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Posted on Thu Dec 7th, 2023 @ 10:23pm by
Edited on on Fri Dec 8th, 2023 @ 3:59pm

2,437 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD C:14

Kas stepped into sickbay he'd been ordered to do a Post Op check up with the Columbia's sickbay. Kas sighed he wasn't completely comfortable with the Federation approach to healing. He'd been dealing with headaches and fatigue since the surgery that had saved his life. He didn't want to believe that he'd almost returned to the stars… That he'd come close to leaving his child fatherless…

The Hybrid moved to the nurse at the desk, his equilibrium was slightly off. The was getting worse and as a pilot and a guardian he couldn't afford to let this continue. "Razka, I'm here to see the Doctor."

The nurse didn't have to say anything as the tall Caitain in a Labcoat came out from his office across from the nurse's desk.

"Lieutenant Commander Kas, I presume? I'm Doctor McEntryre, I was told to expect you." J.R. greeted warmly with that big kitty smile.

"Commander Razka," Kas corrected, "I follow the Bajoran name tradition, Razka is my surname. I don't mind my healer calling me by my given name... So Kas is fine, Doctor."

"My apologies, Commander Razka. I respect my patients traditions and beliefs and did not mean to offer offense. If you'd follow my to Biobed 2, we can get started on your check up."

J.R. gestured to the main sickbay hall, biobeds lining the walls as he heads to the biobed in question, picking up a tricorder before going to meet his patient at the bed, pulling out his glasses as he does.

"So, tell me how you've been feeling since the surgery, I understand it was an intensive procedure."

"Yes, I had to have three of my internal organs regenerated and had to infused with cloned blood. My unique heritage makes treating my injuries challenging." Kas explained, "I've been dealing with headaches since the operation, my balance has been off. Not enough to bother most... I'm a pilot so the disruption to my senses is more troublesome. "

J.R. nodded scanning his head and cranial regions.

"Just the headaches are the main concern? Have you been experiencing other symptoms?" J.R. asked curiously as he scanned Kas with a medical tricorder.

"I'm still fatigued," Kas explained. "I'm not sure if that's normal or not. I've never been so grievously wounded."

Kas didn't make eye contact, "I vomited the morning after the celebration at the settlement. I thought it was a bad reaction to the Klingon Liqueur. My balance has been off."

"It sounds to me like they may have missed something on the first pass. I'd like to run a few quantum imaging scans on your head to rule out any secondary concussions and or contusions. I'm also going to give you some meds to increase your iron production, I'm reading low iron and b12 counts that indicate to me some post operative anemia." J.R. commented as he closed his tricorder and slipped it into his labcoat pocket.

"I was supposed to see you earlier this week but duties have been quite demanding," Kas admitted. "The medical team at the settlement to me that a secondary concussion was possible...'

Kas paused, "Among my Quath'Mar clan. We have an interesting mix of science and superstition. They'd say I was touched by the Voi'Quth; they are the spirits that take souls to the stars..."

J.R. looked at Kas with a deadpan look. “Okie dokie. Either way, I’d like to run a full Neuroimaging series along with a series of blood tests to check your iron and B12 levels as well as study this clone blood of yours to see if there is any genetic drift that may be interacting differently with your circulatory system.”

J.R, typed into his medical PADD. “Nurse Kerr?” J.R called out in a calm professional tone.

"Right here, Doctor," Lissa said, walking over to the biobed to assist.

J.R. give her a smile as he turns his head to give her his attention. "Lissa, can I get a CBC for Commander Razka as well as getting him into the imaging chamber as soon as it becomes available for a full quantum nueroimaging series on his skull? I'm also going to need to pull his chart from the surgery to compare results and see if Dr. T'Lura may have missed anything while she was treating him."

J.R. pushed his glasses up on his nose, smiling softly at Lissa as he handed her the Medical PADD with the orders he wrote for Razka.

"I'll order the charts from the Klingon Medical Center, I'm sure it won't be a problem," Lissa responded as she prepared a hypospray with empty vials for a blood sample." Lissa smiled at Kas, "You good?" she asked before pressing the hypospray to his arm.

