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Security Briefing and Reinforcements

Posted on Mon Aug 7th, 2023 @ 7:23pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Ensign Sar

1,733 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 15, Sec Office
Timeline: MD12 1400 hours
Tags: Paisley, Sava, Sar

Paisley was asked to come by security. She was unused to high-level requirements she had to fulfill; accepting the job of Department Head came with more than she'd expected. Still, she wasn't worried; she had a clean record and besides, even if she didn't, she was ASKED to do that, so security would likely already know.

The Cardassian/Bajoran hybrid tugged at her tunic as she walked down the corridor. It was a bit messy-she'd spent the morning reinforcing interior hulls above the MedBay and wasn't exactly a careful eater, either. She'd shoved a hot dog down her throat, washed it down with more coffee, and then turned the show over to her team to make this little meeting. She expected the XO to be there-they usually were-and sure enough, she was there as Paisley rounded the corner. "Ma'am," she said, with a nod, before ringing the chime. "Lt. F'Rar, Chief Engineer, reporting as requested."

"It's just us, I think we can be informal. You both should call me Kendri," the First Officer said as the Chief Engineer entered. "Are you both comfortable using familiar names as well?" Kendri asked.

Paisley nodded. "Yes, that's fine...Kendri." It was too weird to call your XO by her first name, but she had said it was OK right now.

“Of course, Comm…Kendri. And Paisley, pleasure to meet you. We haven’t been formally introduced,” Tomm agreed.

The Carjoran smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you, as well," she said.

Kendri started, "I put Intelligence and Security together on this Campor III mission, they've uncovered evidence of pirate activity in the region. Kobi has been looking into their methods, and... well now it's time to loop engineering in. Kobi?"

PIRATES?! She looked incredulously at the woman, and then turned her attention to the Security officer. "What...How can I help?"

Tomm considered what he was going to say carefully. Security was his department, but did not wish to step on toes or make the impression he was overstepping his authority.

“Well, Paisley, from my reading of the mission briefing, these “individuals” or whoever they are, have some kind of technology that affects the nutation of our shield harmonics. In other words, they have discovered a way to penetrate a ship’s shields. We need your help to develop a countermeasure. I have a very talented and experienced group of officers. I’ll assign Sava and a handful of others. Reinforce the shields.”

"Are you both familiar with how the Vidiian ships were able to continuously get through Voyager's shields when they were stuck in the Delta Quadrant?" Kendri asked. "From my review of what Intel put together for us, my suspicion is that it's something similar. I don't know if they hack into ship's computers to get the modulation frequencies, or if they have a sort of scanning device that searches until it get's the correct one, but it seems like they are not brute forcing their way in with phasers or torpedoes. Their shuttles are just sneaking right past and they are boarding before anyone knows they are there."

Blue eyes shut but she nodded. "Yes, ma'am, I have heard of the incident..." she said. She glanced at Tomm and then at Kendri. Lieutenant Tomm nodded in the affirmative at catching the eyes of Kendri.

"So...shields are the obvious answer. Where do I come in," she asked, emphasis on the *I*.

"I'm really going to need to you stop the ma'am stuff when it's just us," Kendri said eyeing Paisley. "I thought we had a moment - the other day over breakfast?"

Paisley laughed. "Sorry, force of habit!" She blushed an interesting shade of purple.

"Anyway," she continued, "I know the Captain thinks Ensign Sar would be a good asset to the Engineering team, so make sure to include him on who you decide to pull together. But our shields need work. We need to prevent any would-be attackers from being able to match our shield frequencies." Kendri explained. "I think engineering, security, and probably tactical are the best people to figure out how to do this. My first thought was to go on the offensive with continuously and unpredictably changing our modulation frequencies. You'll have to tell us how doable that is when you get into the schematics."

Paisley nodded. "I agree that the Ensign would be an asset," she said. "I will ask him up here. Should I do that now?" She asked.

"I'd suggest the two of you put together your team that you want working on this. The Captain wants to keep information on the project guarded until command is ready to give a full briefing," Kendri explained. "Obviously the crew you have working on the project will have full access to the information," Kendri explained. "I'll leave it to the two of you as heads of your department to decide when and how to inform those you want involved."

"If you are ready to bring people in now and get to work, I can leave you be," Kendri offered.

“Very well, then. I just happen to have a PADD with some ideas I had. I made some notes before coming in here, not knowing exactly what to expect, just my perspective from a Security angle.”

