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Scales and Arpeggios

Posted on Mon Sep 4th, 2023 @ 3:07am by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,273 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Crew Quarters
Timeline: post Dinner Party, pt. 4

On the walk back to the Habitation decks, Paisley started to flirt just a bit more than before. Surrounded by others, her lifelong training by her father to be the perfect child kicked in and she kept up the appearance of a woman who was friendly, compliant, competent, and demure. She really was only a few of those things, but it died hard. "So...Do you do this often?" She asked. She didn't. She really wasn't into humans that much-she liked the seemingly cold ways of Romulans, and the like, and drawing out the passion was a fun challenge to her. Humans, males in particular, were a bit boring and predictable-you just had to show them a bit of skin, and they were yours. She wanted excitement. Still. It wasn't like she was going to turn down an opportunity, and he was nice, and good looking, and frankly, it'd been a bit.

Jason smiled slightly, "I don't do a lot truthfully, you're the first woman I've flirted with since my wife passed away, I've kind of struggled with figuring out what to do." Jason said trying to hide some uncertainty in his voice.

Oh....Paisley simply nodded. "I imagine it would be a bit...uncomfortable." Well, that was embarrassing, but really, she didn't know. "Well. You did good!" She said, trying to make him feel better. "It seems like a shorter walk after work," she said. "Are you on this deck?"

Jason paused realizing he played the wrong preverbal card, "I'm a section over, but I'm enjoying the company right now."

She smiled. "Me, too. So uh, my offer to stay a bit and more still stands," she said. "If you want to. I won't press it were putting down some vibes, and I was, too, so..." She paused. "You're security, right? Damn, I should've made sure to pack away my contraband Bajoran milita stuff," she joked. "I am just kidding. My father would LOVE that, though, wouldn't he?! My mother was Bajoran, but he raised me VERY Cardassian." She shared.

Jason paused then laughed "I'm an Intelligence guy who brought a bottle of restricted whiskey to a party full of officers, I think your okay." he took her hand "I do have something a bit milder though."

She smiled when he took the joke. "Oh, right, right!! Well, me, too. Maybe a bit of Jumja tea?" She felt him take her hand and smiled again. "We're almost there; I am 125 in this section," she said. Just up the corridor. If she were going to do this, she better make up her mind fast. Yes, she would. That was solved.

Jason turned his head slightly, "I've never had it before, the most exciting thing I've had recently was dinner tonight, so tonight seems to be full of firsts." he felt the nerves were starting to set in, or was it something else.

She nodded, but stopped in front of her door to enter the code and then let him inside. "Here I am." He'd find that she kept her quarters mostly tidy, but had a strange contraption on the dining table in various states of completion-an old Earth stereo that she was rebuilding. She was always tinkering around with things. "Jumja root is a bit like Earth root beer, if you've ever had that. Sweet but a little spicy," she said. "Maybe akin to cinnamon." The sticks themselves were a gooey treat that she sometimes like but usually found too cloying. She went to the replicator and ordered up two of the steaming mugs and returned to Jason. "Here ya go," she said. She set hers down near the "couch" thing that Starfleet thought was comfortable, and stepped out of her shoes. "They're sexy as hell but they hurt my feet," she said, by way of explanation.

Jason had loosened his shirt, a few buttons were open, the edge of another tattoo was visible, "thanks." he paused to take a smell "Hmm...Reminds me of willow bark tea somewhat." followed by taking a sip.

Paisley nodded, but his slow undress wasn't lost on her. "I have never had that," she said. "What's it like?" She asked. "Cool tattoo, can I see it fully?" For some reason, she was suddenly a bit nervous-very out of character for her. Likely because he was fellow crew, not just some faceless guy in a bar she'd have some fun with and forget about the next day.

Jason set the cup down, loosening two more buttons to reveal the tattoo of sun in a tribal style, "It's a tribal sun, the center is supposed to be a warding against evil entities." he paused lost in a moment of something.

Paisley nodded. She took a deep breath internally, her brain shouting at her to make a move but her body strangely rooted to the spot. "I see. What tribe?" She asked. "I was thinking about getting the Bajoran flag tattooed here," she said, pointing to a spot above her toes on her right foot. "My mother's family's crest," she said. Her hand brushed his chest, and she set her tea aside. "Do you want to, um..." She felt her eyes close and she leaned in to kiss him.

Jason leaned in, pressing his lips too hers he put his hand on hers and slowly pulled Paisley closer, he felt his breath slow, the warmth of the moment Jason felt an uncontrollable urge and pulled her close his hands moving down her back, feeling the warmth of her skin under the dress, he pulled back and felt a rush, "wow.." was all that could come out.

She chuckled a little, moving along with him. She was warmer now-she ran a little warmer than most, anyway, damn lizard genes. "If you're uncomfortable, just say so. I promise it's ok," she said. She moved a bit more, so she was directly beneath him, blue eyes looking up at him. "I don't expect you to be ready for anything...." She trailed off. This was new territory; all of her lovers had, thus far, been single or fully broken off from a prior thing. This was the first time she had been with someone who was a widow and it was...weird. She told herself to shut up and just go with it, and moved her hands to undress him some more.

Jason felt her hands on his chest, his heart began to race again, he could see the look in her eyes, he reached up and pulled he in for another kiss, his hands found her hips as he moved in he could feel her hands moving, exploring, he felt her index and middle finger circling an old scar on his back. He ignored the impulse to stop, savoring the moment, feeling lost in it. This was more intense than ever before in his life, he found his left hand on her thigh, her pale skin looked almost white compared to his, he ventured upward.

Soon, they were both undressed, and headed towards somewhere nice. She was normally the leader in things like this-part of her naturally bombastic personality was that she was also a bit forward in bed, but today she took it decidedly slower. She wasn't sure if it was HIM in particular, or the spring wine, or what, but it felt right.

As the lights faded, there were no more questions, no more hesitation, this was a time to be in the moment for Jason, time would tell what was next.

(aftermath in a separate post)

Lt. Paisley F'Rar

Lt Junior Grade Jason Elliott


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