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Meeting At Star Point - Part I

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2023 @ 9:48pm by Ensign Sar
Edited on on Tue Sep 26th, 2023 @ 9:55pm

3,470 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Campor III - Star Point Settlement
Timeline: MD C2, 0645 hours

=/\= On =/\=

The first wave of officers from the USS Columbia had successfully touched down on the surface of Campor III. They found themselves in the heart of a remote settlement known as Star Point. This outpost was nestled amidst vast, rolling grasslands. It held strategic importance due to its housing of a critical communications relay. In recent times, the power source of the relay had been plagued by recurring malfunctions, necessitating the intervention of Starfleet personnel.

Ensign Sar, the Vulcan propulsion specialist, strode purposefully through the settlement's barracks. These rustic pre-fabricated cabins, constructed from local materials, were spread amongst the tall, undulating grasslands. Their exteriors bore the weathered marks of exposure to the planet's climate, but their interiors had been outfitted with the latest in Federation technology to ensure the comfort and well-being of their occupants.

Sar observed his surroundings with the characteristic Vulcan stoicism. The settlement, although remote, displayed signs of careful organization and attention to detail. As he moved through the barracks, he noted the efficient layout, with rows of cabins neatly aligned and interconnected by winding footpaths. The tall grass swayed gently in the breeze, casting long shadows in the planet's mild, late-afternoon light.

His footsteps echoed softly on the pathway, as he passed by fellow officers from Engineering and Ops. The officers were settling into the complex and preparing for repairs which could take days.

In Sar's left hand was an engineering toolkit. A backpack with extra clothing and supplies was worn over his shoulders. The Vulcan peered into each cabin as he passed, hoping to find an empty one.

Behind the Vulan, Sarah bet Ira watched carefully, carrying her own "go kit" and supplies. They were here to help their superiors to set up the infrastructure of the village. Bring the Romulan refugees some modernity, and maybe that would help them to feel humanity, too. She, more than others, understood the need for that.

The man in front of her was acting...a little odd. Even for a Vulcan. She spoke a little. "Ensign...Sar, was it? Are you ok?" She asked. She mostly meant "was he ok being here among his people who were strangers in this world," but she also meant in the real sense. "What are you looking for?" She said. "My boss said the bunks were pre-assigned."

Sar snapped towards the woman, somewhat surprised that she approached him. "I am examining the barracks in an attempt to find an unoccupied set of quarters. My housing is located in close proximity to a particularly heavy area of foot traffic."

His quick manner of speaking and blank facial features may have shown her that he was a Vulcan. His skin seemed especially golden under the light of the local "sun", a star which also currently shined bright light into parts of the Columbia. Sar had also hoped to explore some of the surrounding landscape.

Their work on the comms relay was not set to start in earnest until tomorrow.

"The name is Ensign Sar", he said as he approached her. "It appears we may be working together. May I inquire as to your field of specialty?" His voice had a singsong quality, words richly spoken in a smooth tone.

Sarah nodded. This was the Vulcan engineer. "Ensign Sarah bet Ira," she said. "Ops. We'll probably work close together, then," she said. "It is nice to meet you," she was struggling with the English Standard words, sounding far more formal than she was. "My row has some openings," she said. "I am in the last row, third column. You could probably get Turner to switch, he fancies my boss and just drop her name," she said.

Sar's eyebrow raised slightly as the woman invited him to room near her. He had begun an experiment lately, trying to see how improved social connections might improve his efficiency. This might produce an interesting opportunity.

"I believe I shall be able to convince this.. Turner", Sar said confidently. His diction was also terribly formal. He found Ensign bet Ira's manner of speaking pleasing.

"This planet presents an interesting opportunity for exploration." His words were spoken without emotion, but it sure sounded as if he was interested in his surroundings.

She nodded. "It appears so. I would like to find some kind of...what is the word? Guidebook?" She looked at him for confirmation. "My boss also said that there are interesting flora nearby," she said.

"I was about to visit a nearby trail. Perhaps we can stow our gear and traverse one of the nearby paths." Sar's recommendation sure seemed to be that of someone excited to explore his surroundings, although he seemed emotionless.

Sarah smiled. "I would enjoy that, I think. Let me get a few things. Please excuse me," she said, stepping to the side. She would grab her jacket and maybe a ration packet. Just in case.

