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Tugging on the wrong thread

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2023 @ 7:36pm by Ensign Annika Wiseman

2,615 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Various
Timeline: MD C3 1115


Annika launched her uniform coat at her desk, she raced into the back storage grabbing her sidearm and one of the long duster field jackets she had seen her superior officer prefer over the standard one. She slid on intelligence greys again, and put on the belted holster along with her sidearm, she heard the door hiss as it slid open.


Zeke leaned against one side of the open door frame, his arms casually crossed across his chest. Annika had seen the Trill security officer around this ship, but they hadn't spoken much.

"Going somewhere?" he asked, also casually. He didn't move from his spot against the doorway, but peered at her field jacket and noted that she was wearing her sidearm.

Annika wasn't in a social mood "Hopefully chasing a dead lead on Lieutenant Elliot's assault."

Zeke made a show of pretending to look over her shoulders at the empty intel office and down the empty halls. "By yourself then? You know the Captain figured you'd try something like this. There is a security officer assigned to keep an eye on you around the clock." He took a couple of steps into the office, but still maintained a rather cavalier attitude about the encounter.

Annika grinned wildly, "Then I guess you're coming with me planet side." as she pulled out another phaser case "Are you packing?"

"You're supposed to bring Lieutenant Zh'kahlol as well, but yes, I'm authorized to provide security for you both, provided we report our destination and properly check out a shuttle," he said and amused grin on her face. "That will give me time to swing by a weapons locker." He gave her a reassuring look, more seriously he added, "Whatever you need. Someone went after one of our own. We all want to find out who did this. We're a team, okay?"

"The Marine Liaison is due any time now." Annika said annoyed, "I've already had flight control fuel and provision a shuttle."

"Alright then. After you," Zeke said stepping out of the way.

Annika walked by gently smacking Zeke in the chest with a weapons case, "I'm not in the mood for stalling, lock and load gringo."

Zeke sighed as he followed Annika. She was already seeming like a real treat.

Vevi arrived at the Columbia and to the launch bay in record time. The outpost that had been her relay station wasn't super far from Campor airspace. Over one blue shoulder was slung a phaser rifle-Ruby Tuesday, she had named it-and she leaned against the wall, waiting. They appeared in front of her. "Wiseman and Ligan? Vevi Zh'kahkol. Are we ready? Ruby here is ready to go," she said, patting her rifle.

Annika walked in like a villain from a bad holo-novel villain, tails of her coat almost floating as she walked, "Secure the hardware marine, we're not on Andor anymore I wanna save the fire fights for the real bad guys, lets get that bucket ready to fly."

Vevi eyeballed the other woman, but shrugged. She slung the rifle over her other shoulder and smiled at Zeke. "You're cute," she said. "This posting might not be too bad after all," she said. "Let's go." She didn't say more, following behind the duo.

Ligan observed the two women and began to understand why the Captain had sent someone from Security to tag along. Zh'kahkol names her weapons, and Wiseman is spirited, but she's new to intel and her background is medical not security or tactical. He'd try to stay out of their way as much as possible. He hoped it would be possible.

"I am ready when you are, Ensign," Ligan responded.

Annika looked at the controls of the Delta Flyer, she'd only flown them on training missions, and it was the only small craft she had any sort of flight rating for, "Zeke, take ops, Ms. Zh'kahkol take tactical, let's get this circus on the move."

Vevi didn't mind tactical. That's what she was trained in, after all. She settled in to the console, her antennae poised to pick up any signs of danger. Instead, the younger woman gave off "I'm acting cool because I am nervous," and the guy? Pure frat boy. Fantastic. She was gonna die.

Annika cued up flight operations, "Flight ops this is Grelth, we are five by five on the flight deck, request permission to launch."

"Grelth you are cleared for limited operations, per mission plan." the monotone voice said "Good hunting."

GRELTH? And people said that "Ruby Tuesday" was a stupid name. She fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Tactical is go," she said.

The Delta flyer lifted off and slowly advanced toward the forcefield, Annika advanced the throttle slowly until they were away, then pushed the throttle to half, once clear of the ship she snapped the ship into a fast wide banking turn heading for the planet, she checked her orbit trajectory, "Fifteen minutes."

Engaging the autopilot until they were allowed to land she spoke up, "Lieutenant Elliot has a contact here on Campor, he's a trusted intelligence source and I have permission too meet with this gentleman and see if we can shorten the list of suspects who might have been involved in his assault."

