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Ensigns Only Club - Part I

Posted on Wed Aug 16th, 2023 @ 2:00am by Ensign Sar & Ensign Annika Wiseman & Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth
Edited on on Wed Aug 16th, 2023 @ 12:59pm

1,237 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: 10-Forward Lounge
Timeline: MD14 - 0830 hours

=/\= On =/\=

"Can you believe I am still doing onboarding physicals?" Lissa vented in frustration. "If everyone would have just come in at their scheduled time on arrival, we'd be done by now. Ugh!" She took a sip of her amaretto sour and shook her head. "What have you guys been up to? Surely it's more interesting that my days?"

"My job's been pretty great so far, actually! Ooh, the other day there were rumors circulating that we'll be meeting a new alien species soon! Isn't that exciting?" Ivitha was, on the contrary, considerably more peppy than her colleague; the Andorian seemed quite content indeed with her glass of syntheholic Andorian ale. "I can't wait to see if those rumors actually hold any weight!"

Annika was the odd girl out, "I'm not sure what's going on, I spent the whole day pulling biographical data on the Campor Colony leaders, Lieutenant Elliot was behind locked doors half the day." she paused too take a drink off the whiskey she'd ordered.

Shan looked at Annika curiously, "Didn't you say he did that other day? How often is this happening?"

"This is day two or three of him going into his office locking the door for about three hours then disappearing, in one case he had a phaser with him." Annika said looking more at her drink.

Shan's eyes widened, his antennae moving into an alert position. "A phaser? What would that even be about?" Shan asked. "I was about to say that I wish my boss would disappear for a few hours, but that's a little disturbing."

Sar leaned back slightly. His serene Vulcan expression remained unchanged as he listened to his fellow ensigns share their experiences. "I have been engrossed in my engineering duties, primarily focusing on the optimization of the ship's warp core and impulse engines," he replied, a faint glimmer of enthusiasm flickering in his dark green eyes.

"It has been a rewarding endeavor... Investing extended hours into refining such integral systems has been quite fulfilling." Sar continued, a trace of satisfaction lacing his measured words.

"I do, however, understand that the tedium contained within a day can become overwhelming for many people. It is logical that we attempt to build social connections, in order to reinforce the collective wellbeing of the junior staff."

The metallic-golden hued Vulcan's words were spoken in a fast-paced manner. Sar took a sip of his Plomeek tea, the tasteless liquid's warmth resonating with his sense of accomplishment.

Lissa considered Sar's response. "I don't consider the tedium overwhelming. It's just frustrating how many people flake on their actual appointments and reschedule half a dozen times before coming in. It's like they don't think we have better things to do." She took a sip of her drink. "The problem seems to be directly proportional to rank, if anyone is interested in data analysis," she added, a snarky tone to her voice as she took a large gulp of her drink and smiled to let her friends know she wasn't overly upset.

Sar nodded, as he took in her response. He tried to see the angle from her perspective. "Many people have dense schedules in the period of time preceding and following a ship's launch. The Columbia also has a large crew. It may only be logical that said exams will take an extended period of time."

Lissa poorly held back a grin as she responded to the Vulcan engineering officer. "It would be Logical, if they all just came to their assigned appointments," she pointed out, as she held back a laugh. She was messing with him.

Sar raised his left eyebrow in deep thought. He bobbed his head and looked to the side. "Indeed", he replied.

Lissa stopped trying and let out the laugh she'd been holding back, and held her glass out to Sar as if she were toasting his response and took a drink.

"I think it's because no one really wants to come to work. Or they're still getting used to the fact that now that they've got pips on their collar instead of cadet's bars, they have actual responsibility." Ivitha commented with a pearly white grin. "I think most of us tried to do exactly what they're doing as cadets once upon a time - some people just take a little longer to adjust, or so I think."

Annika looked up, "Try going from a nurse too an intelligence officer, then getting Lieutenant Elliot as your boss, you all have it easy." trying not to sound as upset as she was.

Lissa looked at Annika sympathetically, "Yeah, that situation sounds messed up. Do you think you should say something to the Counselor? A phaser? In his office, by himself?" she asked incredulously. "I mean we have room for you in Sickbay if you want to come back to the medical field," she said with a smile.

Annika looked up "He goes too the phaser range, a lot." trying to stop any wild rumors in their tracks "According to that cute security officer Kelson, he's doing target shooting at level thirty and higher." Annika contemplated the next answer "I'm only signed on for a six month run with intelligence, then I can go back to medical, but thanks." she replied with a smile.

Lissa leaned in with interest. "Ooooh, tell us about Kelson. Is he single?" she asked, winking at Annika.

Sar lifted his mug and pretended to focus on its tasteless flavor. Secretly, he was curious on who the others were interested in. He felt an increased need to meditate, due to deep buried feelings which he was trying to repress.

Annika got immediately flushed "He didn't talk much about himself, I met him when I was doing my firearms training for the Lieutenant, but he's definitely eye candy." She said bursting out in laughter.

"Oh, Kelson Neil? The human with red hair and that rocking beard? Ooh, yeah. He's gorgeous." Ivitha gushed. "And that accent - I go a little weak in the knees when he says hello." She admitted, cheeks flushing a slightly darker shade of blue. "Too bad he's so focused on work and duty. I've heard rumors that he's got a few notes in his patient file about working extra shifts..."

"I heard he was pulling double duty and he knows Lieutenant Elliot, they both avoid questions about it too, but yeah he is cute." Annika said stifling a giggle.

Sar's facial expression had not changed throughout the flirtatious discussion. Trying to be of help, the Vulcan said, "Perhaps you ladies might be interested in Ensign Van Burch. He is highly skilled in advanced thermodynamics." Eugene Van Burch often kept to himself and was known for making several social blunders.

Annika snickered "He's known for being clumsy, didn't he almost set a lab on fire?"

"Clumsy and an asshole. He's excellent with thermodynamics but treats everyone else other than him as lesser beings. He made ensign Rourke cry yesterday with his lack of social skill." Ivitha said disdainfully. "No thank you. Not my type. Never. Unless he gets better with people, maybe."

"I was unaware of that information", Sar said, having only known of the officer in passing.

Ensign Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr
USS Columbia

Ensign Shanir Th’kaasnik
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Propulsion Specialist
USS Columbia

Ensign Annika Wiseman
Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist
USS Columbia


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