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Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2023 @ 7:51am by Commander Chalan Kendri
Edited on on Mon Oct 16th, 2023 @ 7:25pm

1,496 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Klingon Settlement Federation Clinic
Timeline: CD 5 0630

Kas slowly regained consciousness. The air smelled sterile like a federation facility. Every fiber in his being cried out in pain, the light stung his eyes as he forced them open. He was in the Federation Clinic, he could hear the beeps and hum of medical equipment. Yes, he'd seen T'Lura come to his side after the fight before he had blacked out… As his eyes adjusted he could see his Dk'tagh and smiled he'd been victorious… There was a leather bracelet on his left hand… Keena must be here… Keena… He needed to get up and find her…

He tried to move…

A familiar voice began to speak from the doorway. "Do not attempt to get up. Your daughter is with Lt. Drylo and she is safe. Your second spleen could not withstand the blood loss you experienced. You came perilously close to death on my operating table. Your internal injuries have been repaired. Fortunately, the Klingon in physiology is resilient and you will heal rapidly. However, it is imperative that you remain still and allow your body the necessary time to recover."

He felt her strong hand on his shoulder, "T'Lura It would be you patching me up. Like old times"

"I would appear so," The Vulcan said. "Drylo took your daughter to get some breakfast. Shall I have someone retrieve her?"

"No," Kas said. "I need my hygiene kit."

Kas put a hand on the stubble on his neck and cheek.

"I can not allow you to use a blade in your condition," T'Lura said, setting Kas' shaving bowl on a tray table.

The Vulcan was unsure who had brought Kas' toiletries from the ship, but it did make things easier. She wordlessy lathered the Hybrid's face then got a straight razor. Kas sat perfectly still as she glided the blade across his cheek. She gently touched his chin to adjust the angle of blade to shave his neck.

"Your daughter?" T'Lura said as she rinsed the blade and prepared the other side of his face. "From her family name her mother was Meressa Rahl?"

"Yes," Kas said. "We were together for a short time before I returned to Starfleet."

"Meressa Rahl's passing was regrettable. I acknowledge the difficulty you may have experienced, Kas." T'Lura said as she continued shaving his other cheek.

"Thank you," Kas said "How is Kormak?

"Your attacks were effective, but not fatal. Doctor Hepka anticipates a full recovery. Melor and Brok'tan have invited you and Commander Chalan for bloodwine this evening." T'Lura paused, "There is no reason why you cannot attend. I would avoid any violent encounters for the near future"

"I'll do my best," Kas sighed. "Keena needs me, I’m not sure how to be the parent she needs… I'm the only one she has…"

"As for your concerns about parenting Keena, it is understandable that you may feel uncertain. Providing her with stability and emotional support is paramount, especially considering your unique role as her sole guardian. Rest assured that you need not be concerned about repeating the same mistakes as your father. I recommend seeking guidance from relevant resources or individuals who possess experience in matters of parenthood. You might find support in Lt. Drylo, she expressed similar struggles with being a sole parent."

"I'll keep that in mind, how is Keena?"

"Drylo said Keena and her daughter climbed a tree in the ship's arboretum; they fell out of it." T'Lura said as she ran a hand through Kas's hair. "The girls were unharmed, but the Counselor was displeased."

"I'm sure," Kas laughed and felt a pain in his chest. "I'll have to speak to Keena. She knows better. As for Drylo… Well I guess I'll deal with that too."

"Do not over tax yourself," T'Lura said as she began braiding Kas's hair the way she used to when they were together… She had always found the importance his clan had put on personal aesthetics to be a strange discipline. However if she didn't braid his hair there was a good chance he'd injure himself attempting it. This was her logical reason to do this.

Commander Chalan walked in, looking tired; however, she had obviously gone to the trouble of putting on a fresh uniform and adjusting her hair back into a loose twist, keeping her hair out of her face.

“Kas, I want to know how you are feeling, but I’d like an official report from the doctor first,” Chalan said looking at T’Lura.

"Of course Commander," T'Lura said. "Let's step into the hall."

Kas gave T'Lura an exasperated look, she always did this with his commanders so he couldn't argue. He needed to get back on duty… The Vulcan fixed him with a cold stare.

"I trust you will stay in bed until you are cleared?" T'Lura stated.

Kendri looked over at Kas. “I’d feel more comfortable receiving his medical information with him present, unless you think there is a reason that our conversation should be private,” Kendri responded curiously.

"I've found It is more efficient to report on this patient without his irrational interruptions," T'Lura explained.

"It's fine Kendri," Kas sighed. "I'm used to it."

T'Lura cocked her head and raised an eyebrow, she chose not to respond.

Kendri followed the doctor into the hallway. “Okay, then. What’s his status?” Kendri asked.

T'Lura turned Kendri, "Kas suffered damage to three major internal organs. Unlike full-blooded Klingons, his redundant organs are not all fully functional. He also experienced extreme blood loss, which I am sure you observed. Due to his hybrid status, cloned blood cells were used. He has responded well to the treatments. The damage to the internal organs was repaired using appropriate regenerators, but the equipment does not completely heal damage this extensive. Kas will need rest, and time to recover. For now, I have issued orders that he be kept for observation. If he continues to improve, it is possible that he may be released later this evening.” T’Lura explained.

T’Lura raised an eyebrow as she considered the commander. “I understand Kormak has invited you and Kas to a celebration tonight. He will need to use an anti-intoxicant in order to partake in the festivities. I trust you will be able to monitor his intake, and ensure that it does not exceed what the dosage of anti-intoxicant can process."

Kendri looked into the room at Kas laying in the bed still and then back to T’Lura. “How important is it that he attend this thing?” she asked.

"It is the custom that when two warriors survive a duel they partake in a drink publicly to show their animosity has ended. In this case it is imperative that you maintain good relations with the settlement." T'Lura explained.

The Vulcan looked out of a window, she wouldn't normally encourage Kas to drink. She'd seen what that often led to, this situation was different. She never would have expected to have a logical reason to advise such action.

“Well give me instructions on how to monitor his bloodwine intake, or whatever,” Kendri said absent-mindedly as she stared into the room. “Can I talk to him now?” she asked.

"Yes, try not to agitate him," T'Lura said. "He needs to remain calm, please tell the counselor the same. I believe she will receive that instruction better from you. If you'll excuse me, I need to do my rounds."

“Of course, Doctor,” Kendri said, nodding at T’lura. She stepped back into Kas’s room and pulled up a chair.

Kendri looked at Kas with an almost sad look in her eyes. “How are you feeling, Kas?” she asked.

"Like my insides are being held together with good medicine and my iron will," Kas grinned. "I don't know what she told you, but I'm going to be fine."

“I’m sure you will be, but she did say you need to rest and not overdo it. We almost lost you.” Kendri put a hand on Kas’s forearm and gently squeezed it. “Are we done with this now? I want to get you back to the ship in one piece.”

"Yes, I have gained their respect. We won't have any more problems," Kas said.

Kendri removed her hand from Kas’s arm. “T’Lura said you can’t get drunk at this party we have to go to tonight,” she told him. “Something about an anti-alcohol intoxicant that you need to take, and monitoring your consumption.”

"Yes, I'm aware," Kas smile. "I'd suggest you take an anti-intoxicant as well, unless you want to end up with one hell of a hangover."

“Fair enough,” Kendri nodded. “Keena is here. Do you want to see her?”

"Yes," Kas smiled

“I’ll go let her know you’re ready,” Kendri said softly, nodding as she sat up and walked to the door. She turned around and took another look at Kas before leaving, happy to see him in one piece.


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