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Playin' with the boys

Posted on Wed Oct 4th, 2023 @ 9:44pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Lieutenant JG Mario Pranjić

668 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Starbase Yorktown
Timeline: 5 years ago


The loud, ruckus chaos of the bar aptly named "The Hangar" was full of drunk fighter pilots, the variety of hangers one and bar staff who were struggling too keep up.

At one table amidst the chaos was Jason and Mario, several trays of drinks in.

"Wait...wait.." Followed by a belch "You're telling me that you got into a fist fight with a gorn and lived?!"

Jason slammed back a shot "Yeah, I've got the claw marks to prove it, plus....the girl..." followed by an equally loud belch.

"Bull....I've never.....ever, heard of that." Mario said followed by slamming down a fifth shot.

Jason stood up pulling up his uniform shirt, revealing the scars.

"Holy...shit..." another punctuated belch "You lived to tell the tale...and got the girl...Damn kid!"

Mario stood on the chair, one foot on the table "To Ensign Jason Elliot, The craziest intel guy in the whole of Starfleet, fought a Gorn, lived too tell the tail and gets the girl!"

The bar let out a collective number cheers, burps, and other bodily noises in celebration, Mario flagged down the server "One more round of beers for the hero and his humble pilot!"

Jason looked around then spoke "We're supposed to be flying tomorrow and we're..." burping again "in the morning, and we are loaded."

"Welcome to fighter land!" Mario declared.

The next morning Mario walked on to the fighter deck helmet tucked under his arm, marched forward too the fighter, Jason was trailing behind, clearly hungover.

"Come on spooky, lets go stir the pot with our neighbors!" Mario said with way too much enthusiasm.

Jason jogged to catch up with Mario, the noises of the flight deck were bordering on unbearable, "Piss off." Jason hissed as he handed his helmet too the flight crew who were there to help the two strap in to their seats .

"Flight this is ghost rider, we are ready to go play Nicky nine doors with our friends, request clearance."

=^="Ghost rider you are cleared, make sure to leave the flaming bag on the door stop along the way."=^= the voice said.

The fighter advanced quickly along the flight deck and accelerated into flight away from the starbase. The fighter made an aggressive bank to port "Next stop Kazis system."

The fighter accelerated to warp speed in a flash of light. Mario switched the comms to internal, "Hey Jason, we're three hours out, wanna tell me why we're dropping a sensor beacon this close too the Klingon border...which will one hundred percent cause an incident, the will one thousand percent have a bird of prey chasing us."

Jason spoke next, "It's a marker too keep any Romulan refugee convoys from getting off course and starting trouble."

The next three hours passed uneventfully, Jason prepared the beacon as the entered the far side of the Kazis system, Jason looked at the small display, "Thirty seconds to drop point, lets....." Jason felt the moisture from his mouth evaporate "Bird of prey two-two-eight mark 7!"

"Beginning evasion!" Mario called out

The bird of prey chased the smaller fighter, first in a flat out chase that was broken up by the fighter doing a full on dive into an asteroid belt, followed by a series of wild banking maneuvers.

"They're only chasing us, I guess that's a good thing." Jason commented.

"I moving around enough they can't get a solid lock on us, if I swing around I'm going to drop the beacon and get us the hell out of here, here we go!" Mario called out.

During the return flight Mario laughed, "Add that one to your scrap book, we got away without a shot fired."

Jason was still hyperventilating, "They look a lot meaner when you're in a smaller ship."

Mario locked the autopilot in an plotted their return course, "Three hour return flight, did that beacon survive?"

Jason looked at the console, "Test signal received, we can get the hell out of here."



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