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Chance Encounters, Part 1: Strangers

Posted on Thu Oct 12th, 2023 @ 8:39am by Thrita sh'Qirhess

1,806 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 10, Ice Lounge
Timeline: MD C7 1700 hours

=/\= On =/\=

Surrounded within the glistening splendor of Ice, Thrita sh'Zeles sat alone at the bar, rich violet eyes reflecting the crystalline hues of her surroundings. She gently swirled the golden Andorian ale in her hand. A radiant glow from the towering crystals cast an ethereal shimmer upon the icy bar beneath her. The lounge was a testament to Andorian craftsmanship, from the frosted vareth berry sculptures to the intricate ice carvings that adorned the walls.

The floor beneath her feet sparkled like a frozen galaxy as the soft hum of subdued conversations filled the air. Tall crystalline pillars bathed in iridescent hues lined the room, each emitting a soothing, ambient glow. Ice was a tranquil sanctuary, a frosty haven among the stars.

Thrita leaned slightly against the frozen bar, her gaze wandering across the diverse array of patrons around her. She always enjoyed people watching while in a new place. Many Andorians were present, a fact which surprised Thrita. It appeared many were here looking for a taste of home.

The Thalassan took a long swig on the chilled beverage, knobby antennae moving slowly as they arched upwards from the rear of her skull.

Her keen eyes caught the figure of a lone man a few seats away, nursing a synthahol ale with a contemplative air. She couldn't help but watch him for a moment, curious about the thoughts that might be swirling in his mind. He also seemed to seek solace in the embrace of this icy sanctuary.

Thrita's rich purple eyes lingered on the officer for a moment, pulling away just as her look drew his attention. She snapped her head away, nervously fixing her hair with one hand and lifting her glass with the other.

Shan had stopped into Ice after a basketball lesson and a quick shower. The ship was warm. The gym was even warmer. Other than his quarters, or maybe an airlock, Ice was one place where the temperature was comfortable. He noticed the young Andorian looking his way.

"It's nice in here isn't it?" Shan asked. "I like that we have it. Most of the other restaurants and lounges are too stuffy and humid."

"Ugh," Thrita said, waving herself from the thought of the ship's general climate. "The humidity! Who sets the temperature that high? It feels like a Vulcan sauna out there," Thrita said as she grabbed her drink and sat with one seat between Shanir and herself.

"I'm just visiting," she said. "It should be a nice long stay though.. So is this where everybody comes to hang out? I never knew Starfleet had lounges like this on their ships."

Her eyes were a dark but rich shade of purple that seemed to absorb as much light as they reflected. There was a curious gleam in her eyes as she looked up to Shan.

"So are you like... A big time.. Federation.. Action hero?" She fought the urge to laugh at her own playful quip, hiding her budding smile by putting her glass to her lips. Large eyes looked away as she sipped.

"Nah, not yet. I'm fresh out of the Academy still. Operations. Maybe one day though," he retorted, an amused look on his face, raising his glass a bit before he took a small sip.

"The Andorians on board definitely gravitate here," he explained. "Others come when they are looking for something a little different - elegant maybe. There are quite a few lounges and restaurants. 10-Forward on the other side of the deck is probably the most popular if you are ever looking for a crowd."

"Crowds aren't really my thing," she said as her lips curled upwards.

Shan looked at the visitor curiously, wondering what had brought her here for an extended stay. "I take it you're not Starfleet then?"

"No.. Not yet," she started before feeling the need to correct herself. "Well... Not that I want to join. I mean.. My family wants me to join." It had been so long since Thrita had really opened up to anybody. It felt good for her to ramble.

"I've been offered the chance to start studies as a cadet but... It's complicated. Maybe I'll sleep on the thought for the next few years," she said before flicking her hair behind her left ear. It sat just a little shorter than her shoulders, curving slight forward at the ends.

Shan couldn't help but to chuckle softly when she mentioned sleeping on a decision for a few years. She was funny.

"I'm hoping to start a training center in the arts of the Chako Tianni." More confidence crept into her expression as she spoke of the Andorian martial arts. The name of the style translated to 'war skills system'. It encompassed several techniques of armed and unarmed combat.

"The Columbia seemed like an interesting place to train because I should be able to also learn from so many unique styles. Even from the aliens," she added.

"So.. Operations. What is life like for a Starfleet Ops officer?" Thrita could imagine him commanding a department someday, curious about his duties aboard the vessel.

