each other as the officers spoke.

J.R. Put his head on Kevin’s as he smiled at the Captain’s kind words, his tail listing happily. He’d was glad he signed on with the Columbia, he’d found a lot to be thankful for in his short time aboard.

Kevin gave a quick nod, and smiled somewhat shyly. He was more used to being behind the scenes, or working with the Chief Science Officer. He rarely interacted with the Captain himself.

Hearing the Andorian speak, Rachel couldn't help but feel the strong impact from his words. With him being the defacto father type figure on board, being the Captain and all, his approval meant a lot to a woman who'd spent her entire life chasing the approval of her own father. While she knew she always put in the effort, it certainly was great to hear the acknowledgment said aloud. In the corner of her eye a small tear formed that she quickly brushed off doing her best to hide as if her nose suddenly itched. After a moment she gave a nod and replied "Thank you for the opportunity to be here. It really means a lot and has given me new focus."

Ryhl offered her a brief embrace, arms wrapping around her as his body remained separated. "We're glad to have you". The Captain was also emotional, though he fought to maintain composure. After the show of support, he noticed Vevi.

Vevi approached Rachel, seeing the Captain nearby. Her antennae went wild for a moment...something touchy-feely was happening. She smiled quietly until the woman was done speaking to the Dragon.

"Excuse me for interrupting," Vevi said. "Commander Chalan said to come see you to see where I should go," she said. "Sorry I am late; had to give some pass-down to the boys," she said, jerking her thumb in the direction of the lower deck, where the Intel office was. The Marine looked a bit out of place, even though she was in costume-she wasn't a naturally warm person, though that was more or less a genetic thing as opposed to a choice-she tried hard to be friendly.

"Ah, there's nowhere specific you need to be. We're just wandering the trails and handing out treats. I hear the dance party is starting soon though. I'm planning to head that way."

"Cool, thanks!" Vevi replied.

"Doctor McEntyre.. I've always been curious. How long has your family settled on Earth? I think it would be interesting to settle on an alien planet myself someday."

“Well…My Great-Grandfather was adopted by my Great-Great-Grandmother in 2237 after her ship, one of the old Lancaster Class, USS Wolfe, responded to a distress call from the ship carrying my Great-Grandfather’s parents. He’d came a bit early and tragically right before the Klingons attacked their transport. My Great-Grandfather, Jeremiah, I told you about him, one of the surgeons on the Constitution Class Midway? Well, he married a gal, had my grandmother, who then married a Caitian man who served under Admiral S’rrel, who was Cait’s representative to the Council during the whole Kirk and the Whale Probe thing. So I guess about 2237 is when the line of Caitian McEntyre’s began”

The Captain leaned his head back in surprise. "Wow! That's a long time to have settled on Earth. I'm sure the legacy will continue well. Thanks for all that you do to take care of the crew, doctor."

A large group of kids barreled through the adults, pausing to hold out their bags, and say "trick-or-treat." The children had gone together on their costumes and were the main characters from the Wizard of Oz, along with a couple of flying monkeys.

Quickly, Vevi grabbed a bag of candy from where she had spotted them, hiding behind a large hay bale. She moved a bit away from the others, so that it wouldn't be over too quickly for the kids.

"How cute!! The Munchkins, Dorothy, and the gang!!" She said. Flying monkeys, even! Nice touch. She handed them each a handful of candy, and watched as they hurried to the next stop. She had to admit that it was fun, at least.

Kas moved toward the adults distributing candy, two of the other children who had run ahead of their parents tried to cut in front of Keena and Leena. The hybrid made a guttural noise to get their attention. The two youths had a deer in the headlights little look.

"There's a queue, boys, this is an event for children, so show respect by honoring the line," Kas said with a serious expression as pointed the to back of the queue.

The boys sheepishly did as they were told and smiled at the children in front of them. "There is plenty of candy for those who have patience." Kas smiled.

Feeva nodded gently. She let him handle it, though she'd been ready to step in if necessary. "Leena, make sure you mind your manners; Kas and I will meet you at the other side," she said. She hoped it was ok to call him by his first name; they were off-the-clock, and friendly enough.

A grunting garnered Ryhl's attention. He smiled to Kas as the line dwindled down. It wasn't long until the children moved down the row of gathered officers. Ryhl bent at the knees to lower himself to Keena. "Wow, are you a princess? You have so many arms." He offered the candy to her, standing and smiling to Kas. "Great costume Commander. I think it suits you."

Feeva chuckled. "You look great, sir," she said. "A dragon is an excellent choice," she said. She refrained from sharing the thought that it was fitting-some people thought their CO's were dragons, though Feeva supposed she'd been lucky enough to have excellent leaders so far in her career.

Leena looked back and nodded at her mother, then returned her gaze to the other adults. She was SO excited.

"I'm a Martian Princess," Keena smiled. "I wanted to go to Mars, but Papa says Martians are just make-believe. I like these candies, Sir."

"And I am a fawy pwincess," Leena interjected. The younger girl twirled a little.

"Leena..." came Feeva's admonishment, quietly. She wasn't supposed to interrupt others without asking.

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Rachel Soros
Chief Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Feeva Drylo
USS Columbia

Lt. J.R. McEntyre
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS. Columbia

Ensign Dramin
JAG Officer
USS Columbia

Cadet Ki'ana
Nursing Student
USS. Columbia


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