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Fire Streaks the Heavens

Posted on Sun Nov 12th, 2023 @ 9:37pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Sava & Ensign Sar

1,699 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Klingon Settlement.
Timeline: Late C5 Early C6 (After "May Your Blood Scream" BACKPOST

As the festivities continued late into the night three small drone crafts materialized hoovering about four hundred meters above the burn forest near the settlement. The drone's complex sensor array scanned the many lifesigns for the programmed targets. Once it locked onto the intended target the small craft drove toward the festival…

The revelry was interrupted by sirens and shouts of the warriors seeing the automated craft opening fire hitting several klingons with deadly accuracy. Several warriors began firing disruptors at the drones. Kas and Kormak came running out of a structure, Kas picked up a disruptor from a dead warrior and began to aim at one of the drones as it glided over for another pass. Kas fired hitting the craft, he watched as the drone crashed to the ground. He looked over the carnage.

Sar first moved to cover, guiding Lissa to stay down. "Look. Commander Razka." He noticed the Klingon hybrid had taken a disruptor and was firing back. The young Vulcan studied fallen Klingons until he noticed a discarded disruptor. He sprinted towards it, studying its form as he grasped it. It didn't take long to figure out its controls.

Brok'tan was holding the Governor's limp body, Melor's eyes were open and unseeing and his mouth was hanging open. There was a gaping hole in his chest and one of his arms was burned off. Vorok and a group of warriors began to help the wounded warriors to the clinic and hospital.

Sar fired a shot toward one of the drones, missing as the blast flew overhead.

Vurla let out a scream that was a mix of rage and grief, "Father! NNNNoooo!!!"

Vurla stepped forward and held up her father's head, she along with many of the warriors threw back their heads and let out a howl. Every Klingon joined them in earshot. The sound was deafening, Kas looked around at the raging warriors. He could smell a putrid mix of blood, burned flesh, smoke, and hot metal. It seemed that carnage and death had found him again. He looked at Melor and the other dead warriors and could understand the rage the other Klingons were feeling. This was a cowardly attack, the enemy hadn't shown their face. 'Who had done this!?' He thought. Two Klingon Fighters flew overhead and shot down the other drones.

Kendri and the other Starfleet officers were on the outskirts of the party, and not near the firing pattern of the drone. The Klingons had taken the drone down before it could do more harm. Once the coast was clear, Kendri ran up to the scene to assess what had just happened and saw the Governor's condition. She stepped away and tapped her communicator.

=/\= Commander Chalan to Captain th'Zeles, there has been an incident at the colony. Governor Melor is dead. =/\=

The Captain's voice was incredulous. =/\=Really? That is terrible.. I mean, terrible news. I'm beaming down with a security escort. What's the status of the situation? Is the threat resolved?=/\= As the comm closed, Ryhl spoke to Lieutenant Tomm on the bridge.

Kendri tried to step further away from loudly grieving Klingons so that the Captain could hear her.

=/\= The threat appears to be resolved, but it was a random drone attack, no one saw it coming. It wounded several others, and would have continued if the Klingons had not shot it down. I would say it is a fair possibility there could be more, but no signs yet. =/\=

Kas spoke to Vorok and the two men walked over to Kendri, "Commander it will be safest if the captain transports into the Holana, a Klingon security team will escort him here."

"How big of a team should he bring?" Kendri asked. "What kind of assistance can we provide?"

"Bring one guard for himself and a science officer, we need to do a full investigation," Kas said. "Those drones didn't have warp drives, whoever is responsible is close. I'll do what I can to keep the Klingons from acting until we know who's responsible. They will retaliate!"

=/\= Chalan to Captain th'Zeles. Commander Razka suggests a small team. A guard for yourself, and a science officer who may be able to determine the origins of the drone. I'm thinking one of our weapons specialists in security may be able to determine that more quickly, especially if it's something familiar. You should beam to the Holana. It's still... chaotic at the moment. We will escort the team to the investigation site. Chalan out. =/\=

=/\= I've already checked in with Lieutenant Tomm. Commander Lyngstad should also be involved. I might have an idea for finding extra tactical expertise though. It might be time to dig into the Corps. It will take us time to get ready, but we'll see you there in a few.=/\=

=/\= Captain, that is a lot of our most senior staff on the ground. Do you need me to return to the Columbia to change over command? =/\= Kendri asked with some hesitation.