"I shall leave this gear in the spare cabin you mentioned", he said, walking part of the way with her towards her cabin. Sar veered off, searching for the cabin which seemed the emptiest.

He dropped off his toolkit and backpack, digging out a PADD. He had heard that Federation science logs weren't fully updated with all of the wildlife present. He ran a search through a Vulcan database based around biologists and botanists based in remote locales.

He was able to find a log from one particular Bolian naturalist. It might function as the sort of guidebook which Sarah was looking for.

Sar returned where he'd left her to rendezvous, PADD in hand... Tricorder holstered on this hip. "I believe I may have found a 'guidebook' of sorts", he said. He showed her his PADD, currently featuring hyperrealistic drawings of a local flower. "There is much to discover", he said as he turned from Sarah to look over the tree-line.

Sarah stood waiting, her small, Fleet-issued knapsack on, with PADD, 2 ration packs, first aid kit, and jacket inside. She'd also put a bathing suit in there at the last minute, for some unknown reason but her mind said to. She smiled when Sar arrived. Her face lit up when he mentioned he'd found a sort of guidebook.

"Wow, that's cool. Thank you," she said. "Cool" was a Standard word she'd learned to mimic quickly, to fit in better with her peers. "I think so. Shall we begin?" From the pocket of her pants, she withdrew an old-fashioned compass. "North is that way," she said, pointing left. "And we're 20.3*n, 23.5*E, in case we get lost," she said. "What does your guidebook say we should look for first?!"

Sar packed much lighter. Food was on his mind as well, but he planned to forage using notes from the naturalist. Besides, he didn't plan to stray too far from the camp. The Vulcan couldn't help but admire her preparedness.

As he looked down at the compass, he synced his internal senses to the direction, connection to the azimuth in a way a human couldn't. "The collection of notes does not provide instruction upon a course of guidance. Yet I do find the prospect of foraging for food interesting."

He lifted his PADD and input the coordinates, bringing up a map. "If we head west, we'll meet a stream. I would speculate that the best edible foliage is in that direction."

Sarah nodded, following him as he started out. "Foraging. Why didn't I think of that? I wonder if it's safe for Humans," she said.

Trees taller than those at Duveek rose high in the distance, just outside of the flattened space of the camp. Like Duveek, tall grasses colored in ambers, scarlets and greens danced in the wind.

The officers left, heading along one of the two trails which left curving out into the western woodlands. "The chance to escape the confines of Engineering is most enlightening", Sar said to Sarah.

"Is your boss particularly tough?" She asked, curious if that statement was about the people or the duties themselves. "I enjoy my work, but I do enjoy an opportunity to leave the ship occasionally, as well." She should've brought a water bottle.

Sunlight filtered through the tree's bright turquoise leaf canopy. Calls sounded around them, ranging from distant chattering to buzzes and rattles.

"The surrounding grasses are alive", Sar said as he looked around. The trail already began to show signs of overgrowth expanding along the path. The constant buzz of insects and the call of distant wildlife highlighted the diversity around them.

"Many humans acquaint themselves with each other by speaking of their past", Sar said almost robotically. "Tell me.. Where were you raised? Is hiking an activity you participate in routinely?"

Sarah smiled, the sunlight catching the depth of colors in her hair. It appeared to be jet black, but it had hints of deep red when the filtered sun hit it. "I was born in a place on Sol called Romania," she said. "It's a VERY old country. Older than most of them on Sol," she said. "My family has lived there for many generations. We didn't even leave when the wars came for our people. I was born into an Earth religion called Judaism; our people are Jewish, and some times, at various times, we were subjugated and killed for those beliefs. Luckily, it hasn't happened in about three hundred years now, but...the past, sometimes, stays with you, if you really listen for it," she said. "I hiked a lot at the Academy; San Francisco was beautiful, and I loved the grassy forests there, and the scent of the ocean." She said. She could almost smell it again.

"What about you? Are you from Romulus?"

"I am born of the Kir province of Vulcan", Sar said while blinking twice rapidly. There was something relaxing about his mellow voice and calm expression. Rich ebony hair shined under the sun, hairline and sideburns trimmed with precision. His golden skin gave him a swarthy appearance. "It is a desert land... populated with hearty vegetation and a community tied to the cultural roots of our people."

