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The price of immunity

Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2023 @ 7:24pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles

1,394 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Grabok Settlement, Campor III
Timeline: MD C12 0830 hours

Shortly after part of the away team left to track down the water source, the computer in the lab finally hit on what Lieutenant Foley had been trying find since they arrived. Antibodies. The records that the officers had kept included a name and an address not far from the hospital.

Lissa set out to find the Ferengi whose blood may hold the key to a cure for the ailing Ferengi and pay him a visit. As she approached the home she rolled her eyes at the gratuity box she was expected to tip before pressing the door chime. She inserted a slip a latinum and vowed to present a better poker face to whoever answered the door. She'd spent a fair amount of time reading about Ferengi customs in preparation for this mission. Pressing the chime, she waited for an answer.

It took a few moments for a Ferengi to arrive. After a short wait, the door opened. "Oh," said a diminutive female Ferengi. Her orange eyes locked onto Lissa's as she smiled weakly. "An Orion.. Now there's a surprise. I'm Nurse Kephi."

There was a slight look of disappointment in her expression, still feeling the rejection of being sent away from the Federation's shuttle yesterday. "So Starfleet. How has your investigation been going? Please do fill us all in."

"I'm also a nurse, Lissa Kerr. Only half-Orion." Lissa didn't know why she felt the sudden need to correct the woman at the door. "We've been running labs all night, and someone who resides here has tested positive for antibodies that we hope could potentially lead to a cure. A Krata?" Lissa asked, hoping she was pronouncing the name right.

Nurse Kephi, often called medics internally because of the rudimentary nature of their medicine. By the same token, doctors often called themselves healers. Such terms also avoided legal concerns and fees officially relating to the aforementioned titles.

The truth was that she was stunned. The disease had troubled her. For a moment she felt as if there had been no hope left. It took a moment for the reality that there might be a cure to set in. Kephi shook, "I.. Well Krata.."

Not seeing a response from the woman, Lissa added. "Starfleet doesn't usually deal with currency, but we do have some latinum to offer. It's not much, but we can pay. It would be best if he came back to our ship for a few hours. And if we're lucky, it will be one piece to putting an end to all of the sick people." Lissa looked at her pleadingly.

Kephi's attention turned to Lissa, looking up into her eyes. She was touched that the Federation would honor their culture. A pointy-toothed smile crossed her lips.

"You know.. I was born a year before Grand Nagus Rom was appointed. It is only due to his leadership that I'm fortunate enough to study medicine.. Or even wear clothes."

"I'm not one to turn down latinum.. But Krata is also from my generation. He is one of the new lab technicians... Probably skulking somewhere around Sub-Level 3.."

"This way", the tiny Ferengi said as she turned and led Lissa back to the hospital. "So what else have you discovered? About the illness." She hoped to learn information she could pass onto others as soon as possible.

There were observations the Ferengi had also made. They learned early the the virus was not airborne, because of the way the illness manifested itself on Marauder starships. It was clear that a vast majority of those ill had recent exposure to certain places on the planet.

"It's in the water coming from the water tower," Lissa told her. "Part of my team went out to the water source today to see how far back into the supply it goes. We also learned that the virus doesn't appear transmittable to any of our species - those of us who came along I mean. We have some theories, but we'll need to use the equipment on Columbia to verify for sure."

Once they arrived back at the Hospital, Nurse Kephi took Lissa towards a brightly-lit sterile corridor. "This way," she said gesturing for her to follow.

"My First Officer told the liason we've been working with last night that it's best everyone only drink water from matter-synthesizers," Lissa continued. "Families who use those don't seem to be getting ill."

The pair moved past several doorways. An open room revealed two Ferengi lying on bio beds, attending medics carrying the weight of the situation in their solemn expressions. The Ferengi medic sped up her pace as they turned a corned and made their way towards a door.

As they slowed their walk, Lissa paused to straighten her uniform. "Are we here?"

"Almost", she said. "This will take us where we need to go." The doorway opened to reveal a lift. As they stepped inside, the doors shut behind them. "Sub Level 3."

A whir hummed, bringing with it a physical sensation which rattled each person to the bone.

"It sounds like we should push people to eat only replicated foods.. It'll be terrible for the market, but the colony is at stake. I just hope the older generation will understand. They'll still push their wares, but its up to us as medics and healers to stand up for science."

As the doors opened and they stepped out into another hallway, Kephi asked, "Did you find out anything else about the illness? Anything about transmission or its effects? Or are your science officers still looking into it?"

"We'll know more when we get the samples back to the Columbia. Probably today," Lissa explained. "It's definitely active in the bloodstream, so it could be transmitted that way, and through contaminated water obviously. Smaller amounts in saliva and mucous, so it can be transmitted from person to person, but if good hygiene is practiced, the likelihood is minimal."

The walk down this hallway was shorter, turning and coming to a stop as Kephi rang a chime. An alien sounding buzz-chime welcomed them.

"Say Krata," Kephi said as a seated young Ferengi turned to listen to her. He was dressed in a pale robe a few shade of orange-tan darker than white. "This woman would like to speak with you."

"Any interesting news? We heard one of your shuttles stopped by," Krata said, turning to stand and join the others. Behind him were various samples, beakers and a wall of high tech equipment. Readouts showed numerical values tied to Ferengi units of measurement.

"Well, Mr. Krata," Lissa said stepping forward. "I'm Lissa Kerr, a Nurse from the USS Columbia. The blood sample you provided yesterday has shown promising results for a potential cure. We'd like for you to come back to the Columbia with us for more tests. If you are willing." Lissa stood at attention, waiting for his response.

"Me? I... I guess I can consider myself lucky." He adjusted the metallic clasp that secured his lab coat. Krata couldn't help but realize he beat exposure and potentially be the missing link towards a cure. "The health of my people are important. This illness is affecting the wellbeing of our entire settlement. If our economy grinds to a halt, they'll pull the Ferengi out of the Campor system. This entire effort would be for naught... Not to mention the loss of life."

He began to pack a few small items into a bag that hung from a transparent red hook.

"I have learned not to get my hopes up until potential cures are realized. Your aid will be much appreciated though. After all, Rule of Acquisition number 59.. Free advice is seldom cheap." Krata grabbed his bag and asked, "So where are we headed anyway? It wouldn't happen to be a science vessel, would it?"

The Ferengi followed Lissa out of the lab and back towards the lift.

Lissa smiled. "Oh, it's much more than that. Are you familiar with the Odyssey class starships?" she asked.

"Am I," Krata mused excitedly. "They only possess some of the most advanced facilities within the fleet",

Nurse Kephi made eye contact with Lissa, internally thanking her for humoring him. "If anybody can solve this, surely your crew can.. This... Columbia."

Ensign Daisheliss Kerr
USS Columbia

special guest :
Captain Rhyl th'Zeles
as Nurse Kephi and Krata


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