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Meet the Parent Part 3: Finding Your Bondmates

Posted on Fri Nov 10th, 2023 @ 11:20pm by

1,550 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Ten Forward

Shan's head tilted forward slightly at Thrita's question. It was an instinctual reaction for Andorians in stressful situations, as it put their antennae in a better position to perceive immediate surroundings. He was not expecting to have to talk about something so... personal in front of the Captain.

He forced himself to straighten up. "I guess.. I know that's why I have been avoiding reaching out to any of you directly. I've seen so many bondgroups dissolve after child bearing years are over. I've always wanted more than that. Especially after joining Starfleet and seeing how most other cultures form... romantic relationships out of love rather than duty."

"I mean, don't get me wrong, my parents raised us in a very positive and supportive environment. It was clear they were friendly with one another. But now that my younger brother is almost out of the house things are different." Shan felt somewhat awkward sharing so much information with the Captain, but he continued. "My zhavey and thavan are still together. I think because of love. I don't know, they are in Starfleet and have always had Starfleet assign them together. But I know my shreya and charan are both going their separate ways soon."

Thrita reached over and placed her hand on Shanir's. She squeezed and held it, looking over to him. "That's too bad about your shreya and charan", she said as she rubbed the top of his hand until her fingers locked with his.

Shan took a deep and somewhat shaky breath. "I have always been hopeful that I would have an opportunity to have something more than that. More than only staying together to raise children." He could tell he was blushing, he looked back and forth at both of them, nervous for what either's response might be.

"It's fortunate that your parents stayed together for this long sadly", Ryhl said. "You're wise to want more. It doesn't feel good to live the single life, focused on career and duty. Sometimes I wonder if pushing so hard to make Captain was even worth it." His gaze appeared distant. Ryhl missed the early days of his bondgroup, when things were new to them. They had all gotten so focused on their careers as soon as they had accomplished the bare minimum of two children. "Commanding the Columbia is outstanding. I'd still trade in my pips right now to be married and happy."

Thrita laughed, knowing her thavan was just being dramatic. "It's okay. You still have me. You know.. You could just reach out to the others if you miss them."

Ryhl seemed to ponder her words. "I guess I could." A pale blush crept high in cheekbones, more like a fading of color than the typical bright burst.

"Is there anything you'd like to know about us?" Thrita let Shan's hand go and moved to cut the last bit of her griddlecake. "I know we're asking you a lot of questions."

There were questions, but Shan didn't want to get too personal, he was still an ensign eating with his Captain. Maybe they were things he could find out from Thrita over time... assuming they continued to see one another.

"Nothing at the moment," his eyes widened as he looked at Thrita. "I suppose we should contact the others. It is unusual when you feel like you've made a connection with someone. I have some apprehension about what it might be like when there are four of us."

"I bet it would go well." Thrita slid closer to Shan as she met his gaze. She turned her head to rest it on his shoulder. "We just have to come in with an understanding. It might be good to at least talk for now. See where their interests lie. Some might even choose to drop out."

Ryhl chewed his last bit of pastry, nodding and humming in acknowledgement of his shei (daughter).

"We talked last night about reaching out," Shan started treading carefully. He wanted to mention what Thrita said about the Captain having others assigned here as well, but he held his tongue. He wanted to know about himself, but he didn't want to betray her trust. Though from the way the morning was going they seemed to talk about pretty much everything.

"I know my shreya like to remind me that it is time to start figuring these things out," he confessed.

Ryhl was unsure of whether he would try to get the other officers assigned. He didn't want to say anything to Shan that he couldn't back up. His opinions also changed after speaking to Thrita the night before. She seemed so excited about the genuine way that they met. After talking with Shan, he began to wonder if he should let them figure it out. Laugh lines creased around his eyes as he looked gingerly towards the young couple. "Time does pass quickly. I'm sure you can all figure it out."

Thrita lifted her head from Shanir's shoulder, her satisfaction at sharing affection in front of Ryhl visible in her cheerful expression. "Maybe some will even want to come here. I think we decided that we'll all get in touch soon. It will be a relief to finally settle this."

"Well I want you to know that I see you like family." Ryhl rested his right elbow on the table, forearm laid down behind his empty plate. "I've been taking the time to know you.. On the bridge.. Just from a working perspective. I haven't said anything about the bondgroup because I wanted to know what you were about. You have a lot of potential ahead. You're making waves in Command Ops, Shanir. I'm grateful that Thrita is lined up with you, to be honest."

Thrita blushed a teal flash across her face, not used to such a personal conversation.

"Thank you, Sir." Shan felt himself blushing as well. "I've appreciated the opportunities you and the other senior officers have given me." He looked down at the table, before looking over to Thrita. Her family seemed more open - talkative about personal matters than his own. The experience was a little surreal, but he could see himself really enjoying the connections - if he could get past his nerves.

"I agree, getting the formalities behind us will be a relief." He smiled warmly at her. "I'm glad we met the way we did though. I've really been overthinking this whole process for a while now."

"I think we all have," Ryhl said understandingly. "I knew I had to step back, but want the best for you all."

Thrita chimed in immediately. "I was just avoiding it", she said with a giggle. "It still is a lot to take in. But I don't feel anxious anymore."

"Well that too," Shan admitted, chuckling lightly. "For a while I thought Starfleet would be a good place to hide out if I didn't want to go through with it..." Shan paused before playfully continuing. "And then well I met this beautiful stranger in one of the lounges last night, and we just got to talking and the next thing you know..." he trailed off.

Thrita felt her heart warm as she mentioned their encounter, a teal blush showing a bit of shyness in front of her thavan. Her eyes showed a reflection of a warm sentiment. Instead of addressing his sweet comment, she said, "You can't hide out from me." She leaned towards him and kissed his cheek.

"It really can be intimidating at first," Ryhl said. "Bonding would be much more natural if we could take the time to introduce ourselves, or just... Find partners along the way. I guess it can be tricky getting four people to sync up." Bits of griddle cake sat uneaten, stared upon by the full Captain. He watched the intimacy between the couple. "Well.. I should get back to the bridge. You two should go for a quick walk before your shift starts. I'll stay in touch with you both." Ryhl began to gather his things, along with Thrita's plate.

Shan instinctively stood up. "I can get those, Sir," he offered, reaching to take the plates from the Captain.

Thrita shot Shanir a look. Even though she would have refused, she wished he'd offered to help her instead. She fought the urge to grin. She grabbed Ryhl's mug before either of them could.

"Ah, I should be more than alright," Ryhl said. "I think I've given off the wrong impression." He laughed as he stood, hands full. "It was great to talk to you both so openly. We'll have to do this more in the future." Ryhl tipped his head to Shanir and Thrita as they followed him towards the replicators. The plates and mugs were placed onto the replicators, settings set for reclamation as the material whisked away.

"Okay, dad. Next time," she said as they approached the exit.

"Next time, indeed." Ryhl looked back as they stepped out of Ten Forward. "See you, Ensign."

"Goodbye, Captain," Shanir responded, standing at attention out of habit. When the Captain walked away, he relaxed and looked sheepishly at Thrita and laughed at himself.

Captain Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Shanir "Shan" Th'kaasnik
Systems Operations
USS Columbia

Thrita sh'Qirhess
USS Columbia


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