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A Cocktail a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Posted on Tue Oct 31st, 2023 @ 9:40pm by

1,382 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Ten Forward
Timeline: MD C8 1830 hours

"I'm glad we finally convinced you to come out with us after shift. What's been keeping you so busy at night?" Lissa asked as she and Fee rode the turbolift with the new doctor. Lissa did not have much of a filter, and was one to skip the formalities and dive right into getting to know someone.

"Getting settled into this new assignment. Frankly it's been an adjustment from being at Starfleet Medical for the last few years" J.R. replied, his accent a gruff Texan with a purr in the background.

Fee clucked her tongue at Lissa. "Give him a minute to relax, Lissa," she said. "I am glad you're settling in, but yes. I came from a Starbase. Ship duty is much different," she said. "My daughter will be so excited to hear we have a living cat aboard!" She said.

The turbolift stopped, the doors opening to let them off near the 10 Forward entrance. Lissa walked backwards off the lift so she could face Fee and J.R. "That's what we're getting ready to do now, relax," she said with a big smile, holding her arms out as she shrugged. She turned around and led them into one of the ship's two largest lounges.

J.R. chuckled softly. "Well it's been a bit since i've done pediatrics, but seeing how I'm an Assistant Chief Medical Officer now, I've got to brush up on it sometime."

He followed the two into the lounge, awed at what can fit into a starship now a days.

Feeva smiled. "Yes. There's a handful of children aboard-I also do some caretaking for Commander Razka Kas' daughter, Keena. Sweet child but a bit feral," she said. "Oh, the Lounge! I haven't been here in ages." She didn't get out much. "I really SHOULD come more often," she said. "The Turners don't mind watching Leena for me," she said, "but I feel a bit...out of place." She said. She was only one of two Vissians in the whole Fleet, after all.

"Then it seems I've got my work cut out for me," J.R. said with a smile. "So, let's get a drink and y'all can tell me all about Columbia and what gets on aboard."

"What's your poison?" Lissa asked as she flagged a waiter down.

"Just a single ale for me," Feeva said. "I have to be a mom later," she said. "Perhaps also a bite of food. Wonder if they have Vissian pine plant?" She asked. Probably didn't-even the replicators didn't. "It's similar to Oskoid," she said, "The Betazed dish." She sighed. "I will have a burger, I guess."

“A Whisky Neat, and a Dr. Pepper” J.R. Asked of the waiter before turning back to the group.

"Amaretto stone sour and fries for me please. Thanks!" Lissa said cheerfully.

"If you're impressed by the lounge, you really need to get out. This ship is huge. Deck 19 is full of stuff to do. As for what's going on? Well we've only been out for 3 months or so, so a lot of people are still getting to know each other, but that hasn't stopped some people from hooking up." Lissa shrugged and ate a handful of nuts from the bowl on the table.

Feeva looked at the Orion. "Who's been hooking up? I miss all the gossip back in the office!" She said.

“Yes do tell, who has been hooking up ‘round here.” J.R. Also prodding the Orion with a grin. His body relaxing a bit as he leaned back into his chair.

"The Chief Engineer F'Rar, and Chief Intel Elliot were sneaking around for a bit, but they aren't pretending about that anymore. I catch them out quite a bit," began Lissa. "Then there's Ensign Sar - also from Engineering and my friend Sarah - in ops. Come to think of it, I guess it's the engineers that get all the action." Lissa tilted her head as she thought of this, tucking her legs up under her cross-legged style, even though they were sitting in normal chairs.

"What about you Fee? You seeing anyone?" Lissa asked coyly.

Feeva shook her head. "No. I don't exactly meet many eligible men in the Counseling office, and most of the fathers are married," she said.

J.R. leans back in his chair with a curious purr. It seemed that this ship was coupling up at a good clip. He wondered if he would find someone himself. It’s been too long since his last relationship, but for now, he sat and listened to the animated conversation of his colleagues.

"Do you have a preference, JR?" The Vissian asked. "I mean, gender. Do you like your candy with nuts or without?" She asked, an innocent look on her face. "Speaking of nuts, let me have a few," she said.

Lissa almost spit her drink out. She looked at Fee, a curious - no accusing expression on her face. Fee was usually the one steering her away from personal questions when they were hanging out with new people. Lissa would be hanging on to this moment to use for future reference when she needed it. She played with the fruit in her glass while she waited to see how the doctor would answer.

J.R. only laughed hardily.

"It's quite alright. I lean more towards men than to women there," he replied to Feeva, a big toothy smile on his face.

"So what is your status? Do you have someone? Here or somewhere else?" Lissa asked.

“Still single and looking” J.R. Replied, taking another sip.

Lissa smiled devilishly. "Well let's see, who do we know?" she asked playfully. "Have you met Lieutenant Ligan in security?"

At that, Feeva shrugged. "Alright. Let me wrack my brain. Like I said, I don't get out much...Isn't one of the Science officers fond of the boys? He was in my office last week, crying about a date gone sour." She sipped the drink as it appeared. Not only was she going to have to be "on" later, she was also a lightweight, and one Ale would have her feeling pretty good by the end of the evening. She'd never been able to hold liquor well-it wasn't common for Vissians to drink much, anyway. "Billingsley was his name."

"Then there's Zeke Ligan. He is so pretty," Lissa said clear admiration in her voice. "If you are in to Trills that is. He's not joined. I only know this because I'm friends with someone who went through the Academy with, but he was in a pretty serious relationship with another Trill - one who made it through the symbiont initiate program. I guess after his ex was joined he broke Zeke's heart." Lissa took a sip of her drink. "Anyway, he seems pretty careful about who he dates too. As far as I know he's not gone out with anyone since we all started here. He's supposed to be some kind of expert mountain climber too."

J.R. tail sways excitedly. “I haven’t met Billinglsey but would love too.” He said with that big kitty cat smile, taking another drink. "I think that he needs a friend from the sound of things. I'd be interested in meeting him if ya don't mind"

“And to be fair, some guys see me and think I’m a walking cat, which is ok with me, but I wanna get to know people first before all that.” J.R. spoke, a subtle purr at the back of his voice. Billingsley sounded sweet, and probably needed someone in his life

"A walking cat? I hope not," Lissa responded sympathetically. "A meeting is easy enough. It's a big ship, but not that big," Lissa said winking at him. "I don't know as much about Billingsley. He's in astrometrics. We've got some science officers coming with us on our away mission in a few days, I can ask around," Lissa offered.

Feeva nodded. "That will work well," she said. "I have only met him the one time. I can't say much but he seems very sweet," she said to Lissa.

Lieutenant J.R. McEntyre, M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Feeva Drylo
USS Columbia

Ensign Daisheliss Kerr
USS Columbia


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