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Klingon Medicine

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2023 @ 12:39pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Ensign Sar

1,848 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: En Route to Campor III
Timeline: MD C4 0700

Kas watched over the crewmen who were loading the medical supplies into the ship. He was nervous about the assignment, he'd been informed that the Klingons had reported resources going missing. That meant they'd be under scrutiny which could cause serious problems. He was waiting for the rest of the when he heard a small behind him.

"Can I come with you, Papa?"

Kas turned to see his little daughter, "Keena this is a restricted area and no you can't come along. I'm glad you came to see me off, my Little Star."

Feeva stood nearby. She watched the interactions of the flight crew while sipping some water. She wasn't exactly excited to be going along, but still. It was nice to see some action finally. She smiled when she saw the little girl, but did not move forward yet. She would if asked to, though, to escort the little girl away or something.

As an anti-grav sled dropped off the last set of cargo containers, Sar moved alongside it. The Ensign had been assigned to take a more hands-on approach to loading the shuttle. As it came to a stop, Sar and several others formed a line that quickly passed the cargo into the vessel.

Many of the supplies were tailored towards fighting disease, infection and other natural causes. The officers understood Klingons used dermal regenerators and similar equipment sparingly, compared to other species. A few pieces of regenerative equipment had been loaded earlier. Medicine accounted for many of the supplies.

A case of Anatid flu recently swept through several of the Klingon settlements, seemingly adapted to affect the Klingon immune system.

Sar noticed Lieutenant Commander Razka speaking with his daughter. The Vulcan respected him for finding time to raise family while serving as a senior officer.

Commander Chalan arrived with Nurse Kerr. Chalan carried nothing, her tricorder and phaser attached to her duty belt. The nurse had a standard field medical kit slung over her shoulder. Kendri made eye contact with Kas. "Do we have everything we need?" she asked.

"I believe so Commander," Kas said. He squatted down to Keena's eye level. "You need to go back to class."

'You didn't sing goodbye." Keena said folding her arms.

Kas sighed looking at his little girl, the farewell song was normally a private family moment, However, she wasn't going to drop this. So...

He took her hands and began to sing softly in their language, Keena hummed in harmony and the two moved their hand a time to the tune. As he finished he touched his forehead to hers and whispered something to her.

Kendri whispered to Nurse Kerr, "Aren't they sweet together? She's always asking him to sing. For everyone." Kendri offered an amused smile.

"They are, Commander. I met her the other day. She had wandered off and was climbing a tree in the arboretum and found her way to a bench where I was sitting. Very sweet young lady," Lissa remarked.

"The Lieutenant's parental stewardship is quite admirable", Sar said to the others, approaching after loading some of the last cargo.

Reeza smiled. How cute!! She had said her own goodbyes to her daughter that morning, as well. She felt terribly bad-Leena had already lost her father. Reeza really should have said no to this, but she was determined to not let her familial duties stand in the way. Clearly, Lt. Kas didn't. Still, Leena was younger than Keena, and she couldn't help but worry.

Petty Officer Eason stepped out and smiled and the father and daughter, "I'll take her to class and pick her up at the end of the day, Sir."

"Miss Maya," Keena squealed and ran to her. She then turned and waved to everyone.

"Thank you Officer Eason," Kas smiled as rose to his feet.

Edwin Veers had entered in time to hear his boss singing to the little girl, he walked over to Sar and Nurse Kerr. "He's not as intimidating when he's singing to his kid."

"I never realized he was that bad," Lissa shrugged. "I've never really worked with him though," she said winking at Edwin.

"Klingon tenacity and determination can often be misunderstood. This may lead to unintentional intimidation."

Kas stood and looked at Edwin, "Veers if you are done fraternizing with your colleagues, would you be so kind as to warm up the engines?" The Hybrid's expression made it clear that it wasn't a request. "You be piloting us down to the surface as I brief the Commander and the Lieutenant on our objectives.

Kas turned his attention to the other ensigns. "Sar, I trust you can Copilot for Veers... Kerr, check to see that the medical supplies are stored correctly."

"Immediately sir", Sar said blankly before quickly rushing off to join Edwin.

"Aye, Sir," Lissa responded. "I'll get right on it," she responded.

"Commander, Lieutenant, shall we step into the shuttle and go over the latest information on the Colony?" Kas said in a professional tone.

"Absolutely," Kendri responded. "Kas, it's my understanding that you have some personal knowledge about the settlement we are traveling to?"

