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Checking In

Posted on Sun Oct 22nd, 2023 @ 10:14pm by

1,246 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Transport Room A
Timeline: CD04

Bella Rodriguez walked into the transporter room and greeted the young man on shift. She was waiting to see Keena and the Counselor. She'd heard about what had happened on the surface, she hadn't had a chance to see Razka. She was running their whole department in Kas' absence.

Keena materialized on the transporter pad on the Colombia, the little girl opened her eyes slowly, she didn't really like transporting.

Feeva and Keena re-appeared on the Columbia. "We're here now, Keena," she said. "You can open your eyes. Why don't you like the transporter?" She asked. "You don't have to pretend to be brave for me. It's OK to show that you're scared of something. That's how we learn about overcoming things," she said. "It's normal to be afraid of things we don't understand." She set the girl down carefully and then took her hand as they stepped out of the room. "Thank you," she said to the Transporter specialist.

Keena smiled as she saw Bella and spoke in Quathteen, "Bells! I saw Papa, he's alright, but I think everybody is mad at him."

Bella crouched down and touch her forehead to Keena's, "I'm glad Key, don't worry about your Father. He's been getting in and out of trouble, since before we were born."

"Where do you think you get your trouble-making streak from?" The Latina smiled. I need to have a word with the Counselor, can you wait in the hall?"

Feeva smiled warmly. "Lieutenant. How can I help you?" She said, her eyes watching carefully as Keena closed the door. "Ensign, please, give us a moment," she said, to the Transporter guy. She couldn't remember his name at the moment.

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to help with Key, I'm running the whole flight department. Bella said she paused. "How is Kas doing?"

Fee just nodded. "I understand. We're all busy this week," she said. "He's...ok. Alive. Pretty well beaten up, but...alive. The Klingon is about the same, I am told." She paused. "Besides his physical injuries, I think...he understands how stupid it was." She sighed.

"Damn Klingon honor," Bella shook her head. "I thought my family's fights were bad."

Feeva sighed. "Yeah," she said. "I try to remain neutral-I always try to find a non-violent solution, but Kas assures me that there wasn't one," she said, but her face was full of doubt. To her, it appeared to be akin to a penis-measuring contest, and she had no time for that sort of nonsense.

"It's hard to say," Bella said. "Kas is like a brother to me, I'm the closest thing to family he has in the Federation. He's very protective of his crew, I wish he'd consider his own safety… "

Bella looked the woman in the eye, she wasn't didn't know how to say what was on her mind. Bella was often a little scared for her friend, there were times when she wondered if he'd come back from missions alive. "He works so hard to prove himself… Even though he has nothing to prove."

"And the safety of Keena," Feeva interjected. "I am a's no longer an option for him to only think about himself," she said. "How did they know each other, anyway?" She asked.

"Kormak is a member of the house Toq. T'Lura tested the blood on Kas' Bat'leth, they're related. Probably, cousins..." Bella sighed. "I hate Klingon politics. When estranged family members suddenly show up, they can be seen as a threat to the standing of other members. Being of mixed-race makes complicates it even further."

Feeva nodded. It made more sense now. "In my work over the years, I have only counseled a few Klingons and a few Bajorans, but never the mix of the two. While I cannot empathize with walking two worlds, as I am fully Vissian, I DO sympathize. You're correct, he had nothing to prove. Not to us. I suspect that maybe an emotional thing was at play, but I will address that with him at a later time. I wish he'd come by to see me sooner. Sometimes, those of us among us with mixed heritages also suffer a bit of self-esteem issues, and that can compound any other socio-political things, like these "honor" rituals," she explained. "There's a party of some sort he's expected to attend. Commander Chalan has my thoughts on how to assist Commander Razka navigate that, but I understand it's some kind of diplomatic thing that he can't really get out of, short of being medicaled out. I don't think this situation warrants that, as much as my professional training would like to insist otherwise," she said.

"I wouldn't worry too much about Kas, T'Lura and the Commander will keep him in line." Bella laughed. "T'Lura isn't afraid to nerve-pinch him."

Fee simply shrugged. "I am not worried about HIM, per se. Keena." She said. "And the others. T'Lura seems savvy enough to manage, but the Commander isn't, I worry," Feeva said. "Still. Part of my role as Ships' counselor is diplomacy, and I just goes well." She said.

"They got the combat out of the way," Bella smiled. "So the rest of this should be fine..."

"I hope you can get him to talk to you..." Bella looked down. "He's been different since he took custody of Keena..."

Feeva smiled. "As it should be...having children changes you. Sometimes for the better, and sometimes not. But your focus changes," she said. "If it becomes a thing that affects his job, speak up. If not..I'd not worry. He's doing, as the humans like to say, "dad stuff," she said. "I really do hope it will play out better than yesterday," she said. "I should get the children fed," she said. "You're welcome to join me or go back to...whatever it was you were doing. You're welcome to see Keena anytime," she said. "I am Ship's Counselor, time is always...fluid for me, as is the concept of privacy and personal space," she said, her tone light, almost jokingly.

"I'll take you up on that I miss my favorite little monkey," Bella laughed. "I hear she got herself in trouble again."

Fee chuckled. "Indeed, monkey is a good name," she said. "Aye, took my girl up a tree with her without permission OR at least letting someone know. Leena-that's my girl-got a slight injury. Kas said he will address it when he's in a bit better shape. I am not mad anymore; I was a bit upset at the moment, mostly with Leena, though. She knows better," Feeva said. "Just send me a quick message on Comms or my PADD," she said, "So I can make sure she's awake or fed."

Keena was sitting cross-legged patently in the hall waiting for Feeva.

"Don't sit in the hall Key, your Papa taught you better than that." Bella smiled. "I'll take you to the Parkour gym when I have time."

"Okay Bells," Keena smiled. She wrapped her little arms around Bella. Then moved to Feeva,

"Thank you, Keena. Are you ready? Let's go get Leena and we'll see about a meal," she said. "Thank you, Lieutenant. Like I said, feel free to come by any time! Hopefully, Commander Razka will be back tomorrow," she said. She held out her hand for the little girl to take.

"Yes Miss Fee," She took Feeva's hand.


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