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Meet the Parent Part 1: Warming Up

Posted on Fri Nov 10th, 2023 @ 11:17pm by

1,696 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Ten Forward

Thrita sat at a simple booth along the wall of ten forward. The place reminded Thrita of an simple eatery located on a remote Andorian mining base.

Thrita tapped her foot as she waited, dark violet eyes scanning each arrival as they passed through the door. Although she was nervous at the thought of introducing Shanir to her thavan, Thrita was excited to try new alien food.

A small galley attached to Ten Forward also provided fresh options. The smell of various sweet and savory flavors danced along the still air.

It wasn't long until Ryhl stepped in, just ahead of schedule. Thrita stood to greet him as he approached. "Dad! Hi!"

"Morning's starlight to you, Thrita." Ryhl fought the urge to laugh and smile as he mentioned his daughter's name. She had already lectured him about not using embarrassing nicknames in front of Shanir. Ryhl had formed most of his bonds with Thrita when she was still young. He still called her by names from this era in their lives out of habit.

"Is Shanir here?" Ryhl mentioned Shan by name since he wasn't around. It was hard enough for him to use his first name once. He felt a nervous tension, wondering how he will address his daughter's potential future bandmate.

"He's on his way... So what's been going on with the whole Command thing? Is it as amazing as you thought it would be?"

Thrita's excited gaze was met with a look of dejection in Ryhl's eyes. "I guess it is.. Yes.. I'd say so." His voice didn't sound excited.

"Well.. That's good", Thrita said as she looked away and milled it over. "I'm sure you're just caught up in the mission", she said as she reached over the booth to rest her hand on her shoulder.

"Well, a few people were hurt. I just can't help but think about certain tactical situations. Part of me is always worried about the crew, but I can't let that change how I command the ship. I am excited.. It's just more than that. It's more of a responsibility."

Thrita nodded as Ryhl finished speaking. He seemed to look around before he added, "I'll be right back. I'll get us some katheka."

"Make mine a coffee", Thrita groveled.

"Fine", Ryhl huffed, wishing his daughter would appreciate the fine Andorian beverage as much as he did. He slid out from behind the booth and walked quickly towards large containers of various beverages brewing fresh alongside replicators.

Fresh orders could be placed at the galley, though a small selection of items were available. Some of the baked goods enticed Thrita. They looked so different than what she was used to eating.

Shan did his best to steel his nerves as he walked into Ten Forward. He didn't want the Captain, or Thrita to sense any uneasiness with him. The meeting was inevitable, but th'Zeles was his Captain, and he'd had right around twelve hours to prepare for this.

He saw Thrita and smiled, making his way over to her table, his posture straight, his head tilted forward just slightly. When he reached the table, he bent forward in almost a bow so he was at eye level for a brief moment, "good morning." He stood up and looked around and spotted the Captain at the counter. He felt he should remain standing to address the Captain on his return.

Ryhl noticed Shan after filling both cups and turning to head back towards the table. His eyes lit up when he saw him. He sped up his walk, setting the drinks down once he arrived to the table. Ryhl tapped him on his left shoulder before moving to offer a firm handshake.

"Shanir! Well here we are", Ryhl said as Thrita looked up anxiously. "How are you feeling? This is a lot to take in for me as well."

"Good morning, Sir. I'm well. How about you, Captain?" Shan was actually quite nervous, but for Thrita's sake, he did not want to admit it. And there was also the issue of his own pride. If he wanted Captain th'Zeles to trust him with his daughter, and with important tasks on the ship, he should be able to get through a breakfast.

"Should we just get our food now?" Thrita slid towards the edge of the booth and stood. She greeted her thavan with a gentle hug. "Since we're up."

Shan agreed, "That sounds like a good idea to me." Getting food. Eating food. That was at least something to do to distract him from the awkwardness of an informal breakfast with the Captain. This was different than a typical meet the parent situation.

Shan smiled warmly at Thrita. Keenly aware that her father was in earshot he watched his words. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked in the morning light, but "How are you this morning?" was all that he was willing to say.

Thrita took Shan by the hand and dragged him towards the galley station. "I'm excited", she said as she looked back and up into his eyes. "Nervous. But good. How are you?"

