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Fancy Like Beer and Blue Jeans

Posted on Fri Nov 10th, 2023 @ 1:06pm by

2,257 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 19: Boomerangs Bar and Grill
Timeline: MD C10 2000 hours

Alex and Kevin were already at the bar on Deck 19 that Lissa had told Alex to bring Kevin to after their shift. They were sitting at a high top table near the back. Alex had ordered a beer, and Kevin was drinking some kind of cider. Alex had made a face when he ordered it.

"So what else did Lissa tell you about this new doctor?" Kevin asked. He was hoping to get more information before the two arrived.

Alex shrugged. "I don't know. He's from Earth, Texas. His family has been there a while. She said he's been easy to work for. He likes football."

"But why does he want to meet me?" Kevin asked.

Alex laughed. "That I don't know. You'll have to ask him yourself. Or Lissa maybe. I didn't get into too much detail with her." Alex stood up and raised his hand to get their attention. "Here they are now."

Lissa and J.R. stood at the entrance to the bar. "There they are. Kevin's the one with the darker hair, longer on top wavy, and the white button down shirt."

J.R. looks to where Lissa was pointing out. The girls had been right, Kevin was quite attractive, which made J.R. smile, and his tail swish. He had decided to get a little more dressed up, choosing to wear a dark blue and black western style button up and black t-shirt underneth, with the most deliciously perfect jeans he had. They looked practically painted on him, they fit that well, a small cut out allowed his tail out. He wanted to make a good impression, and he hoped his outfit helped with that, which was manily to accencuate his muscles.

He smiles and waves to the others as J.R. and Lissa both approached the table.

"Hey guys," Lissa said casually. Smiling at Alex and Kevin. "Well, I know you've met Alex," Lissa said referring to his time helping with the Ferengi virus. "And this is Kevin," Lissa said gesturing to other person seated at the table. The white shirt complimented Kevin's tan skin, and the had left an extra button undone.

"And Kevin, this is J.R.," Lissa said gesturing to the doctor, palms open like she was showing off a prize.

J.R. definitely noticed how good that shirt was on Kevin, as he smiled with a purr of interest.

"It's very nice to meet you, Kevin"

J.R. was most definitely interested for sure.

"Well don't just stand there. Have a seat," Kevin said, presumably to both of them, but his eyes were taking in J.R.'s physique. He'd never seen such a well-dressed Catian before. Catching himself, he quickly looked up and at both of them. "What are we drinking tonight?" he asked.

J.R. smiles, he was taking in Kevin's own physique as much as Kevin was his.

"I'll have a Lone Star Beer if they have it," J.R. said as he took a seat next to Kevin, his tail swaying softly as he sat.

"Summer Shandy," Lissa said, picking up a coaster and twirling it on the table.

Alex raised his hand and flagged a server down, but Kevin is the one who spoke when he arrived. "The lady would like a Summer Shandy, and my friend here would like a Lone Star beer if you have it?"

"Coming right up, can I get you any appetizers?" The server asked. His name tag said "Gary."

"Cheeseballs!" Lissa exclaimed, smiling happily at the server.

J.R. just looked at Lissa behind his glasses before speaking himself. "I'll have some potato skins."

J.R smiled before looking over to Kevin. He was definitely cute, very cute. His heart was nearly thumping in his chest, and hoped that Kevin was feeling the same.

As the server left, Alex shook his head at Lissa. "You were way too excited about ordering cheeseballs," he said dryly.

"Whatever, Lissa said brushing him off. "So, J.R., you already know a lot about us," she said gesturing to herself and Alex. "What do you want to know about Kevin here? He's crazy smart with physics and quantum theoretical calculations and stuff. You probably don't want to ask him about that, we won't understand what he's saying." Lissa winked at Kevin playfully.

Kevin blushed a little. He was intelligent, and he was well aware that he worked in a field that most people didn't understand. But he didn't necessarily want that to be the first thing J.R. learned about him.

"You know, my father is an M.D. a civilian. My sister too, but with Starfleet," Kevin offered.

J.R. smiles.

"My Family save for my Father and Sister have been M.D's and Nurses. My Great-Grandfather was a Ship's Surgeon aboard the Constitution Class Midway, My Grandfather, Mother and Myself have also been Surgeons. My Father is a captain of the Starship Yellow Rose of Texas, and my sister has a Ph.D in Software Engineering. I always wanted to be like my Great-Grandfather, and a little like Leonard McCoy," J.R. elaborated on some of his history, following up from the segue Kevin gave him, gazing into his eyes as he talked.

"McCoy, huh?" Kevin asked. "Did you know he was famously afraid of transporter technology? Hated them." Kevin inquired with an amused smile on his face.

Kevin found the fear amusing, because the time the NCC-1701 was commission the technology in Starfleet was perfectly safe. During NX-01 times... well that was a little sketchy for a few years.

"Nerd alert," Alex whispered under his breath to Lissa. Lissa laughed. The two had scooted their chairs a little further away from J.R. and Kevin so that they could whisper about how they thought the pair were getting along.

J.R. Eyes light up excitedly.

"I did! Apparantly he took a shuttle to and from the Enterprise-D when it was being commissioned at McKinely Station."

J.R. nerded out just as much as Kevin did.

"How many times have medical officers used transporter technology to literally save lives? Not to mention filter out contagions. But he's not the only one." Kevin said shaking his head.

"A lot. Crusher especially but no one has seen her for almost fifteen years."

"Did you... Do you know her? Personally I mean?" Kevin asked. He tried to nonchalantly scoot his chair a little closer to J.R.'s.

Lissa played like she was going to fall asleep in her drink. "Yawn," she whispered to Alex. "Maybe we should play some darts?" she suggested a little more loudly.

