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Rebuilding the Water Tower Part 2

Posted on Sun Dec 10th, 2023 @ 5:55pm by Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad

1,313 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Ferengi Settlement
Timeline: MD: C19, After Part 1

Vashir didn't move from her perch. She thought seriously for a moment about the design and about having the controls inside the tower. "Commander, if I may...?" Vashir had more to say, she didn't think that having the controls inside the panel would work, but she didn't want to speak out of turn.

Paisley smiled and nodded. "You may. Please, share your ideas. I always welcome that. I tell my team that we're just that-a TEAM, and we can't work together if we're not all heard." She paused to let the woman speak.

"I agree that the panel needs to be somewhere secure, which is why we were talking about possibly using one of the other buildings that controls power grids for the city, something that is locked down. But the way this system works, the operators should have easier access. Daily access really if they are doing it properly," she explained. "We're starting with nurazon particles because that is what will kill the virus, but once that threat is eliminated, the system defaults to a standard reverse osmosis system."

Vashir continued, "Lieutenant Foley and I equipped them with several other possible settings depending on water quality at any given point. I'm sure as an engineer you know, these types of things need to be monitored, and sometimes manually overridden. I'm afraid if they are hidden they will be forgotten about and something like this could happen again."

Paisley nodded. That made sense. "Where exactly do you propose, Vashir?" While they conversed, Paisley expertly affixed a hose to the out-pump, and watched as it hummed to life. It seemed to be working properly, so she asked Sar to have Johanna kill it again. "Sar, ask Johanna to kill the switch, please," she said. Back to Vashir, she spoke. "Are we sure that the Ferengi don't have a proper water maintenance crew? It seems to me that they would be in charge of that. A sort of "waste management" team, if you will," Paisley secured the mess with a quick run of her solder gun, and gave it a scan to ensure it was secure. "Alright, I am headed back up," she said.

Vashir rolled her eyes, she had made a suggestion when she first brought the idea up to the Commander. "The government building? I asked if it would work or if we needed the Ferengi to build a building closer to the tower. A government buildings is near each of the entrances to the market. Less than 500 meters west."

"I guess I'm not sure what you mean by their people being in charge? They will be, but like I said it just needs to be somewhere that they have regular access to it. Having someone climb in the water tower daily isn't going to keep the control panel secret, and it's an inefficient use of that person's time. Not to mention that so much of their old system was sabotaged because it was out here and obvious," Vashir pointed out.

Paisley bit back a sigh, but nodded as she finished climbing the stairs again. She was nearly at the exit. "I just mean...back on Earth, back in the days before the Federation, it was a job, an actual job that someone had, to check water towers and the like, pick up communal garbage, etc. They didn't have replicators and recyclers. I'd imagine that something like that could be formed, so yes, it would be the full use of that person's time. I am just an Engineer, these are really questions that you should pose to Security and Command," she said. "I will pass on your concerns, but as I said, the final decision will be up to my superiors and the Ferengi themselves," she said. "I'd agree that a central location is best, but I'd prefer it to be somewhere where it's under lock and key." She didn't want to have to do this again. She was soaked thoroughly from mid-torso down. Ew.

"How is old Earth even relevant? We have better technology and so do they. A control panel inside of the water tower is not part of the design plan. The question was - from an engineering perspective, is the government building close enough, or do we need a closer building?" Vashir was completely befuddled by the chief engineer's reticence on the issue. "Of course it will be under lock and key either way."

Paisley blinked. Maybe she hadn't explained it properly.
"Never mind about old Earth, it was just an example to illustrate an idea," she said. "Who made this design plan? It doesn't make much sense, engineering-wise. Why would I put a switch several hundred feet from what I want to control?" It made no sense. "The Ferengi are capable of managing the infrastructure once it's set up. I just followed the schematics given to me by Science," she said. "And I make suggestions as to what would be best. In my experience, putting a control switch on the machine you want to use is the best idea. Not only is it more secure, it's also more controllable. For example, if the system is running across the settlement, and a pipe blows, I would, ideally, want to shut off water to that pipe specifically in under a few minutes. I don't want to have to come back HERE to do it, or get through security at a governmental building. But like I said, I am only the Engineer. I think the ultimate decision will be made by someone else and I'll be told where it will go."

Vashir threw her head back in frustration. "Are we talking about different things? I'm not asking about shut off switches. I asked about the control panel - for the entire system. The one that controls the radiation outputs. The filtration mechanisms being used. If the Ferengi need to construct a new building they should get started right away." Vashir sighed. "It's part of the Vulcan design, and it's recommended that the control system be monitored frequently in case manual adjustments need to be made."

Paisley simply smiled. "I think we're actually just saying the same thing in different ways. I would prefer that the entire control system be attached to the tower somehow, but perhaps an out building could be built. So in short, yes, it needs to be close. And water and tamper-proof," she said. Who was this person, anyway? The Carjoran reappeared on the landing, and looked at Sar.
"Have you finished? If not, that's ok, I can just help now. I got the out pump done-we're not finished here but I can't do much more until further decisions are made," she turned from the younger male Vulcan to the younger female Orion. "And, again, I will make sure to tell my CO your concerns, along with mine, and we can figure out a solution that both makes sense AND is secure. I am certain it can be done."

Vashir looked around the settlement from her perch on the tower, and then at how dark and damp it was inside the tower where Paisley was working. The young Orion officer was offended that the Chief Engineer thought that someone should spend several hours every day inside that thing. From experience she felt that if they were building this for themselves they would be more concerned about convenience and comfort for the workers who would be monitoring this thing.

Vashir sighed, and turned to head back down. Maybe the science team had been too ambitious with trying to leave the Ferengi with such an advanced design.

>> to Part 3 >>

Lt. Commander Paisley F'Rar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Vashir NRC by Ligan/Shan


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