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Critical Care Pt,2

Posted on Mon Oct 9th, 2023 @ 9:57pm by

959 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Klingon Settlement.
Timeline: After Critical Care Pt. 1

Brok'tan made his way into the facility leading on a warrior who'd been flash blinded by the explosion. Vorok came in behind him carrying a child who was pressing a bloody cloth to the side of his head. The small boy didn't make a sound, but it was obvious that he was in pain. A woman came in as well she had brought a couple of teens who seemed to be having trouble breathing.

Lissa had her medical kits open and on the floor near a wall, strapped to her belt were various hyposprays of pain medications and she held her medical tricorder in her hand to assess the wounded.

She called out to Brok'tan, "Sit him down on a bed," as she went to look at the child.

Turning to Varok, she said "He has a mild concussion, but he'll be fine," she administered a mild anesthetic for the pain. "If you could put something cool on his head. A cold compress or ice for now, we'll get to him shortly."

Lissa moved quickly to the woman who came with the two teens, who had difficulty breathing, her tricorder informed her that their primary pulmonary system had sustained both smoke and heat damage. "It's a good thing you two have an extra lung," she told them. "I have something in my medical kit that will help, I'll be right back."

On her way she stopped to assess the warrior that Brok'tan had brought in. "Do you know if the facility has an ocular regenerator?" she asked him. "I can have more supplies beamed down from the ship," she offered.

"I'm a warrior, not a doctor," Brok'tan sighed.

"I see them, take care of the youths. Then report to the critical care unit." A Bolian said as he began to scan the warriors.

Lissa nodded and jogged over to where her kits were laid out and brought them closer to the teenagers. She pulled out two transparent face masks, quickly dosing each with an inhalant anti-inflammatory and a dose of pulmozine, connecting the masks to a singular oxygen unit. "Put these on and breathe through them, she told the teenagers. You'll start feeling better soon."

Lissa pulled out her tricorder and checked each of them for the first minute to make sure the medication was working, before finding the child with the concussion.

"I'm going to bring his bed closer to some other children I'm treating right now so I can keep an eye on them, while I take a look at this," she told Vorok.

Lissa placed the child's bed next to the teenager's. She looked at the teens. "Are starting to feel better?" she asked. Gesturing for them to nod yes or no. The boys both nodded, so she turned to the child.

"How old is he?" she asked Vorok.

"My son is eight,"Vorok said. "I told him not to play by the landing platforms, but he has his father's sense of adventure."

Lissa took out her tricorder again and did a closer assessment of his head, and then his entire body. "If it were more serious we would need to do surgery, but I think I can get the better of his injuries with the equipment I brought with me," Lissa explained.

Lissa took two small silver cylinder neurological devices from her trauma kit and placed them on the boy's temples. She then took the accompanying regeneration tool and aimed it at the cylinder closest to the injury. Her medical tricorder was open on the bed in front of her so she could look down at it, and with her other hand she used the scanning device and waved it over his injury to monitor progress. Her wrists were getting tired, this worked better as a two-person job, but she wasn't going to give up.

"The devices I placed on his forehead are telling my regeneration tool what to do, heal bruises, reduce swelling, repair broken blood vessels," she explained. "Only soft tissue damage which is great," she stated calmly. After a few minutes Lissa removed the devices and put them away along with the neuro-regenerator. "The concussive injury is taken care of," she told Vorok, "I'll be right back to take care of that cut. I think those boys are done with their treatment now."

The Klingon flashed his sharp teeth, "Thank you, nurse."

Lissa went over to the teenagers and scanned their pulmonary systems. "Take off your masks and then take some deep breaths for me," she told them.

The teens removed their masks and took breaths. They seemed to be recovering.

"Good," Lissa said approvingly, as she scanned each of the boys individually, noting the improvement in their breathing and lung capacity. "There's more we can do, but not with my field kits. They'd be fine to heal on their own, but if the hospital has pulmonary regenerators, I'd like them to sit under one for a few hours," Lissa told the adult who was with them.

She looked around to see if she could find a doctor who worked in the facility. "Critical care," she muttered to herself, looking for it as that had been where she had been directed next.

She took out a dermal regenerator and went back to the eight-year-old child. "This is the simple stuff, then you'll be as good as new," she told the child. Looking at Vorok she asked, "I was told to go to Critical Care next, do you know which way?"

Brok'tan moved forward, "I'll take you there."

The old Klingon moved with a strange gate; he didn't use his walking stick indoors. Even though he embraced more Federation medicine, he still tested his strength. He is Klingon



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