"About the same," he admitted, letting out a nervous laugh.

Ryhl smiled and followed behind. He often went to Ice for the breakfast specials. Meeting Shanir and his daughter at Ten Forward was a refreshing change of pace.

Thrita was drawn to smell of the fresh muffins and Bajoran breakfast cakes. The savory smell of bacon with hints of maple were also hard to ignore. A small line formed as waited for fresh orders. French toast was ready, though many seemed to be waiting for fresh Bolian griddle cakes.

"Have you tried all of these alien breakfast foods? I've been trying some since I arrived.. Usually on the civvy deck though", Thrita said to Shan. She sank closer against him but released his hand.

"ALL of them, no. But at the Academy it was mostly human food, with some specialties from other places. You could make anything from the replicator of course," Shan explained. "I'm pretty used to it now actually."

Ryhl walked alongside Shanir. "Good food is essential to relationships.. Communication. Family. Do you like to cook?" He looked to Shan, eyelids raised and antennae twirling with happiness.

Shan's head turned as the Captain addressed him. "I do enjoy it, Sir. Though, I don't do it as much as I would like to. Maybe I should get into a habit of it. I take it you cook... Captain?" he asked.

"Frost-walls", Thrita exclaimed as they approached the counter. It was a translated Andorian term often used in moments of playful frustration. She knew Ryhl never really cooks but loves to talking about the handful of dishes that he enjoys preparing.

"I cook a bit", Ryhl said as he looked to Thrita. She had lectured him many times about the way he speaks of his cooking. "I had to learn how to cook for the bondgroup. Good food reminds me of those times. It's been so long since then. Youth is something to be enjoyed."

Thrita cut off Ryhl, sensing that he was going to keep talking. "You don't have to call him sir", she said with lowered eyelids and a look of restrained happiness to Shan. She fought internally not to laugh as she took a griddle cake, yogurt and a pink fruit from an Orion planet.

"Well.. She's right", Ryhl said blushing a cerulean tint as he ruminated on memories of lost debates with his former zh'yi and sh'za (wives). He piled up three griddle cakes. "That's true with any bond.. The Shen and Zhen are always right." He took some of the jam made from the fruit of a Bajoran vine and spread it along the top cake. He moved further down the counter to take one of the few cherry pastries available.

Shan smiled sheepishly. "I... well. Starfleet Academy taught me how I should address commanding officers." He scratched behind his ear nervously before pulling his hand away. "There wasn't a contingency class on exceptions if you want to date the Captain's daughter?" He looked back and forth at them uncertainly as he took a bagel from the display.

Thrita and Ryhl looked at each other on Shanir's comment. Ryhl laughed and turned back towards him. "That's something I'm getting used to as well. I think we'll find our way over time. I've been in Starfleet for so long that I can't help being formal. Still. It is nice to address you as something other than Mister Th'kaasnik." The corners of Ryhl's mouth lifted upwards as he took a few steps closer to the table. Thrita followed, both turning back towards Shan to wait for him

Ryhl stuck by Shan a bit longer. "So tell me. Where is the happening place to be on the ship? What do the junior officers get up to for fun?"

"You probably don't want to tell him", Thrita quipped with glee. She often teased Rhyl. The joke was for him to ignore it and not give her the attention she sought. This sometimes drove Thrita to act out for more attention until Ryhl laughed or acknowledged her.

Shan sat back down at the table, laughing a bit nervously. He didn't know if he was supposed to listen to Thrita or answer the Captain's question, but given the circumstances, he thought it best to do his best to make sure her father liked him well enough.

"I don't think we have a particular place. My friends tend to entertain me by going to Ice, and there's a sports bar on Deck 19 that's pretty popular," Shan offered. "With the people I spend the most time with, Ensign Kerr's goal seems to be to never do the same thing twice. She's usually coming up with ideas that get a bunch of us together."

Thrita's long Thalassan antennae stood upright at mention of the word 'she'. She looked over to him playfully, sat next to him in the booth. Ryhl sat across and between them.

Captain Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Shanir "Shan" Th'kaasnik
Systems Operations
USS Columbia

Thrita sh'Qirhess
USS Columbia


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