"Yes," Kas said. He didn't look her in the eye, things had been difficult since his injuries. It' wasn't easy to put his feeling into words.

Lissa pressed the hypospray to his arm and took the samples. "The imaging chamber isn't scheduled to be used to today, we can get that taken care of for you right away if you want," Lissa offered. "Cut down on your trips here if we can."

"That's fine," Kas nodded. He was grateful to get this done quickly.

"Alright, Doctor, are you good with me taking him back?" Lissa asked.

J.R. nodded. "I am, let me know when you have the prelimary results for me." He then turned to Razka

"Once we have those, we'll discuss how to go forward. I'd like to know what I'm working with before I prescribe any medication, however if you do have any pain at the moment, I can have Lissa give you a low dose of Hydrocortilene for the headaches."

"Alright, why don't you come with me then, Commander," Lissa said sweetly, waiting for Kas to get up.

Kas hopped down from the bed, "Of course."

The imagining chamber was a painless process, and not much of a "chamber" really. The specialized biobed would read neural activity from the brain through the spinal cord. Kas would just need to place his head under the white "hood" on one end of the bed, and a series of scans would provide in depth images of Kas's brain, as well detailed information on brain activity.

"Have you ever had one of these procedures done before?" Lissa asked, as she showed him the biobed.

"Yes," Kas said. "This far from the first time I've knocked my head."

Lissa smiled good-naturedly. "Well, you did a little more than that down on Campor III. Let's get you looked at. We'll get you scanned and get you out of here. Up you go." Liss gestured to the biobed.

Kas nodded and laid down on the biobed.

Lissa maneuvered the controls on the machine, taking readings and images. The machine hummed and occasionally gave off a flash of light as she gathered all the information that she could.

"Okay, friend. I've got everything I can from here. Check in with the doc and see if he wants you to wait around or come back later. I'll forward these to him now," Lissa said with a soft smile.

"Or course," Kas smiled. He hopped the biobed and went back to the Doctor.

J.R. was reading over PADDs in his office, hunched over with a curious purr from his lips as Kas entered.

"I'll need a bit to go over the results, do you mind sticking around for a little bit?" He asked Kas as he looks up from the PADDs.

"I don't mind," Kas said.

“Excellent. I can tell you though, that already I see some abnormalities in your results that may warrant further testing. I’d also would like to discuss your “near-death” experience if you’re ok with sitting and talking further about it. I believe that there may be some psychological issues that may also be affecting you.” J.R explained, setting down the PADD.

Lissa sat down next to Kas. "Even though our medical technology is fairly advanced, concussive injuries don't heal overnight, and you were pushing your limits even attending the ceremony after major surgery. Then everything that happened after," Lissa said gently. "You did way too much too soon. I'm not surprised at all that you were sick the next morning." She put a comforting hand on his arm.

"Dr. McEntyre, the Commander went through a lot less than twelve hours after major surgery - I was planetside with him, and I can tel you it was too much. Perhaps some extra rest, and if you don't see anything contraindicating in his scans, we can get him something for the vertigo later today," Lissa suggested. "His medical file indicates he already has an established counselor on board. Perhaps some extra sessions with her are in order?" she added.

Kas gave the young man a warm but weary smile, 'are the nurses getting younger, or is time catching up with me?' he thought.

"Ensign Kerr is correct," Kas nodded. "Duty required me to push the limits of what was wise. As for the unusual brain activity and my psychological state..."

Kas paused, he didn't know how they would take what he had to say next. Most Federation outsiders were skeptical at best when it came to his people's spiritual practices, but they needed to know.

"My people use hallucinogenic compounds in some of our spiritual rites to expand our understanding of the universe and connect with the United Consciousness. Sometimes during a time of great stress or after a grievous injury we can have visions or dreams from our earlier experiences. I've been having dreams, Visions are rare and I'm using a form of mediation to mitigate the risk. I suggest you confer with Doctor T'Lura she's familiar with my people's customs and my case."

