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Just a little naughty

Posted on Sat Jan 13th, 2024 @ 10:24pm by Lieutenant JG Mario Pranjić

1,003 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Pilot's locker room
Timeline: MD: C22


Mario was sitting on the bench in the locker room, his flight suit was half off, sleeves tied around his waist, his hair a sweaty mess from being in his helmet for several hours, he sat hunched over elbows on his knees, after a couple of long missions he was tired, his legs were stiff and he was in need of a shower. He looked in his locker the light grey helmet with a stylized raven on the right hand side. He looked up when the outline of a female form filled the doorway too the locker room. He smiled for the first time in hours, "Hey beautiful."

"Am I intruding? You look like you had a rough day." Lissa checked over her shoulder, and took a peek around the locker room for the other pilots.

Mario stood up, the sweat rolled down his face, "We're alone, most of the crews are either off to eat or grab some rack time I was the last one to get out of the debrief."

Lissa took a few steps into the locker room. "Well in that case... " she teased as she closed the gap and leaned in for a kiss. She smiled, her face still only centimeters from his, her way of playful flirtatiousness dancing in the light of her eyes.

Mario took her moves as permission and grabbed her by waist kissing her, pulling at her uniform shirt, "I could use a shower."

"Yes, yes you could," she said through her laughter.

He pulled off his undershirt launching it into his locker, then skillfully pulling at hers until it slid off "I could use some company."

Lissa giggled as she looked around again."You sure no one is coming back?"

"Strock is meditating in his quarters, Kelly is at the gym, Crunch is being a chow hound or chasing some nurse, the ground crew have their own locker room, we're safe." he said as he stepped out of his flight suit.

Lissa grinned mischievously. "This is so wild. Okay," she responded, a mixture of excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside her.

Mario grabbed a couple of towles and let her to the waiting shower stall pulling the curtain as they went inside, "All I could do to fill the boredom was think about you, now that I have you all to myself I want is more." he helped her out of her remaining clothing running his hands on her emerald skin.

Mario's hands were sending warm tingling sensation thought Lissa's body, turning her back to him as she reached to turn the shower on. She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, and leaned her head back and closed her eyes, the corners of her lips turned up in pleasure.

She lifted her head up and pressed her lips against Mario's, she moved her hands down, pressing against his back, pulling him closer to her. "You're supposed to be showering," she said in between kisses.

Mario looked into her eyes "I needed you..." he said pulling her under the warm water as it splashed off of him "I want to feel you...."

"Mmm, I missed you too," Lissa murmured as she relaxed into his arms and let him lead her.

As the water ran down their bodies his hands wandered down her body, slowing to caress the curves and smoothness of her skin, the warm water made her skin glisten as he explored her body, the steam of the shower just fueled his desires as he began to get caught up in the moment pressing their bodies together, "I need you now!"

"Out here?" Lissa giggled. "What is going on with you?" She asked, but it was already too late. He knew her body too well and she felt herself giving in.

Mario felt a strange but intense euphoria afterwards, he turned to look at Lissa, he'd become consumed with her, as she dressed he looked at her the glimmer of her emerald skin he ran his hands on her shoulders kissing her neck, "You are so beautiful, I can't seem to resist you, I ----" Mario caught himself, he wanted to say something else and couldn't he slipped back into a fog just looking at her like some beautiful statuesque figure.

"I can't believe we just did that," Lissa commented. "Here I mean," she added looking back at him before she stepped into her boots. She stood up and grabbed one of his hands with both of hers and rested her head on his shoulder. "What were you going to say?"

Mario looked up, "I'm in love with you...."

Lissa's bottom lip fell open as she looked at Mario curiously. She started to say something then stopped, as she stood up on her toes once, then back down again. She hadn't anticipated that he would say that... today. "Are you being serious right now?" She asked, still holding his hand, she moved her head so she could see into his eyes more clearly.

Mario looked at Lissa, "I know what I'm saying, maybe it's the lack of sleep from the back to back missions but its how I feel."

Lissa wrapped her arms around Mario's waist, and nestled into his arms. "It's okay," she said softly. "I love you, too."

Mario sat for a moment, "I know it's insane but I can't help how I feel." he reached for a class two uniform and began to pull it on, "Can we maybe go grab something to eat? I could use something to eat aside from ration bars."

"Yeah," Lissa answered. "That's actually why I came down here, silly." She slapped him playfully on the butt, and skipped a couple of meters out of his reach.

Mario stood pulling a shirt over, "hey!"

He reached out taking her hand, "Maybe a candle lit dinner for two?"

"Mmmhmm," Lissa nodded, interlocking her fingers with his as she stepped back towards him."

"Let's go then." as he closed his hand around hers.



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