"I did know her" J.R. got closer too.

"We met several times on Casperia Prime, during Medical Conferences. Wonderful Doctor, a legend. Though she disappeared off the face of the galaxy after 2380 and haven't heard tell of her since."

"Doctors get the best locations for conferences," Kevin said shaking his head in disappointment. "Astrophysicists end up holding theirs on the edge of some solar system inside a dome on some Class D moon." Kevin lodged his complaint with a mild dramatic effect. He shook his head as if he were shaking the complaint away. "I'm so sorry about your friend though. I hope she's okay." Kevin studied J.R.'s eyes for a brief moment. So exotic, he thought and smiled.

J.R. gave Kevin a smile, putting his hand on the table between them.

“I bet the stars are wonderful from under that dome though, like being on a camping trip. Astrophysics sounds like an amazing vocation though. They were also mentioning you know quantum mechanics?”

J.R wanted to know more about Kevin, still smiling as he asked.

Kevin pretended not to notice J.R. hand, but he put his arm on the table casually, just not quite touching J.R.'s hand, as he answered his question.

"Well yeah," Kevin shrugged. "You have to understand quantum theory to really make sense of most of what we encounter out here. Temporal encounters, wormholes, transwarp conduits. That's just the tip of the iceberg of things that most people know about." Kevin smiled at J.R. and glanced down at where J.R.'s hand was resting near J.R's arm.

"Is that what made you want to meet me? You heard great legends of my physics prowess?" he asked playfully.

J.R smiles.

“That, and they told me about this super cute and adorable Astrophysicist I should meet.”

He moves his hand closer, that smile still on his face, just gazing into Kevin’s own stare at him.

"Who never leaves the lab?" Keven said sheepishly. "I'm afraid I don't get out much. I was a bit surprised when Alex said Lissa was putting this together." He blushed slightly.

"So, what do you do you do for fun around here?" Kevin asked? I work so much, I really haven't checked the ship out much."

"Well, thus far, I've mostly been to Bars. This ship seems to have quite a few. But I mainly enjoy painting, mostly Western Landscapes, which I learned from my Great-Grandfather. I also enjoy collecting antique leather furniture and reading in quiet spaces. I hear this ship has an impressive library aboard."

J.R still gazes at Kevin with a soft smile and his own blush. Still hoping he'd accept the offer hand of his at the center between them.

Alex glanced over at how noticeably closer the two had gotten to one another, and back to Lissa. "They don't even know we're here. Do you wanna just bounce?"

"Sure, but I'm taking my cheeseballs. I think Annika and Bella are at the bowling alley. Wanna go?" Lissa asked.

"Anywhere, but right here," Alex replied.

"Hey, see you guys later," Lissa said. "It's getting kinda late, so... I should run." She picked up the basket of cheese balls she had ordered and popped one in her mouth.

Alex rolled his eyes. "Yeah, what she said. See ya in the labs, Kev."

Kevin let out a relaxed breath followed by a short laugh at their departure. He realized their presence though needed at the beginning or he likely wouldn't have come - had become more nerve-wracking as the evening went on. Now that he didn't feel as though the two were being watched, he gazed into J.R.'s eyes a little more intentionally, and took his pawlike hand into his own.

J.R. Smiles and chuckles too, before turning back to Kevin, Kevin’s hand on top of his, and gazing still. He let out a small purr of interest.

“So tell me, beyond being this cute astrophysicist and quantum theorist, what you like to do outside of work?”

Kevin took in the sensation of holding J.R. hand. He could feel the vibrations of his purr even from here, and it made his heart skip a beat.

"That may be why I have problems with my dating life, really. I have so many side projects going on. I don't consider them work really, but I find it hard to do much outside of the hours I spend on them," Kevin said apologetically as he frantically tried to think of something interesting that he may have done recently.

"I do try to go for a jog most mornings, and there's a yoga class a couple of days a week I like to go to. I usually end up making more like a couple of days a month," he admitted sheepishly. "I do appreciate good music... harmonies especially. The more complex the better."

J.R. smiles that soft smile, running a finger softly along Kevin's hand as he spoke.

"Is it a shame to admit, that I don't exercise as often as I should?" He admitted with a similar sheepishness.

The sensation of the Caitian's finger running along Kevin's hand was... well it was certainly sending tingling sensations through up his arm and into the back of his neck. Kevin didn't want to be one of those guys who was labeled as being a xenophile, but he'd never really dated a species as different from his a Caitian before, and he was surprised at how the Doctor was making him feel.

"Well Caitian physiology, your musculature, and metabolism. Pretty much all of your race are going to be stronger and faster than humans even if you don't exercise at all, so there's not much any of us can really say about it, right?" Kevin replied, laughing a little awkwardly.

J.R couldn't help but chuckle a bit, still stroking Kevin's hand softly in his, a purr from his lips and his eyes gazing longingly.

"Quite right, but I'd wouldn't mind it too terribly if I saw you being...flexible," he smirked softly at that statement.

"Yoga? Well, I didn't say I was any good at it..." Kevin responded, looking down at the table where they had been holding hands for several minutes now.

"Did you want to maybe go for a walk or something?" Kevin asked.

"I would love too," J.R. smiles as he starts to stand, still holding Kevin's hand.

Kevin stood up, squeezing J.R.'s hand gently. "Arboretum?"

“Sounds fun to me,” J.R purred with a happy purr, squeezing back Kevin’s hand softly as they headed out of the bar hand in hand.

Dr. J.R. McEntyre M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Daisheliss Kerr
USS Columbia
also as Lt. J.G. Kevin Billingsley


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