Annika turned back to watch the sensors, "the port we're landing at is where his freighter is currently located, our contacts name is Valit, a Romulan male."

A ROMULAN?! She sighed. "Tal Shi'ar?" She asked. Not that anyone would answer that truthfully, but Vevi liked to know who she was dealing with. Her motto was *Shoot first, diplomacy after.*

"What other types might we run into in this area?" Zeke asked, dutifully manning ops, usually an uneventful job for a short flight.

"Based on the orbital data I saw only Valit's freighter, and a couple of ships being scrapped, the port itself only has four hangars." Annika reported.

"I'll stay out of your way, as long as you stay where I can have eyes on you, deal?" Ligan offered.

"I won't. You can cover her six, but I can take care of myself," she said. She had up until now. Why should today be different? She was a Marine, and trained to never miss.

Annika looked over at Ligan "I'd appreciate that, I want this to go smoother than my last mission."

"Me too," Ligan responded sincerely. He didn't know her well, but he knew what it was like to almost lose a colleague. Being a security officer had it's risks, and Wiseman had been through a lot in a few days. If something happened to either of these two, on his watch he would have a hard time of it.

Ten minutes later they were landing, Annika eased back on the throttle as they flared the landing, a small dust cloud kicked up by the thrusters, as she switched most of the ship into standby or off, "Okay let's go see if this is going to be a bust or else."

"If it's a bust, that damned Andorian Captain is gonna hear about it from me," Vevi said. She turned off the Console, securing it carefully, and stood up, the rifle slung over her other arm this time. "Did they give you a Phaser to go along with those rippling pectorals?" She asked Zeke. "Even though you're only an Ensign, I assume you're well armed, too, pretty?" She said to Annika.

"Let's try not to draw too much attention to ourselves," Ligan reminded them. "Phasers on stun," he said looking at Vevi before checking the setting on his.

He turned to Annika waiting for her to take the lead. Even though he outranked her, his orders on this mission were clear, keep the team safe.

Vevi made sure her phaser was on stun, and slung it over her head like that old Sol film, Rambo. "Let's go," she said.

Annika walked across the small spaceport toward the aging Romulan freighter, kneeling next to a maintenance hatch was an elderly man, a Romulan tinkering with something.

"Mr Valit?" Annika asked tenatively

"Whose asking?" the older man asked

"I'm Annika Wiseman from Starfleet intelligence, I was hoping to talk to you."

Valit stood up, the messy overalls showing signs of needing cleaning, "Well looks like starfleet finally sent a pretty one instead of the usual ones, how can I help you and your muscle?"

Vevi gave a LOOK, and her antennae swirled in annoyance. She was far more than muscle.

Annika wasn't sure what too make of this man yet, but she ventured a guess he was friendly for a price, "You might be partially aware that a Starfleet officer was attacked last night..."

Valit held his hand up "It wasn't me, nor do I know much."

Annika paused, "It was Lieutenant Jason Elliot, I believe you two have worked together."

"Ahh...Jason, good kid, smart too, he was the officer attacked, sad....very sad, it wasn't any of the usual trouble makers here, most of them were too drunk." the older man commented.

"So who would have done this?" Annika was puzzled

"I've heard about some ex-Starfleet types who'd go after anyone if a Romulan could be blamed." Valit said wiping his hands with a rag. "They've got a small compound north of here, but they'd likely try to keep a low profile if they were involved."

Vevi listened intently. Someone from the inside could be dangerous. VERY dangerous. Her antennae was now perked for danger, and her fingers stroked the business-end of her rifle. She didn't like this Wiseman's nice techniques.

"Would they have done something like sabotage a weather station, water pumping, or even power?" Annika asked.

"Hmm...maybe, but they'd benefit more from just causing trouble, my guess is they would turn in who ever attacked the kid, now is that security guy gonna stand there or is he going to bring the bottle of that whiskey Jason always used to bring when we met?"

Annika finally smiled "Hey Zeke, get the gift box from the cargo hold for our friend, I think he's earned it."

"Why don't you come with me and show me where it is," Zeke responded. Their deal was that she didn't leave her sight. Old contact of Jason's or not, he wasn't comfortable turning her back on her.

"I'll watch her, Lingan," Vevi said, her rifle now in her blue hands. "It's Ok." She nodded.

