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In Search of Wellness

Posted on Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 1:52pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles

2,857 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 10, Counselor Drylo's Office
Timeline: MD C21, 1140 hours


Ryhl had been feeling contemplative lately. He decided to meet with Counselor Drylo. This was his first time walking among the counseling offices on Deck 10. It had taken Captain th'Zeles some time before deciding who he'd choose as his personal counselor. He'd seen Feeva do important work, especially during the negotiations between the Klingons and Romulans. Ryhl felt a since of trust, having worked with her before.

The Captain turned down a corridor, hesitantly reading signs that guided him along the maze. These officers were on the far side of the same deck that held Ice and Ten Forward. A great deal of residential housing lay between the restaurants and this part of the ship.

A lot was on the Captain's mind. At the forefront was the health of his crew. He decided to check in with Counselor Drylo about the status of wellness programs aboard the ship. Ryhl knew she would likely try to complete a crew report when given the opportunity.

Soon he found himself before LTJG Drylo's door. He sounded the chime and waited to be beckoned.

Feeva was behind the computer, making care notes and future treatment plans. She heard the chime, and smiled lightly.

"Please, come in," she called out. She stood to open the door, escorting Ryhl into the office. By now, it was fully set up how she liked it-the walls were painted a soft, dove grey, an overstuffed, antique Earth-style couch sat against the far wall-in blue leather, to complement the pale grey. Across from the couch was two matching armchairs, in the old French style. In the middle was a well-worn, but hand-made coffee table that Feeva's late husband had made for her. On the table top was a selection of pamphlets and booklets she'd printed. The walls had some art work that Fee had picked up over time, as well as her daughter's handmade artworks.

"Captain, nice to see you. Please, sit down wherever you'd like," she said. "Something to drink?" She asked. She settled down in one of the armchairs, pulling her legs to her chest, sitting cross-legged.

Something about the environment made Ryhl feel welcome. Perhaps the colors reminded him of Andoria. A smile immediately bloomed as he bowed to her. "Counselor Drylo. Thanks for the welcome. I'll have some tea", he looked around for a replicator, moving towards it before sitting. He didn't want to have her bring him a drink. "I made a comment to a Vulcan Ensign in Engineering.. Sar. He's been sending me tea recipes ever since."

Ryhl didn't want too much caffeine at the moment. Sar's tea recipes were presented as gifts, yet were really just thinly veiled suggestions to help the Captain find a less stimulating drink. Ryhl sat, cup of tea blended with Raspberry and Bajoran fruits in his hand. He sat forward, upper back tense as he took a quiet drink. "So I just wanted to check in. First I want to thank you for all that you do. I know the Counseling department also runs wellness and social events. I want you to know that you have the full support of Commander Chalan and myself. Wellness and even holistic health are important to the crew."

"I have a lot of faith in you. I'd like you to head the morale and wellness team. Recruit interested junior officers from different departments and have them plan events.. Seasonal. Weekly. Just fun things for the crew. This mission has been tough on a lot of people, including myself." His golden eyes looked down for a moment in thought, ruminating on how stress had caused him to react poorly on a few occasions.

Feeva remained quiet as the Captain got himself a drink and settled in. She let him begin-he seemed eager to chat, and had, given his willingness to talk, done this before-for longer term than their required sessions. When he finished, she nodded.

"I would enjoy that," she said. "I understand some Earth holidays are approaching. Halloween might be a fun place to start," she said, noting it on her PADD. "And I appreciate the accolades, but alas...I am just doing my job. I don't always find the diplomatic parts as easy as this," she said, gesturing to him. "My approach is more old-fashioned-talk about your problems, and find solutions, if any exist. You can't necessarily "head shrink" your opponent in a negotiation," she said. "It would be much easier if I had telepathic abilities, but my people haven't progressed there yet," she said, with a small chuckle.

"So, Ensign Sar brings you tea. You must've impressed him-a Vulcan doesn't register emotions like friendship easily," she said. "I understand he's gotten a bit of help from his lady friend," she said. "Which may be why." She smiled. "What has been difficult for you this mission?" She asked.

Ryhl chuckled at her words, visualizing Sar as his friend. He thought of it more as the Ensign was trying to garner his favor or impress him. But it was nice to see a thoughtful side of the Vulcan. "Yes! I believe he's been dating Ensign bet Ira. I do wish their relationship the best. Well..."