He watched her as she spoke, clearly passionate about martial arts training. He wondered how an undecided cadet-in-waiting could come to train on a Starfleet vessel.

"On the Bridge it's monitoring the ship's systems, sensors, allocating resources if there is a problem stuff like that. I tell the Captain if a ship is scanning us, if there's an anomaly ahead, or if an away team is on the ground, I'm monitoring their life signs, watching for anything unusual, in space or on the ground," he said trying to start with the more interesting part of his job first.

"Other times, we maintain and fix a lot of the ship's systems, we're sort of the other half of engineering, more with the computers not so much with the engines. I like it, it's something different every day," he said hoping it didn't sound too dull to someone who was clearly into leading a more a action-centric lifestyle.

Thrita sipped her ale as she listened. She tried to imagine what it would be like working in such a field. Mechanics had never been her strong suit. She looked warmly from the wall of ice and crystal back to Shanir.

"Why do you think your family is pushing you to go to Starfleet so hard?" Shan asked.

Thrita thought for a moment before responding. "Tradition", she said as a hint of anxiety hid behind her eyes. Shanir might even sense tension emanating from her through his antennae. "I guess our keth (clan) has made Starfleet service one of its core tenets."

Her comment rested in the air for a moment before she said. "Starfleet service.. Mining.. And history," Thrita said as her playful look returned. "You know how it is." Her voice suddenly took on a mock Thalassan accent, haughty in tone. "We simply must do what's best for our culture,"

Thrita put one hand on her hip and sat straighter as she tensed her facial features. Her neck raised her head high before she turned and smiled.

Shan looked at her for a long moment, perhaps daring her to let him really see the anxiety she was hiding behind her playful demeanor. He looked back to his drink, mainly to break the tension he dared not try to define that he had felt growing between them. He slid over, taking the seat right next to her.

He leaned toward her, his eyes still slightly averted down at the bar and asked, "Are you really unsure about Starfleet, or do you know it's not what you want for yourself?" The question was free of judgment, expectation that she answer one way or the other. It was just a simple question, asking for her honest feelings.

Thrita tilted her head lower as he looked down. Her eyes stayed locked onto his as if trying to force him to pay attention to her. She fought to restrain the corners of her lips from curling into a smile. "Well I still feel like I'm so young. Starfleet is a lifelong commitment. I think I'll go to the Academy one day. There was some other program that came up.. I 'froze out' at the last minute," she said in Andorian slang for backing out of her arrangement.

"I guess I could work security." There was a look of admiration in her eyes as she spoke. "I was never good at mechanical things.. Engineering and stuff. Not to mention the science... It sounds like a whole big thing." She turned away from Shan for a moment to sip her drink.

A teal blush had crept along her cerulean complexion.

Shan smiled at her sincerity. At her. "I would never try to talk someone into or out of Starfleet," he responded. He leaned in and dropped his voice to a whisper as if sharing a secret he added, "But there isn't a blood oath that forces you into a lifelong commitment," he looked around making a show as if he was afraid someone might overhear him. "You can resign anytime. Most people stay in because they like it." He winked at her playfully before sitting back up a little straighter.

She laughed and tapped his shoulder as he leaned in. "Well maybe I'll think about it, then." In her mind she said she would at least if there were more Andorians like him around. She sipped to help stifle the urge to verbalize those words.

"I can imagine the family pressure makes it harder. You don't know if you are doing it for you or for them?" He guessed. He hadn't even asked her name, but for some reason he found himself wanting to help her talk through this decision that had been weighing on her.

Thrita was relieved they hadn't exchanged names. She knew they would have to exchange information if they planned to stay in contact. She was just glad to speak with him before he realized she was the Captain's daughter.

Thrita wanted to be known for her own merits and faults, not just for being Ryhl's first born. She felt as if she had always lived in the shadows of one officer or another. Being momentarily anonymous gave her a freedom she wasn't sure she'd find on the Columbia.

"I'm sure you know how it is," Thrita said. "When a family has a vision, they tend to push towards that. I do feel the need to travel the stars... Even now. Maybe I just need to find my passion.. There has to be a spot for me somewhere in the fleet. Do you know much about the Security Division? Sometimes I think about it... The gold shirts..."

Ensign Shanir "Shan" th'Kaasnik
Ops Officer
USS Columbia

Thrita sh'Qirhess
USS Columbia


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