She nodded. "I apologize for confusing Romulus and Vulcan," she said. "Kir. What is it like? On Sol, there's a drink called a Kir. Kir Royale. Sparkling wine with raspberry or Cassis juice." She didn't know why she'd just said that. How dumb. It was her brain trying to associate something she knew with something HE knew.

Internally, he was fixated on what she had said. Sar had never met such a diverse human. He recalled a few things he learned about Romania, including some of the history she mentioned. He also knew the land was linked to the romanticized version of Transylvania seem in holonovels.

Her hair subtle color stood out brightly to his sensitive Vulcan eyes. A passing feeling unsettled the Vulcan. The last time he felt such a worrying sensation was during a conversation with his boss, Commander F'Rar.

A feeling seemed to call Sar to find more about this woman. It was an interest. But this interest was illogical because it did not relate to the mission.

Sar's eyes could be seen briefly looking down over Sarah's figure. His head snapped away towards the trail, as if he realized his actions. A worrying set of calculations crossed Sar's mind.

It had been six years and seven months since he last completed pon farr. Sar had to meditate to stifle the worrisome thoughts, focusing on the moment.. He had plenty of restraint at the moment, but it would explain his growing need for social experiments.

Sar had trust in his control. He would try to ensure that Ensign bet Ira was not subject to his latent thoughts. "Do you find time to celebrate your faith while serving in Starfleet? How do you incorporate it into work and your life?" Part of Sar's study looked at alien habits such as religion and entertainment. It was all in an effort to see how such things improved efficiency.

Sarah, for her part, was oblivious to the man's interests, and continued on the path, stopping occasionally to look at something that caught her interest. One particular thing was a shiny rock. She held it up. "Do you think it would be ok if I took this one?" She asked. Morally, she meant. "It's a lovely rock. I find them...fascinating," she said. She finally realized he was looking at her. "Do I have something on my face?" She wiped at her mouth with her hand.

"Where is this river from here?" She asked. She, too, looked at him more fully. Where they were standing was more illuminated, and she could see his rugged features and...what the hell was she doing?! He was a colleague.

"I do, luckily. I am not super orthodox in my beliefs, but I do my best to follow my tenements as I can. Luckily, Lt. Shan is understanding, and lets me take time off for my observations if I need to. So far, I haven't had to, but we have a certain holiday coming up, and I will need to miss work that day. He said it was OK, and I can make it up by changing my day off that week," she explained. "Maybe I'll have a small get-together. Make some traditional foods."

"It has become apparent that food is an important part of the bonding between individuals. I have noticed many crew members using food as a means to share company... and build ties", Sir said as they walked.

"Yes. How do you celebrate important milestones? I know Vulcan's aren't big on birthdays, but there must be important feast days or something?" She asked. Truthfully, she didn't know much about Vulcan culture, only what she'd picked up over the years.

He took out his tricorder and appeared to scan brush along the trail.

"I would imagine that many associates would enjoy a taste of your cuisine. Meditation and rituals are a key part of Vulcan life. Learning more about your rituals could provide me with a fresh perspective on my own insights."

Sar finally seemed to find what he was looking for. A small bush contained bundles of small indigo fruit. "It appears we have a chance to sample fruit native to Campor III." The tricorder listed the fruit as undiscovered. It still told him the fruit was edible, a key metric he trusted.

Sar did not pack rations, expecting to forage for the duration of the short trip. His Vulcan metabolism required less food than a human. He pulled off a branch laden with the fruit, bright blues and purples twisting into curly shapes.

He offered the branch towards Sarah so that she could pick one of the fruit. The sunlight seemed as if it had slowly become more and more amber. Golden hour seemed to stretch on for much of this 22-hour day's afternoon.

The fruit carried a sour, tangy taste which kissed the tastebuds. Even Sar could understand why many could be drawn to this flavor. The sweet fruit was soft as he bit through, teeth breaking through the outer shell with a crunch.

Sarah picked a small piece of the fruit, something she had never seen before. "Does the guidebook say what this is called?" She asked. She bit into it, and smiled. "Oh, that's really good. Sour, but sweet, too. Pleasing mouthfeel. Yes, I could eat this often!" She said. She blushed a bit; she hoped she wasn't being too...human. "I have brought some rations, if you'd rather have more familiar foods," she offered.

As she mentioned the guidebook, the Vulcan holstered his tricorder. He planned to check the guidebook soon, but had been scanning for more edible fruit. Sar took out the PADD and began to flick through it. "I shall check."

