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Tin Can Visit

Posted on Wed Aug 16th, 2023 @ 1:29am by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles

1,058 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 3, Fighter Detachment Offices
Timeline: MD 14 - 0810 hours


Jessica was in one of the detachment's offices looking at a family picture on the desk, of her parents and younger brother. She was just grabbing a few minutes' break from filling out another report on how the simulated cap flight went, between her flight Golden Flight, Sea Flight and Steppe Flight had gone.

With a sigh, Jessica said to the air “I can’t wait till we get to Campor III so we can actually get the birds in space.”

The office's door chime sounded with a reverberating buzz. Commander th'Zeles had traveled from the bridge down to the 202nd Starfighter Detachment's section of the ship. The set of offices, briefing rooms and equipment storage was wedged tight alongside the Columbia's massive shuttlebay.

"It's Commander th'Zeles", Ryhl called out after sounding the chime.

Jessica while still looking at the picture of her family and was about to call out a simple enter, till she heard who was on the other side of the office door. She quickly put the picture down, and quickly glance around the small office, making sure the little seating area away from the desk was usable. She then rose and hurried to the door, the door sensor detecting her combadge’s approach opened automatically.

Jessica took a quick look at the captain before gesturing for him to enter and take a seat and said “Please sir, come in and take a seat, is there anything I can do for you?”

"Well, in a way", Ryhl said as he cautiously entered. The ship's environment was still so new to him. He took her recommendation and sat facing her desk. Ryhl smiled warmly, antennae positioning outwards and rotating.

"You're the ranking fighter pilot aboard at the moment. I just want to coordinate with you... Commander Chalan and I will ensure your department doesn't fall to the wayside."

The sound of the rapidly humming warp core was a reminder that the ship was in motion. "We just started our voyage but we'll be on Campor III before we know it... I'd like to talk with you about utilizing your detachment during operations there."

Jessica followed Ryhl back to her desk and took the seat behind it, as the Captain started talking she wonder where the captain was going to go, then at the end nodded her head.

“Certainly sir, well as you can see…” Jessica started while picking up one of the PADDs on her desk with a quick glance to make sure it was the right one, handed to the Captain “... we have currently been focusing on CAP flights, if you or Commander Chalan have any ideas for extra scenarios, or have any more detailed information about the area of space we will be operating in so that we can better adjust and fine tune the holo sim?”

"Campor III is in uncharted space, just outside of the Typhon sector. I'll be sure the latest charts are sent immediately." Ryhl took the PADD and scrolled though it. "Stellar Cartography will send you the holo-files of the area of operations we'll be working within." He looked up from the PADD, dark-golden eyes reflecting the light.

Ryhl's antennae scanned the room as he spoke. "Be sure to familiarize each flight with this sector of the planet." After a slight pause, he added, "We also want select tactical officers to be trained in calling for close air support... Maybe some of the senior officers as well."

"This mission won't likely call for that", Ryhl said quickly. "The aid mission should progress peacefully. We have had increasing reports of piracy in that area of space though. It would be prudent to have fighters ready to respond to incidents... on planet or off."

"Any questions? How are you finding life aboard the Columbia?"

As the Captain had been talking Jessica had quickly picked up a PADD and started taking notes, “Yes sir, if you can get me times for when the selected tactical officers and marines are free to take part in mock battles, and of course any of the senior staff are welcome when free.” After a slight pause, and hunching forward ever so slightly Jessica continued “In relation to the piracy, without the support of Columbia anything bigger than say a steamrunner class will overwhelm the 6 fighters we have.”

With a slightly fearful look at the Captain after having to admit that, Jessica carried on “I’ll start adding in planet-based sims, and I’m find life aboard ok, a bit cramped but workable sir.”

Ryhl chuckled slightly out of shared anxiety. "Don't worry. I wouldn't have the fighters square up against a vessel.. Even if it had the Steamrunner's capabilities." Commander th'Zeles was well aware of fighter operations and their limits.

"I guess you're pushing me to release Intel that has been kept close to a few officers. It makes sense for the fighter pilots to be keyed in." Rhyl shifted in his seat. "You see, there have been reports of pirate vessels using technology similar to that of the Vidiians." He didn't expect her to know of such an obscure race, but she could look them up later. "At least in their ability to breach shields and board vessels."

"Your fighters will run patrols of the area, searching for any suspicious vessels. You won't be more than a short hop from the Columbia, so no worries.. The bridge will track your every move."

His smile returned. "But I wouldn't worry too much. These are all precautionary measures in light of the recent threat."

Jessica nodded to the Captain “Thank you, sir, I will not reveal this information direct to the rest of the detachment, but I will pull what information we have and incorporate it into the holo sims.” after a slight pause “Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?”

"That should be all for now, Miss Croft", Ryhl said as he stood. He took one last look around before his eyes returned to hers. "It was nice meeting you. We'll be staying in touch." There was a look of confidence in her in his glance.

He placed the PADD back on Jessica's desk, planning to look the reports up in his ready room later.


Commander Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jessica Croft
Fighter Pilot
USS Columbia


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