Ryhl leaned back in his chair, pausing to sip as he thought of how to phrase his words. "I just feel as if I've become very isolated." He first planned to redirect and avoid sharing his feelings. There was something comforting about the diminutive red-haired woman. Admiration showed in his eyes as his met hers. "My job has become very administrative and I'm not happy about that. People are in harms way.. People have gotten hurt under my orders. Yet I feel disconnected, more and more."

His hands wrapped around the mug as he relaxed, sliding down and spreading out his shoulders along the cushions. "It's lonely being the Captain. I don't have the same social supports as others do.. At least that's how it feels."

Feeva nodded. "You're not the first Captain to feel that way, so don't worry. It might be nice for you to get out and "meet the people," she said, making air quotes with her fingers. "Off the clock, out of uniform. Host a dinner in the lounge. Spaghetti feed or something," she suggested. "Who do you have to talk to, besides me, and Commander Chalan?" She asked.

"My daughter Thrita is on board", he replied with a proud smile. "It could be nice to host an event with her at my side." His smile faded. "Thing is, she's 19. So she's at that age where she doesn't want to be in my shadow. I can ask her and see how she feels about it. I hope to socialize more. It's a big part of why I hope to get the morale and wellness program off to a good start."

Thinking for a moment, he added, "It's been awhile since I've hosted a dinner. I've had friends over, sure. But it feels different as a Captain. Maybe I just need to get used to the new position. I'll adapt and open up in time. I hope it's just the stress of this mission. I'm really grateful that the crew is able to work so well together."

She nodded. "That might be a nice idea," she said. "I know that the junior officers get together regularly," she said. "It might be nice to do something with the senior officers. Host a dinner. A ballgame in the Holodeck. Something," she said. "Who did you have come over?" she asked.

"I know I need to host something. To be honest, I don't always feel very social. I have had one or two people come over regularly. I invited a few engineers over for a quick talk about the ship. Still haven't hosted anything with the senior officers per se. But I attend events. There are often things planned for every occasion. I can think of times when I wanted to host an event, yet multiple other things were happening.. Plus the job. It would be rude of me to host an event, right when others do."

Ryhl looked for a place to set his drink down. "No, I haven't had big groups come over. Maybe just one or two people here and there." His eyes searched into hers for a moment. "It's not easy being Captain. It's a lonely life. But it's one I accept."

She nodded. "I understand that your race requires a group to...procreate. What happened there?" She asked, looking back at him. She paused to sip her tea, then continued. "We all need support, whether from a close friend, or a romantic partner," she said. "It's appropriate for you to find that," she said, soothingly.

His golden eyes took on a hint of warmth as he thought of the former bondgroup. "Well, we were all in Starfleet at the time. We had two children. It was just really hard on our careers to keep the four of us together." After a deep breath, his attention returned to Feeva. His eyes searched hers for a moment, darting as he studied their dark form. "Sometimes Andorians can be clinical about relationships.. Not all of us. But when one or two members in the group want to move on.. It's hard."

Feeva simply nodded, letting him continue.

Ryhl could have expanded the story to tell of how certain individuals wanted to chase promotions, including himself. Others were planning to exit Starfleet within a few years, only to live and work near Andoria. They wanted their children to grow up there. Ryhl knew he had command ambitions, even back then. They decided it was best to split amicably.

"Maybe I should try getting back out there.. It's not like I haven't. But it's different being Captain." A playful look crept along Ryhl's face. "I'd feel like I was putting pressure on someone to talk to me. That wouldn't be right. I wouldn't want someone to feel like saying no could have repercussions."

"There are other Captains out there, but they're all busy or taken... I think." His eyes zoomed out to study the Vissian's facial features. He noticed what looked like scars and began wondering about her past.

She smiled. "Indeed, I imagine it's more difficult, being Captain. There's protocols, and such. But perhaps one of the civilians would pass muster," she said. "You don't necessarily even need to see another Captain, just keep it discreet, fair, and separate from your work. At my last posting, I know there was a very senior officer-a commander-dating one of the JGs under me," she said. "They were able to make it work, though, because they were different departments, and kept it very professional overall," she said. "I was the only one who knew for a long time," she said.

Ryhl listened intently. There was always a formality during counseling sessions. Counselor Drylo put the Captain at ease. Something about her seemed to make him smile. "Well, I think it would be a matter of informing Starfleet Command as well. Maybe that's the route they took as well." His antennae swirled as he thought of her story. "I hope their relationship worked out."

"That's why I think all of these social events will be good for the crew. I know others are meeting and bonding. I'm glad for them." Ryhl seemed to immediately dismiss his own desires for that of others, seemingly rushing from the topic of his own relationships. A turquoise tinge began to creep along his cheeks as he looked to Feeva.