He was able to read quickly, finding it after a bit of searching. "It appears the name given to this particular fruit, is the moonberry. This is likely because of its crescent-like shape."

Sarah nodded her understanding. "A moonberry!! I would've eaten them solely as a child if I knew that then!" She said.

"Foraging should suffice, though I might require additional protein later tonight. Thank you for the kind offer." Although he was emotionless, it appeared wasn't without appreciation.

She smiled. "Certainly. Just let me know. What can you eat? I know that you can't have chocolate. Anything else? I brought a chicken meal ration pack, and one that is pasta. You're vegetarian, correct?"

A snapping sound in the distance drew the golden-hued Vulcan's attention. "It would seem as if a large creature is in our midst", he said quickly, even for Sar. "Shall we investigate?"

The snap became a rustling of leaves, hidden underneath a tall row of tree and brush-line.

"Do you think it's safe to do so?" She asked. They were just Ensigns, in a non-battle-facing rating each. They weren't armed.

Sar thought for a moment. The guidebook did mention there had been larger predators in the area, though most had been driven off. "There is a chance it is a dangerous animal.. Perhaps we should..."

Before Sar could finish his sentence, a lean six-legged creature sprinted from behind the undergrowth. It stood about four feet high at its haunches, grunting and letting out a cry as it sped away from the officers. Mottled fur carried colors of white and orange, with small purple spots breaking up its coat.

The Vulcan clenched the branch of fruit, quickly balancing it on a stump so he could flip through his PADD. "That creature would appear to be what was called a 'Phantom Strider'. Omnivorous. They tend to avoid taller animals, including humanoids."

Sarah nodded. "It's pretty, but...scary. A little." She said. "An omnivore isn't dangerous, though. At least, not to me. I don't know what Vulcans taste like, though." Immediately after the words were out of her mouth, she blushed. How dumb did that sound? She always tried to make jokes and fell flat.

He stowed his thin PADD into a specially made pocket in his pants. Taking the fruit, they continued to walk. Sounds of the stream's rushing water became louder, the narrow waterway likely just behind a row of vegetation growing alongside the trail.

Sarah led them around the bend, finding the stream ahead. "Look, there it is!" She said. She sprinted towards it, clearly happy to see the water. "I wonder if there's fish in it," she said. "And we can dip our feet in, come on, Sar!!" She said, waving her hands around for the Vulcan to hurry.

Sar watched her run, hair glinting red under the amber glow of Campor's seemingly perpetual 'golden hour' lighting. Calmly he followed, expression devoid of emotion but seeming to always carry a look of determination.

Normally Sar would avoid swimming in the river. "The prospect of exploring underwater life is intriguing", he admitted stoically. If Sarah watched his mannerisms closely, she might notice his blinking was occurring more rapidly. Federation undergarments were waterproof, though they would be quite revealing compared to a swimsuit.

He removed his tricorder from its holster, quickly scanning the roaring waterway. "It appears the creek is free of contamination, possessing a somewhat vitalizing array of minerals."

"It is unfortunate that we cannot see below the surface", Sar mused as he stared at the creek.

Sarah laughed. "Indeed," she said. "What's the matter? You seem...hesitant. Is that the right word? Not quite scared....yes, hesitant," she said, in her now-less accented Standard. As she grew more comfortable with people, the thickness of her accent lessened and she was much more understandable. "Do you know how to swim?" She asked, gently. "If that's what is holding you back, it's ok. Just roll up the legs of your pants, and wade in!! It'll feel nice to your skin." She said.

"I do indeed know how to swim", he said. "I will consider the idea. Perhaps it would be best if I took a look."

"Minerals, huh? Should we take a sample back for Science? I am sure they'll find it, but..." She liked to be helpful. The strange, almost Sepia-like glows to the trees and people were causing her to feel a bit drowsy. Or something else. Maybe. She didn't know a word for it. She just knew that her stomach felt a bit jumpy and her eyes lowered. "Is it potable?" She asked.

Sar felt increasingly dizzy, feeling as if his head had begun to spin while reading the tricorder. "The water is indeed fit for humanoid consumption", he said rapidly. "The minerals are fairly average and in quite a minuscule amount." Sar began to feel a warming sensation which pulsated underneath his skin.

Ensign Sar
Propulsion Specialist
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar bet Ira
Operations Officer
USS Columbia


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