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Disturbing Information

Posted on Thu Sep 14th, 2023 @ 7:17pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

775 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 1, Ready Room
Timeline: MD C2, 0645 hours


Jason had been quietly called too the ready room, it was not normally unnerving but after events planet side Jason was expecting this, as he exited the turbolift he looked quickly around and made his way too the ready room, pressing the door chime as was protocol.

"Enter please", Ryhl said as the doors opened.

Captain th'Zeles' ready room exuded an atmosphere of professional poise and functionality. Khaki-colored walls enclosed the space like a reassuring embrace. A plush red carpet graced the floor, offering a stark contrast to the room's otherwise muted hues. At the room's heart stood a sizable wooden desk, meticulously organized with a scattering of PADDs and a collection of finely crafted starship models.

Adjacent to the desk, an inviting maroon-upholstered sofa awaited, its placement carefully chosen to encourage more relaxed discussions. There were more formal chair, but they sat further away.

Captain Ryhl th'Zeles leaned forward, his fingers forming a steeple as he addressed Lieutenant Elliot, the ship's experienced intelligence officer.

"Lieutenant, please, take a seat. We have an urgent situation on Campor III near the Romulan settlement of Duveek. There have been several troubling incidents. We suspect sabotage, with evidence pointing to tampering with power and regulation controls across the area. An away team is headed down later today."

Ryhl sat back in his chair. "Most of the incidents are covered up well. The Romulans can't trace much of anything. Except in one area. Someone seems to be operating within a pattern at one of their water treatment facilities. I want you to keep an eye on the place. Report back. I will inform security, but I want this to keep a low profile."

The Captain knew the risks of sending Jason with a small team. He had put in a request to Starfleet to send more Intelligence personnel during the trip from Starbase 74. It could take some time before more Intel officers arrived.

Jason put a pad down, "About five weeks ago I saw a report about large quantities of dominion war surplus along with a supply of demolition charges going missing nearby, there's a strong chance those supplies are here.

Ryhl sighed and shook his head for a moment as the news hit him. This was a shock. The Captain was grateful that Jason would share this with him. Other Intel officers might keep such information guarded.

"We'll have to start searching for this. If that sort of stuff was on Campor, I'm sure they'd go through great lengths to hide it."

Thoughts of prior conversations returned to the Andorian's mind. "Remember when reports went around about piracy not far the Campor sector? You know.. The one about the advanced boarding techniques? I'd like to hope the events aren't related.. But this certainly steps things up a great deal."

"The questions that remain are who and why.. I look forward to your help in finding the answers", Ryhl said.

Jason smiled, "I got a follow up on one of the reports finally, the inventory was a mixture of weapons, survival supplies, and peregrine fighter parts." emphasis on the last part hoping something would click.

"Keep me updated on any developments", Ryhl said as he thought of the implications. "Your mission to the tower will start tonight, after the away mission. We'll increase security in future operations. I just want you to have eyes on.. Who knows if anyone will even show."

Many of the colonists believed tales of sabotage were nothing more than frayed nervous towards frontier living. Ryhl wasn't sure what was true. He did know the reports looked suspicious.

Jason made a decision "I'd like to go back after hours with Ensign Wiseman and take a look at the weather station that seems to be faulty and if we don't get discovered the one water station that's been suspect."

Ryhl knew there were risks inherent in sending two officers, but trusted Lt. Elliot's judgement. Too many officers could potentially compromise the clandestine nature of the patrol.

"I look forward to learning what you and Miss Wiseman discover", said Ryhl. He stood and extended a hand to shake with Jason. "I'll let you start preparing now. We'll be heading to the surface in a few hours."

At this point, Ryhl was still waiting for contacts on the surface to awaken and make contact. Only then would he be able to coordinate the time of the upcoming away mission.

"I'd better have that chat with Ensign Wiseman." Jason said as they shook hands.

The mission ahead would be both complex and challenging.


Captain Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia


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