Tomm showed Paisley the PADD while discussing his concerns. “Here, Paisley, take a look. We know the shields operate at this frequency. It might take some time and a little more manpower than what we anticipated, but we can do it if we combine our efforts. I think if the shield grid is reinforced with redundant power relays, it should hold up better against any attack. The relays already there, they need to be realigned. Unfortunately, we would still be vulnerable to polaron beams. But we’ll cross that bridge soon enough. Let’s get Sava and the others prepped. Split up into teams. Have to get the whole ship covered.”

She nodded. "Alright...Kendri," that was still too weird! "I need Ensign Sar on my end. I would tap Turner but he's my choice for Assistant and he needs to learn that console," she said. "He has good marks and excellent recommendations. I think it's a self-esteem issue," she said. Her eidetic memory had taken note of the schematics that Tomm had laid out. "Ok, I got it," she said. "Between Turner and Petty Officer Mulroney...that's Alpha shift covered," she said, with a nod.

"The project is in good hands," Kendri said, looking at the two of them. "Keep checking with Intel weekly, and if you get any major updates or need anything, reach out to me or the Captain, or both of us." Kendri nodded in approval and turned to leave.

Paisley nodded. "You got it," she said. She tapped her Comms badge. ==/\==Ens. Sar, please report to the Security office.==/\==

=/\="Immediately, Lieutenant."=/\= Sar replied in his typically fast manner of speaking. It would take him several moments to arrive. The golden-metallic hued Vulcan hurried towards the nearest turbolift.

Lieutenants F'Rar and Tomm discussed piracy and preparing the Columbia until the Vulcan arrived.

Paisley smiled lightly when Ensign Sar showed up. "I appreciate your promptness, Ensign," she said. "This is Lt. Tomm, he will be in charge of this project. We're building a shield. It's hush-hush, so. Don't go telling your comrades," she said. She turned back to the Security officer. "Did I miss anything?!"

“Not so much building it as much as strengthening it. I want it so that not even a micron of space dust gets through. But yes, that covers it,” Tomm added as the Vulcan Ensign entered.

"It is an honor to meet you, Lieutenant", Sar said to Lt. Tomm. "Discussing a sensitive project would violate protocol", Sar said, missing the fact that she was half joking. "I would not think of it."

Paisley shook her head a little. She had forgotten that the Romulans and Vulcans amongst them took a while to pick up on things like sarcasm and humor. She'd have to be more clear and direct with Ens. Sar-she made a mental note to do so.

“Pleasure to meet you, as well, Ensign. We appreciate your assistance and discretion. Just routine shield maintenance as far as the rest of the crew is concerned. In addition to the power relays, we should be probably run level one diagnostics on the shield grid and the main deflector. Now it’s going to be a long few days, but please make sure to avail yourself of rest periods and meal breaks. We can’t have officers falling asleep in the Jeffries tubes. Understood, Ensign?”

Long, dark Vulcan eyebrows framed Sar's stoic expression. "I shall endeavor to maintain proper nutritional requirements." His sentences escaped in a fast-paced huff of verbiage. The thought of food made him remember the human coffee he tried with Lieutenant F'Rar. Oddly enough, Sar learned he had no reaction to caffeine that day.

"I will look into the diagnostics personally, sir", Sar said, left eyebrow rising with interest. As a propulsion specialist, he didn't often have time to look at those systems' calibrations. "It would help me understand best how to make adjustments to the EPS grid flow."

Sar knew this work would take days of calibration and adjustments. He embraced the puzzling nature of the challenge.

“Very good, Ensign. Because that’s exactly what I want you to do. Report your findings to Lt. F’Rar. I will coordinate with Commanders Th’Zeles and Chalan. They’re expecting you in Engineering. Dismissed, Ensign. And thank you,” Tomm said.

Sar offered a curt nod before stepping off towards the exit. His blank face seemed devoid of all expression.

Kobi returned his attention to the PADD he was carrying and adjusted the duty roster assignments as necessary.

"Anything else you need from Engineering?" Paisley asked Tomm. "I'll be on Comms; I need to finish a quick ticket for Medical but Sar is competent and follows directions to a T...obviously. If he's any trouble-and I don't suspect he will be-call me immediately. Channel three will be a direct line until I can get back up here."

[Tag: Tomm, Sar, Sava]

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendra
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Propulsion Specialist
USS Columbia


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