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Two Cocktails a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Posted on Wed Nov 1st, 2023 @ 8:15am by

1,590 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: 10-Forward Lounge
Timeline: MD C8 1830 hours, After Part 1

"My daughter will probably try to tackle you and bring you home," Feeva said to JR. "She's going through a cat phase right now, and she really wants one. I think just MEETING a Caitian would likely suffice," Feeva remarked. She sighed. She was trying to make an effort to not make the entire conversation about her kid or parenthood.

"Why not just get her a cat? They do well enough on Starships," Lissa suggested. She had a tendency to take ideas and run with them - and encourage others to do the same. "J.R., have you ever handled a terran cat?" Lissa asked, the thought just crossing her mind.

"Because it's a lot of work and she's only four. It's not always a good idea to give into a child's every whim and fancy. When she's a bit older and can handle the responsibility, I might let her. I know she's lonely sometimes. She's made good friends with Commander Razka's child, and the Turner boys," she said. "The Turners have a cat. I think that's where it started. Besides, it's a lot of paperwork," Feeva said.

“Maybe back home on the ranch. They use to wonder, and chase away the vermin from the barn and house. Though it felt a bit…odd…being a Caitian with a cat,” J.R. replied bluntly.

"I guess it would be like a human with a monkey, maybe?" Lissa pondered. "Where's home for you?"

"My family has the ranch in Dallas, 300 acres of prime land that wasn't developed. My sister, Anna-Lee used to spend all her time up in the hayloft with the biggest computer set up you could build." J.R. took another sip as he reminisced.

Feeva smiled. "My late husband was Human, from the East Coast. His family had a lot of property-they called it a farm, but it wasn't properly. It was more like a lot of forest with a few sheep on it, and some chickens my mother-in-law liked," she said. "Back on Vissia, farms are more like one would see in an old Earth holoprogram-crops, and animals for food and goods. My father and I had one until my mother left, and then we moved to the City," she said. "I miss it. Being able to run through the grass. I'd get in SO much trouble going into the pastures. Me dad said the Caribou-Oedemera would kill me," she said. As a child, she was even SMALLER than she was now, and sickly.

"I grew up on Starships, my brother and I had to get creative to stay entertained. My dad is from Earth though, we have family in Indiana and Ohio. My grandparents in Indiana keep horses, they mostly run wild in the pastures. But I did enjoy luring them in for cuddles with sugar cubes when I got to visit." Lissa smiled as the fond memories swept over her. "I should make a point to get back and visit."

Feeva smiled. It sounded nice.

J.R. sips his whisky with a purr of contemplation, saying nothing.

Do you play basketball?" Lissa asked. "They are putting a league together. I think it will be starting soon.

"Oh really? I'd love to join," Feeva said. The diminutive redhead chuckled. "I enjoy sports even though I am small. It actually gives me an advantage. People think I am easy to beat, and I am actually aerodynamic," she said. "My center of gravity is lower than everyone else's, and that makes it so I can duck and maneuver much easier." She laughed. Finally, the food appeared, and she bit into her burger gratefully.

"Not one for Basketball, I do enjoy Old Earth American Football, and Professional Rodeos," J.R. commented as he finishes his drink, pulling his legs under him and readjusting to sit more comfortably.

"It's not really about Basketball, a lot people have never played," Lissa responded. She started digging in to her nachos. "Please have some," she pushed the plate to the center of the table. "I mean, I'm not really much of a player, but it's about getting to know the people and just having fun."

"Oohh I wonder if Kevin is playing? The Chief Science Officer is kind of heading this thing up, I'm sure there will be a lot of people from her department," Lissa added.

"I'd wouldn't mind attending for the comraderie. It'll give me a chance to get to know others in the crew."

J.R picked up a small plate and puts a few nachos onto it as he speaks.