She smiled lightly. "Indeed, I need to start getting back "out there," as well," she said. "I don't think my husband would want me to pine away for ever. Besides, Leena is getting old enough to start asking questions about why her family looks different from other peoples'", she said. Something palpable was in the air. Why couldn't she pick it up? Damn it, she wished she was a Betazoid right now. It'd be so helpful. "I could help you. Sort of a "wing woman", maybe? Or we could have dinner-a date!-to practice. It would be....nice." She let out a breath, and looked at Ryhl.

"Well if you put it that way.." Ryhl's golden eyes locked onto Feeva's own. "Practice sounds like it would be great for the both of us. It seems like time passes quickly. I guess I haven't paid a ton of attention to dating since the bondgroup split. It feels like it was so long ago." He shifted in his seat, features warming to her. A hint of anxiety might be visible as he thought of the implications of such a relationship. Maybe she did stand true to it just being for the sake of practice.

"I could always cook something. It would be nice to have you over." Ryhl smiled, stopping to sip his drink.

She nodded. She wasn't sure where the idea had even come from-she was normally very methodical in her thinking, and not prone to outbursts like that. Still, she'd remembered once, a more senior counselor, had helped a widowed officer to do something similar years ago-she'd been just a baby counselor, and while it struck her as a bit whacky at the time, it did indeed seem to help the poor man, who was able to learn to interact with others again, and went on to remarry eventually-not to the Counselor in question, however.

"I usually prefer dates where I can get out and explore.. A trip on the holodeck. A stroll through the arboretum." He wondered if the thought of cooking in his quarters was too forward. In truth he'd be more comfortable away from prying eyes.

Feeva nodded. "Since it's more of a practice sort of thing, something a bit quieter might be best to start, and then build up to public interactions," she said. "The Aroboretum is nice, and quiet. Not too many people go there," she said. "I sometimes take the children to let them climb the trees and get energy out, and it's nice because other places, they'd interrupt adults," she said. "We have time to make a plan. It's not necessarily something we need to do today or tomorrow. Only when you're ready," she said.

"Something sounds so idyllic about that". Thoughts of climbing a tree burrowed into the Captain's mind as he listened. As she mentioned how time was not an issue, he smiled and lowered his eyelids. "I'm not averse to the idea, or resistant or anything. It sounds like it would be nice. We should do this soon. Let's try to make it work this week." He looked to the distance in thought for a moment. "There's a part of me that wants to climb a tree myself. What do you say?"

"Sure, we could do that," she said. "How about tonight? Leena's actually going to be with Commander Razka until later in the day; the girls want to play and he doesn't have duty," she said. "If that works for you. I realize that last-minute things might not always work out for the Captain," she said. She was already planning ahead-something casual and fun to lessen the pressure would be fantastic. Maybe a picnic style thing.

"I'll be glad to make the time tonight. 19:30?" Ryhl felt his heartbeat quicken. He began to feel nervous, as if he was doing something risky. "I may have to push a meeting I had scheduled with the Ops maintenance team. But they have everything under control. Truth be told they'll probably appreciate the space."

"So tell me..." Ryhl's voice had taken on a flirtatious, playful quality. "What do you look for in a partner? What warms your heart?"

Feeva nodded. "2000 could work, too," she said. "But that sounds good. I like...nice people, good with the fact that I have Leena, and she will be my first focus, and is independent but I also like to, you know, normal things-intimacy, someone I can have adult conversations with, because if I have to talk about Toby the Targ anymore, I will lose my mind," she said. "It is a children's simulation for the Holodeck, and both Leena and Commander Razka's child love it," she said. She tried not to sound exasperated. "Anyway, I'll see you then. Feel free to come as you are," she said.

He laughed as she mentioned Toby the Targ. He remembered how it felt from the days when Thrita and Tath were young. "I know how you feel. It's important to have people to talk to. Okay, I'll see you at 20:00." He stood, somewhat surprised. He moved along the side of her desk. A bright teal blush brightened his cheeks as he moved to wrap his upper body against hers in a quick hug. "Thanks for opening up to me. There's so much more for us to discuss."

"Okay. Take care, Feeva", Ryhl said as his eyes studied hers, still embracing.

She averted her eyes, feeling overwhelmed by...something. She simply nodded. "You, too, Captain," she said. "Thanks for coming by, my office is always open." She smiled as he left.


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