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Critical Care Pt. 1

Posted on Mon Oct 9th, 2023 @ 9:41pm by Ensign Sar
Edited on on Mon Oct 9th, 2023 @ 9:52pm

1,251 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Klingon Settlement.
Timeline: MD C4 1300 hours After Klingon Hospital

Sar backed away from the shuttle, motioning for Lt. JG Drylo to follow. He walked quickly after Lissa, giving time for Feeva to catch up. "Perhaps we should also check in with the facility."

Sar knew the pilots would need time alone with the first responders. He also knew Klingon pilots would likely not want to speak with a Vulcan. Sar still wanted to satisfy his curiosity. He had to know what happened.

"I fear there could be a link between this incident and that of the Romulan ship in Duveek", Sar told Feeva as they sped up their walk.

"Sabotage?" She asked. Hmm. "You should definitely tell Lt. Kas and Commander Chalan. I will help you to explain it, if you'd like. Keep alert," she said. "Alert me if you find anyone of interest. I will alert Security, as well," she said. "You're Engineering, correct? Did your team notice anything untoward while repairing the planes?" She asked the young Vulcan.

"At the moment, there is little more to go on than coincidence. However, an investigation is likely in order", Sar said as they approached the hospital's entrance. He said, "I am indeed a propulsion specialist. The Romulans mentioned power fluctuations within their equipment. Our inspection did not seem to turn up anything specific with the particular fighter we examined. However, that was not the fighter which crashed."

As Sar and Feeva entered the hospital, they were guided to a waiting room. Lissa and the others had already run ahead, deeper into the hospital towards the pilots.

A group of Klingons and officers entered along with them. The runabout transported the medical equipment before it left. It seemed as if a flood of people entered the medical center at once. T'Lura walked into the clinic followed by the Federation officers,

"We will have a number of casualties from the fires. Nurse Kerr I'm sure you will be of great assistance." T'Lura said. "Ensign Sar your assistance will be needed in installing the new equipment."

"Just show me where to go," Lissa responded, alert and ready to move into action.

"For now help out with triage," T'Lura said. "Vorok is about to bring us more casualties."

"Yes, ma'am," Lissa responded and took it upon herself to find where other triage workers were waiting for the wounded to come in.

"I shall work quickly to guide the installation of the new biobeds and heavy equipment", Sar said as he set off down the corridors. He had seen the destination of the equipment by room number when prepping the cargo earlier.

Commander T'Lura explained. "Lieutenant Drylo, walk with me."

Feeva raised an eyebrow, but followed the woman. She paused a moment to turn her phaser to "stun" and then continued.

T'Lura moved down a hall, everyone was busy with their own tasks as they passed them. T'Lura would have preferred to have this conversation in private, however, there was no time for that. "I have observed that you seem uncomfortable around the Klingons, may I offer some advice?"

Feeva spoke. "It isn't Klingons, per se. I've worked with plenty. It is the situation at hand. While my race isn't an empathetic one, I am trained to pick up on subtle cues. Something is wrong. I don't know what yet, but someone is hiding something," she explained. "My people-Vissians-are much like Romulans, our nearest neighbors, and Vulcans-reserved, logical. It doesn't make logical sense that we're suddenly tossed into a situation like this, when there were other ships, closer. Also, I have a child back on the Columbia. She's staying with a colleague's family for a few days, but...I am worried about what will happen to her if something happens to ME." She let the woman take in her words.

"I see," T'Lura looked at her for a moment as they walked. "I saw you check your phaser on the platform, there's no logical reason to check it again. Leave it alone while you are here, that's an order… Your concerns are logical and your observations are accurate. I theorize that that is the reason Lt. Razka brought you. He protects his people, that's why he sent you with me. I have my suspicions about what is happening, which we can discuss later. However, I know who I can trust. I will keep us safe."

Feeva let out a breath. She nodded. "Perhaps that is what I am feeling...I am trained to look for things that are different or dangerous, or the like. I have felt that since we landed. My associate...the Vulcan...he noticed it, too. I I said. I am a mother. A single parent. I cannot risk my safety, and I am unwilling to risk the safety of my team. We've already had two people injured..." she explained. What was happening?!

"We can't talk now," T'Lura said. "Lives are in the balance. Kas has consistently assembled a team of dedicated individuals who are adept at achieving their objectives. We will ascertain the truth. Please proceed to summon Nurse Kerr; her expertise will be invaluable in the critical care unit."

Feeva sighed deeply. She wasn't a gopher! She was a fully-fledged Starfleet officer. She was also a counselor and she needed to use diplomacy right now. "Alright, I will go find her." Fee turned around, red hair flying as she did. She walked out, knowing that the Orion wasn't going to take kindly to orders from some...Vulcan. Oh well. She was just the messenger.

T'Lura raised an eyebrow, ""Counselor, I require your expertise as well. I assumed you would prefer a more private setting for our discussion, away from the presence of your subordinates."

Fee smiled. "I don't mind, I think they're used to my strangeness now," she said. "I am the only Vissian in the Fleet currently. I don't think they know WHAT to do. Will my Comms work here?" She asked.

"It may take time to feel fully integrated, and there may be setbacks along the way. Be patient with yourself and remain resilient. Your commitment to your duties and principles will ultimately lead to a sense of belonging." T'Lura said, "Yes the COMMs work"

Fee simply shrugged. It was good advice, but she wasn't really about to take it from a stranger. One she still didn't totally trust yet, either. "Thanks." She tapped her badge.

=/\=Commander Chalan, Commander T'Lura wants a meeting with you if you're available.=/\= Please be available she said to herself. =/\=Oh! In the clinic!=/\=

=/\= Counselor, I am on the Holana with Commander Razka and Lieutenant Sava to assist with putting out the fires from the explosion. We will be returning to the hospital once the fires have been exterminated. I can make myself available immediately on my return. =/\=

=/\=Understood. I will relay that to Commander T'Lura. Be safe. =/\= She tapped off and looked at the Vulcan. "Did you hear that?" She said.

"Yes, meeting with your superior is a logical course of action, however, I asked about Nurse Kerr." T'Lura raised an eyebrow. then pressed her COMM badge. "T'Lura to Dr. Morta, please send Nurse Kerr to the critical care unit once you've completed triage."

=/\= Or course Ma'am Morta out =/\=

Fee nodded. "Sorry, I missed that," she said. "Well. What now?" She asked.

"Walk this way," T'Lura said turning on her heel and moving down the hall.

Feeva followed her down the corridor but was still alert. Danger, she knew, lurked around every corner.



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