Valit looked over at Zeke, "Looks like your babysitter doesn't trust me, I get it, you don't live as long as I have without knowing a few things, how about I come with you and we have a talk in private, say aboard your fancy ship?"

Annika smiled, "I think Zeke would be more agreeable too that, shall we?"

Valit looked at Zeke, "I'm not Tal Shiar sonny but I can tell you a few stories." he said as he walked by.

Zeke followed closely. "Ensign Wiseman, Lt. Zh'kahlol, and I are sticking together. Captain's orders. I'm coming in, or this is over. Zh'kahlol, keep an eye on the door."

Vevi nodded once, tightly. She stood at the door like a sentry might. She took her job seriously. The times for fun was after.

Valit chucked, loudly, "Wouldn't expect anything less, first time I met Jason he had some security guy with him, followed us around then, if you want you can pour the first round."

"I'll just sit in the corner and let you two get to know one another," Zeke responded. Keeping a fair distance also gave him a clearer vantage point.

As they returned to the Grelth, Annika opened where she stashed the bottle of booze earlier, "I think this is your preferred vintage."

Valit chuckled, "First time I had a snort of that Jason wasn't much older than you are, after that first time we had a deal, a couple of bottles of that in trade for what I had seen, then the girl came into the picture."

Annika poured two glasses, "Girl? you mean his wife?"

Vevi was only half-listening. Mystery women? She'd have to meet this Jason person. She liked mystery women. And men who liked them, too.

"No, about four or five months after that first meeting Jason was part of some diplomatic thing on....where was it....anyways Sentator Libasis and his daughter were part of some big deal, anyways," Taking the glass and a massive pull on it, "A Gorn Raiding party shows up to crash the festivities, Jason saves the daughter....what was her name..." he paused as Annika filled the glass, "He saved her, getting ripped up in the process, when things went to hell on the homeworld Jason arranged to have her and her remaining family escape on my ship, that was the plan anyways."

Annika looked up "The plan?" she took a sip herself "What happened?"

"Larel missed the meeting and I had to flee, then I lost contact with Jason for about two years, he'd gone back to Earth, I wound up here, hauling medical supplies and seeds for the farmers, the local federation population were mostly friendly, hell I'd acquired a taste for that cold soup...uh...." Valit was starting to get drunk.

Vevi was storing all of this way for later. She had yet to meet this Commander Elliot, and she was piqued. And a bit unimpressed-someone who got themselves into too many scrapes was a bit of a hindrance to security. Too much collateral damage.

"Gazpacho?" Annika said swirling the glass

"That's it, cold, ground tomato's and some humans are severely misunderstood." Vilat too one final drink "I'll make you a deal, if I learn anything I'll let you know, in exchange, Can I get some tomato plants?"

"Tomato plants?" Annika looked back quizzically,

"I'm not gonna roam the space lanes forever, I want to settle down, grow some tomatoes and enjoy life, and if I can help make things peaceful I think its a fair trade." the intoxicated Romulan said.

Annika looked at her chaperones, "What do you two think?"

Vevi shrugged. Tomatoes were toxic to her. "I can get you some Andorian ones, as well," she offered. "If you're interested."

Zeke spoke up, "Our Chief Science Officer knows a bit about botany. If you give us a soil sample and coordinates of where you intent to plant them - for her to study your climate, I'm sure we can get you the perfect tomato plants."

Vilat stood up, "Deal." pausing to steady himself, "I have the coordinates too that compound on my ship, now young ones, after I retrieve those coordinates I'm gonna take a nap."

Vevi nodded. "That'd be great. We can be on our merry way," she said.

A few minutes later Vilat handed over an old Romulan data pad, "We'll talk again soon I'm sure,"

Annika handed the open bottle over, "I'll be back with the plants' personally, are you sure we can't do something else?"

Vilat looked up, at Annika "No, I'm good." he paused "If Jason pulls through let him know I'm here, I wouldn't mind talking with him."

As he shuffled off, Annika turned to the others, "Let's get back to the ship."

"Aye, aye, Cap'n," Zeke commented a wry smile on his face as he went to secure the shuttle doors before retaking his position at ops.

Vevi nodded, turning her rifle to the "standby" position, and following the others. What a way to start her first day. She needed a stiff drink. And a nap. She climbed into her console seat. "Systems online," she said.


Ensign Annika Wiseman

Lt jg Zeke Ligan

1st Lt Vevi Zh'kahlol


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