Feeva nodded. "It would be good for everyone. Maybe the Captain will also count it as yearly PTs," she said, making a face. She hated exercise. She usually tried to just swim. "I will need to find a sitter for Leena, but I think it can be done," she said. "I, too, would like to meet more people. Other than their onboarding Psych exams, I've yet to formally meet most," she said. She ate more of her dinner. She was only mostly used to replicated food, when she got the chance to eat a hot meal.

"I still need to read over the medical logs, and crew physical reports. I'm probably goin to have to assume the CMO post while Dr. Takanashi is having her baby," J.R. commented, eating his nachos between speaking.

"Oh, I can help you with that," Lissa offered. "I did a lot of the onboarding physicals. There's really not much to it. Just the daily reports, because you know Starfleet and their reports." Lissa made a face. It was her least favorite part of her job.

"Fee, I bet some families will come watch the games. Maybe she could spend time with one of them?" Lissa suggested.

Feeva nodded. "Yeah, I am sure. I know the Turner boys will LOVE it," she said. "Leena will probably think it's boring, but Keena may also enjoy it, though she would likely prefer to PLAY," Fee said. "Anyone want some fries?" She asked, pushing her plate closer to the others.

'I'm good, thank you though." J.R. nodded before speaking again. "It does sound like good times to be had by all"

Feeva shrugged. She wouldn't eat the fries-she was never fond of potatoes. She nodded, though. "For certain!" she said. "I can't wait." She said.

"So, what else is there to do for fun on the ship, aside from basketball and personal relationships?" J.R. asked, sipping from his soft drink.

"The arboretum is really nice, and you can do anything you want on the holodecks," Lissa said taking some of Feeva's fries. "Why are you looking for something in particular?"

"It's been a few years since I've been on a Starship, my last assignment was Starfleet Medical as an Attending Surgeon and Instuctor," J.R. commented, eating more nachos.

"I spend a lot of my free time in the Arboretum, and if the Astrometrics person lets us, there, too. Leena likes to look at the stars," she said. "There's also a full complement of restaurants and a few shops. It's nearly as well appointed as a Station," she said.

"That sounds like somewhere I could potentially take that cute Astrometrics officer that you'd mention before, Billingsley." J.R. took another bite of nachoes

Feeva laughed. "Certainly. Dinner and a walk in the Arboretum, a snuggle under that giant cottonwood tree? That's romantic," she said, a little wistfully. The Counselor was a living being, after all, and she DID miss romance sometimes. She was in no hurry, though.

"What about you, Lissa? Anyone you're seeing?" Fee finished the burger-she'd been hungrier than she'd thought. She raised her hand to the bartender. "May I also have a salad?" She asked. "Just the small one!"

"I don't have time for a boyfriend. Between these med school classes and my regular duties, and the social life I do try to keep, I don't see a relationship fitting into my lifestyle just yet. Besides, I don't really want to be tied down." Lissa gathered her long hair into a messy bun so that it was out of her way and shrugged.

Feeva nodded. "That sounds reasonable," she said. "I didn't marry until I was already settled into my career, and I advise anyone who asks me to do the same, irrespective of gender," she said. "Marriage is good. Partnerships are good. BUT you have to have time for them-time to navigate the good AND the bad," she said. A quick glance at her Chronometer told her it was inching close to 2000 hours. "I may need to duck out soon; Leena will need to go to bed shortly," she said. "I hope you two stay and get to know each other more since we'll be all working together," she said. "Sir, could I get that salad to go?" She asked. She'd eat it after Leena went to bed-that's when she usually got to eat a meal for herself, anyway.

"I should probably get going myself, need to work on reviewing reports and patient charts for tomorrow's appointments." J.R. said, gathering his plates, making it easier on the servers to clear. "Thank y'all for a most wonderful time, I hope we can do this again sometime."

You bet!" Lissa said as she stood up. "Maybe with Kevin next time..." she added in a sing-song voice."

Lieutenant J.R. McEntyre, M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Feeva Drylo
USS Columbia

Ensign Daisheliss Kerr
USS Columbia


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