Feeva remained quiet-she wasn't one to talk much anyway. Still, her ears perked up. "Yes, that would be helpful to know if I am meant to do diplomatic duties," she said. It would be so much easier if Vissians were telepathic, but alas. She'd have to make do with her other skills. "It would be most helpful..." She blushed, realizing she had just said that. Oh, well. She had a lot on her mind.

Once they were in the shuttle Kas turned to the ladies, "I have it on good authority that one of the colony's elders is a man named Brok'tan. He was with the group of Klingons who voyaged with my people. He was a friend of Toq…My father…"

Kas didn't make eye contact as he continued, "Last I knew Toq was on Kronos. He had a falling out with Brok'tan over a decade so I doubt we'll be running into him. Brok'tan is part of a faction of the Klingons that are trying to leave the more warlike traditions of the Empire for something more sustainable. He has been having trouble maintaining his authority, there's a power struggle that could make things difficult. I'm bringing my Bat'leth, I hope I won't need it."

Feeva, remembering the things that Lt. Kas had shared with her, just nodded her understanding. She settled in to one of the consoles, though she wouldn't have much to do. She never did until they were planet-side, really.

Kendri frowned. "I know that Klingon culture is complex, but the community asked for our help with medical supplies and vaccines. Do you really think there could be a blood feud when we are there to bring medical supplies?"

"I don't think things will escalate to that, however many Klingons take issue with my heritage." Kas explained."I don't think we can count on the elders to keep the young warriors in check. Being half Bajoran is challenging at times."

Kas's thought of Keena as he spoke, wondering how things would be for her. He wasn't used to having someone who depended on him, whatever happened, he had to return to take care of her. How could any father feel differently? How could Toq have just left? These questions were fresh on his mind… However, he needed to focus on the task at hand.

Kas looked Kendri in the eye, "I give you my word I will do everything I can to solve things diplomatically. I have a lot to come back to and I'm aware of regulations. "

"I'm not worried about, Kas. You've always been an exemplary officer. It just seems that given the circumstances, they would just be grateful for the supplies and leave it at that," Kendri posited,

Feeva chuckled. "The Klingons have, to my knowledge, never interacted with my people, so it will be an exercise in acceptance for BOTH of us," she told Kas, trying to smooth it over. "Vissia is nearer to Vulcan than it is Kronos," she said. She didn't need to say more. "I am sure it will be fine," she said.


Ensigns Sar and Veers made their way to the front of the shuttle. As Edwin focused on his pre-flight duties, Sar ran a quick diagnostic of all internal systems. "Sen-sors are online", said Sar to Edwin, both of his hands working on separate tasks.

"Good," Edwin said as he finished the preflight checklist. He got clearance and waited for the bay doors to open.

"Do you think the Commander heard what I said?" Edwin asked Sar.

The Vulcan replied in a calm, maybe even reassuring tone. "Perhaps. However, I do not believe Lieutenant Commander Razka would think negatively over what was said." Sar continued bringing secondary systems online. "In fact.. Some Klingons might even view being seen as intimidating as a compliment."

Ensign Sar was grateful for the chance to log flight hours. He had been taking shuttle familiarization classes since he'd arrived on the Columbia.

"About how long are we expected to be gone?" Feeva asked the others. She, too, wasn't looking forward to leaving her child alone for too long, and, of course, she had nerves about being this far away from Leena. They'd only just gotten her settled so she was sleeping regularly.

"I'm not sure how long this will take, I'm prepared to sleep in the shuttle if I need to," Kas smiled. "I've made arrangements for you to be transported back to the ship at nightfall to be with your daughter if necessary. Keena is sleeping over with friends, I'm not too concerned about her."

Fee bristled a little. "Well. Leena is also staying with the Turners, but I am worried about her. With respect, I'd like to return to my daughter in one piece-I am all she has left," she said, a little cooly.

Kendri looked at Counselor Drylo and waited for her to return eye contact. Once she had it, she began her pep talk, "Counselor," she said calmly. "The plan is for us all to return in one piece, understood?" Kendri did her best to affirm her confidence in the mission. "The Klingons here have no beef with us, if you feel unsafe we can call for an emergency beam out, but there is no reason to think we'll need that."

Feeva smiled lightly. "They have no beef with YOU," she said. "Vissia is a neutral planet, sure, but we're not in the Federation. I am fodder if one of them goes sideways," she said. She wasn't reassured yet.

Kas leaned forward and put his hand on Feeva's, "I give you my word as an officer and a father. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe."

Feeva just nodded. "Thank you. I appreciate it." She settled back, and practiced her breathing techniques. "I trust we will be ok. Thank you."

Veers's voice came over the COMM.

=A= We're lifting off Sir, we'll be landing in about an hour."


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