Lissa stood up, "That may make it harder for us to figure out what's going on, and we won't know how they interact with the medications," she said looking between the Doctor and the Commander. "Can you discontinue use for a week or two while we try to get to the bottom of this?"

“That could explain some of the odd readings and the symptoms you’ve been experiencing there. I’d like for you to discontinue this medication and then come back and I’ll run your scans again and get a proper baseline.”

J.R turns to Lissa, “Can you page Dr. T’lura for me please?”

"She works for the Klingon hospital planetside. We should make an appointment so we can have an extended conversation with her over comms," Lissa explained. I'm sure she'll get back to use as soon she she can since it's about Commander Razka. I'll reach out to the hospital right way," Lissa responded with a curt nod.

"I needn't worry about the hallucinogenics, I haven't used them since before I came onboard The Columbia. Such things are only used with the supervision of a shaman." Kas explained.

The Hybrid paused and looked at Lissa, he wasn't sure how much the young woman knew about his relationship T'Lura.

"I'm sure Commander T'Lura will answer when she's able." Kas sighed.

"Did you want to wait here, or go and try to relax a bit?" Lissa asked.

I'm not sure how much relaxing I can do,” Kas smiled. “Keena is bringing a friend over for a ‘play date.”


T'Lura moved into her office and ordered a hot tea from the replicator and sat down to do her paperwork. The Vulcan had spent the last nine hours in the operating room. Her colleagues often marvel at her stamina; her Vulcan constitution allowed her work hours. The COMM chirped.

=/\=Doctor there's a call from the Columbia =/\=

“Patch it through please,” T'Lura instructed 

* * *

"Doctor," Lissa said, pointing to the flashing comm. "That should be Dr. T'Lura." She jogged to the panel to answer the incoming message.

"Dr. T'Lura, thanks to getting back to us so quickly. Commander Razka is here in our Sickbay. Dr. McEntyre was hoping to consult with you. He's walking this way now." Lissa got up to let J.R. take her seat in front of the view screen.

J.R smiles at Lissa before taking the seat at the viewscreen.

"Yes, I was hoping to speak with you about Lt. Commander Razka. You performed the surgery to stablize him from his injuries some time ago. I was hoping to get some details from you, as he came in complaining of headaches and equallibrum issues post surgery," J.R explained to Dr. T'Lura

“I see,” T'Lura said. “The Commander experienced a significant amount of head trauma. These symptoms are not uncommon.”

The Vulcan took a moment to access Razka's medical files. “I see that a comprehensive neurological scan was performed. He may be experiencing a curious phenomenon that the Vulcan Science Institute has documented. This unusual neural activity is correlated with a conscious connection to the subconscious mind.  What the Quath'Mar call ‘Quest Echoes.’" T'lura explained patiently.

"Patients have often reported vivid dreams and in rare cases auditory and/or visual hallucinations. According to Quath'Mar spiritual beliefs these occurrences come from the Universal Consciousness. The Commander has received extensive psychological training to Identify when this is occurring; however, I recommend that his condition be monitored, and that the Commander follow up with a Psychologist.”

“I’m not familiar enough with Quath’Mar beliefs to render and accurate diagnosis without some more information. Would the Commander’s use of hallucinogenic drugs affect the accuracy of these scans?” J.R asked, trying to get as much information as he could.

“There is no reason to doubt the accuracy of the scan. The irregular neural activity is consistent with the other cases I’ve mentioned. It’s a rare long-term side effect of the hallucinogenic compounds. In the cases that the Vulcan Science Institute studied the neurological effect resolved on their own after a few weeks.” T’Lura explained.

Lissa was taking notes furiously on her PADD. She wanted to remember this for future reference.

"Thank you for your time, Doctor T'lura. I will of course keep you in the loop if anything changes with Commander Kas."

J.R smiled softy. He got what he needed to make sure his patient was healthy. Still, he would monitor Kas until he was confident he didn't have any other troubling symptoms.


Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.R. McEntyre M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Daisheliss Kerr
USS Columbia


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