She looked at Kas. They had become friends, and she hated to leave him in such a tumultuous time, and after he had been through so much, but this was most of the highest-ranking officers, and she knew Paisley didn't want to take the conn anytime soon.

=/\= That's a negative Commander. We are going to work together to get this sorted out. People are dying down there. It's time for me to get my eyes on the ground. I also need your input. There are more than enough Lieutenant Commanders up here. Also, please let the Klingons know we'll be providing our own security. I can imagine they'd like to control the situation as much as possible. However, this is an important tactical situation that we must prepare for on our own accord. Stand by for further information.=/\=

Ryhl was not the type of Captain to place himself in a glass case. He had given Commander Chalan plenty of time to establish the investigation and take control of the situation. It was clear that the situation was escalating beyond control. Neither Ryhl nor Kendri could get a full grasp of things from the bridge. As an Andorian, he saw leadership as something that happened from the front. If lives were at risk, so too should his. He refused to stay emplaced upon the bridge in a time when most space traffic was friendly.

=/\= Understood, Captain. I think that is a good idea. I was only relaying the message. I'll gather the officers who are still on the ground. See you soon, Sir. =/\=

Tomm finally spoke up after listening to and absorbing everything that was going on.

“Captain, Security teams are ready in Transporter Room Three. Fully equipped with tactical gear and the works. We have our own drones for recon and surveillance. We cannot permit anymore bloodshed,” he affirmed.

There was a fire of motivation in Ryhl's voice. "I agree with you, Mister Tomm. Prepare our surveillance drones. We need to get eyes on the wider area." There was also hurt in Ryhl's voice over the recent losses.

“Consider it done, sir. I’ll have them delivered to the Transporter Room and waiting for us when it’s time to depart.”

Tomm stepped over to the Command Center from his Security station. “Captain, we’ll take care of this. These people will not have died in vain. Our teams will prevail in keeping everyone safe. You have my word,” Tomm said.

"I'll be right there with you. Commander Chalan and I have nothing but faith in you and the team to handle situations like this." The cerulean man offered an excited smile. "It's go time." The officers set into motion, preparing last-minute arrangements before departure.

Kendri looked back to Kas, "I take it you heard all of that." Kendri took a step toward the Commander. "How are you doing? I mean, with everything. This has been a lot. If you have anything you need to get off your chest so that your mind is clear before we proceed, I won't hold it against you," Kendri said, looking at Kas with concern.

"Forget Nothing… I will mourn later, Commander." Kas said stoically. "Some of these Warriors voyaged with the Quath’Mar, I may need to perform funeral rites."

"Do you need Lissa in the hospital? I'm going to gather with the others to coordinate a plan with the Captain," Kendri responded.

"I'll stay with the hospital. Keep them secure while we get things in order." Even as the words left Sava's mouth she could swear she heard a few Klingons screaming bloody murder behind them. Something something honorless baktags, it wasn't clear enough to be heard in full - but they were definitely very angry and very, very riled up. Call her pessimistic, but she knew that the chance that the attackers might targe the wounded and vulnerable in the hospital wasn't zero. Should that happen, heavens forbid, someone would need to be there to protect the innocent working and recovering there - and she was willing to take on the job.

"Thank Lt Sava," Kas didn't make eye contact with anyone. The smell of the carnage was almost unbearable... Though this was his to bear...

"Lt. Ligan, go with Commander Chalan to meet the Captain." Kas continued, "I'll be fine here, Brok'tan can help the Captain, I have work to do."

Kas began to walk away but stumbled, Vorok caught him and smiled, "I think you've had a little too much to drink friend."

Korok looked Kendri, "Can you get that nurse? He might need more of that intoxicant."

Kas tried to protest, but Vorok cut him off, "Don't be foolish you're barely a day from major surgery! Let them help you!"

Vorok was larger than Kas and he held firmly, "Alright." Kas surrendered.

"Ensign Kerr, stay with Commander Razka. Lieutenant Ligan, Locate Dr. T'lura and send her to the Commander, then get Kerr's medical kit to her. After that, check with with me, the Captain should be here by then." Kendri ordered.

Kendri turned to Sar. "You're with me. Let's go to the Holana and greet the Captain and the away team."


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