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Sickbay Rounds

Posted on Fri Oct 6th, 2023 @ 1:03pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,111 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 12 Sickbay
Timeline: C9 0700 hours

Dr. Lenn was walking through morning rounds, checking on patients in Sickbay, which had been unfortunately increasing in number the longer the Columbia remained in orbit at Campor III.

She went to step into Jason's room with her usual burst of early morning energy, "Mr. Elliot, how are you feeling today?" she asked while looking at the notes from the night shift. It wasn't until she looked up that she realized he had company, and it looked like she had been there a while.

Maya didn't react, only to introduce herself. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize Mr. Elliot had company. I don't believe we've met yet, I'm Dr. Maya Lenn, here with the Interspecies Medical Exchange and Doctors Without Borders."

Jason was pulling over an Intelligence sweatshirt looked up, "Uh..." Jason needed a second, "I'm good, wouldn't mind catching up on some paperwork maybe some holodeck time."

Paisley chuckled. Luckily, she was already fully dressed-even though she had been mostly dressed anyway.

"It's ok. I didn't mean to stay long. I am Commander F'rar, Chief Engineer," she said. "No holodeck, Jason," she said. "He's going to rest." She said to the Doctor. "I will ensure that." Without missing a beat, the Engineer continued, in the way she did. "Say, what's his allowed physical activity level?" She smiled cheekily.

"Pleasure meeting you, Commander," Maya said nodded at Paisley.

"Let's see what we can do for Commander Elliot today. Why don't you sit up and hang your legs and feet off the edge of the bed for me will you?" Dr. Lenn asked, stepping aside so she could watch how Jason moved when got into the simple position.

Jason sat up fully, his legs hanging over the side of the bed, he felt the tightness in his leg wound twitch again, but he didn't have much trouble. "Okay."

Paisley settled in to watch and put her shoes on. Normally, she didn't mind much how she looked, but she bet that a night sleeping lightly in a biobed next to Jason meant she didn't look so hot. She fished around in the small bag she'd brought and came up with a hair elastic. Quickly, she plaited her inky black hair. "Please be careful..." she said, watching him. She might joke about sex but she really DID care about Jason's physical health.

"How has your leg been holding up when you try walking? Have you been able to walk to the restroom and back without much assistance?" Maya asked.

Jason looked at Paisley, "I haven't had too many issues, yeah it's still sore, but I'll manage as it heals up more."

"So if I bust you out of here today, what kind of holoprograms were you intended to partake in?" Maya raised an eyebrow as she looked at Jason. "I would think wisely about your answer, Commander," she added, PADD in hand.

Jason smiled, "Maybe a walk in a park, I'm not going to push, I'm denying I still feel rough at times." He took Paisley's hand "I won't be jumping into a fighter or launching any commando missions right now."

Paisley let out a small chuckle. The two of them really could push people's buttons. "You better NOT," she murmured. She had other plans for him, besides.

"No you will not," Maya said, looking at Jason sternly. "Other than walking in short increments, the only exercise you are permitted is physical therapy back here, three times a week. A soak in a hot spring or a jacuzzi might help loosen those muscles. Desk duty only. I'm grounding you to the ship," Maya said, typing the medical orders into her PADD.

"Unless you want to stay a few more days?" she asked looking up.

"I'd rather spend the time at my desk right now, I've got a small staff for at least another day until the other support ship arrives and I'd like to be able to help my junior staff get more up to speed, plus I haven't met the marine liaison so I'd like to get some spy stuff done." Jason said with a smile.

"Spy stuff, huh?" Maya repeated. "Keep your time in the office to six hours a day or less for the rest of the week. You still need your rest. I don't think I'll be the only one checking in on you," she said flashing a look back to Paisley.

Paisley simply nodded. "Correct," she said.

"We'll check in at physical therapy, and talk about slowly increasing your workload. Comm me if you start feeling worse," with each order Maya looked at Jason sternly almost like a mother warning her child not to step out of line.

"Do you have any questions?" Maya asked, looking at both Jason and Paisley.

"I'm good." Jason said looking to Paisley.

"Just one. Is...uh...sexual activities ok if we're not too...wild?" She asked, carefully. They were normally very active but she understood that it might be a little vanilla for a bit. She was OK with that.

"Yes, that should be fine, as long as Commander Elliot follows my orders about getting plenty of rest and takes care with his leg," Maya responded.

Paisley, satisfied with the answer, simply nodded. "I will do my best to ensure he rests," she said.

"All right, Commander, you are provisionally discharged, in so long as you don't hurt yourself again," Maya pronounced, holding out her arm indicating that he could stand up. "The walk to your quarters is a bit longer than you are used to. We can use our medical transporter if you prefer," Maya offered.

Jason didn't hesitate "I'll try the walk, it should be fine."

"I'll walk with him," Paisley said. "As the Chief Engineer, I know the shortcuts," she said. She had a strong suspicion that "crawling through the tubes" wasn't on his treatment plan but she did know a few shortcuts if he could handle a few sets of stairs. They'd see.

Maya nodded at Paisley. "Okay then, Commander. It's been nice getting to know you, but I'm sure you won't mind not seeing my face every morning. I'll walk you out." Maya went to the door to Jason's room and gestured for them to exit first.

Paisley led him out, carefully. She gave him the space to move on his own, but was watchful. "Thanks, doc," she said. She couldn't wait to get out-sickbay made her nervous. She took Jason's arm, placing hers through the crook of his left elbow. "Come on," she said. "Let's get you home, and then we can get some light exercise," she said, with a cheeky grin.


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