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Orion Curiosity

Posted on Mon Sep 4th, 2023 @ 3:45am by
Edited on on Mon Sep 4th, 2023 @ 3:47am

876 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Main Engineering, at least at first...
Timeline: MD 27, After Mutara Crossing

On engineering's upper deck Zeke was on his knees, head buried inside a panel running a microscanner over the power cells that connected to the main engine's backup system. It could be tedious work, but it was challenging even getting access to the relays, especially for a 6'0 tall Trill with large hands, so that took away some of the tediousness, and added a small layer of frustration. But, these types of tests had to be run manually on a regular basis, if there was a failure in the automated diagnostic scans, you certainly did not want to discover that in the middle of a crisis.

He breathed a sigh of relief as one more section was completed. He wiggled his way out of the conduit and stretched his neck, feeling a satisfying pop before he began to put the panel back in place. He was adding the bolts to secure the panel when he heard a commotion on the main deck. He stood up and went to the safety railing to see two young ensigns blocking access to the gangway that led to the warp core. In front of them were two Orion Naval Officers.

Zeke jogged down the stairwell leading to the main deck and approached the group where the ensigns seemed to be holding their own against the Orions.

Zeke wiped his hands off on his uniform pants and extended his right hand to shake hands with the Orion guests. "Lieutenant Zeke Ligan, Engineering, as you can see. I'm sure the other officers told you, only authorized personnel past this point. Our apologies. I could direct you to one of our viewing lounges. There is a deck where you can see much of engineering through a protective window," Zeke offered.

The two Orions looked at one another, the female smiled. She had striking black hair with a hint of green and was almost as tall as Zeke. She stepped closer to him. "Lieutenant Zeke Ligan, I'm Sashir, and my friend here is Razad. Can we call you Zeke? That is your familiar name is it not? Or do you prefer Lieutenant?" she asked, making eye contact with him that could only be described as sensual, while a subtle smile played on her lips.

"Zeke is fine," he said, meeting her gaze briefly, before catching Razad's attention and giving him the same look. "My shift is over in a few minutes anyway. Let me clear it with the boss, and I'll take you up."

Zeke left the Orions with the Ensigns while he cleared his plans with Chief L'Frar. Satisfied with his progress for the day, she was more interested in seeing them out of the doorway of main engineering than Ligan staying for the last ten minutes of his shift and told the Lieutenant he was free to leave as long as he took the Orions with him.

Zeke returned to the gangway with a friendly smile on his face. "Ok, we're all set. Let's go someplace a little more guest friendly, shall we?" he gestured down the hall and walked between them, asking questions about their own lives and ship as they made their way to the turbolift. Zeke lead them down the corridor to a spot where you could view the warp core through the glass, but all sensitive areas were strategically out of view from the angle of the viewing port.

Sashir leaned against Zeke's arm and tilted her head to speak into his ear, "It seems the design has not really changed much in several decades."

Zeke smiled, and slid his arm lightly around Sashir's waist, "It has performance wise, just not the aesthetic. We can be a nostalgic people. We appreciate the beauty in the design." He turned to look her in the eyes, their faces mere centimeters apart. "Your people appreciate beauty, I think," he said coyly.

She laughed flirtatiously. "Indeed we do. Right Razad?" she commented, beckoning him for affirmation.

Razad took a curious step toward Zeke. He was several inches taller than Zeke, and broader, muscular, his hair also jet black, a few inches long with loose curls. "Most definitely," Razad agreed, using the back of his hand to trace the pattern of spots from Zeke's temple to his jawline. "What else can you show us?" Razad asked, taking his hand away from Zeke's face, but not breaking his gaze.

"Astrometrics?" Zeke asked still holding Razad's gaze, his arm around Sashir's waist. "The lab is near my quarters," he added suggestively.

Sashir giggled in delight. "Yes, lets see both," she said, pulling Zeke's attention back to her. "I would love to see how Starfleet officers live," she added, licking her lips as she looked at him hungrily.

Zeke's smile could almost be mistaken for a smirk, but he was enjoying this. Very much. "Right this way then," he said leading the Orions back down the hall. "The replicators only make synthehol, but I have some exotic wines and whiskey back at my quarters if you are feeling thirsty."

"I always enjoy a good whiskey," Razad commented as they walked toward the lab, stopping there only for a minute.

Lt. J.G. Zeke Ligan
Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

with permission from Lt. Paisley M'Frar, Chief Engineer


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