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A little music for morale, Part 4: Dance the night away

Posted on Tue Oct 10th, 2023 @ 7:53am by Ensign Sar

1,642 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: 10-Forward Lounge
Timeline: MD C8 2100 hours, After Part 3

"How about a grand finale ," Zeke said, guiding her into a double turn, left lead pretzel, bringing her around for an outside turn, and then a right lead pretzel, and back again. Zeke smiled happily as she maneuvered through the steps and arm movements, the two circling one another creating a fun display, before he sent her out, and back for an inside turn, planning a dip just as the song ended.

It's a Barnum and Bailey world
Just as phony as it can be
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me
It's phony, it's plain to see
How happy I would be
If you believed in me

Kas smiled at the young people dancing, The young Vulcan struggling to the mirror Bella's dance moves was parallelly amusing to him. 'Can a Vulcan slow dance'? he wondered. The Hybrid didn't wait for applause before beginning another song, the tempo was slow and whimsical. As he began to sing...

Today I may not have a thing at all
Except for just a dream or two
But I've got lots of plans for tomorrow
And all my tomorrows belong to you
Right now it may not seem like spring at all
We're drifting and the laughs are few
But I've got rainbows planned for tomorrow

Kas knew there were famous death performers who had written and sung these songs before, but to him, these were the songs of Vic Fontane. A Federation Marine had given him a data rod of his music during the Dominion War. These songs had given so much hope to so many, he felt honored to sing them.

As the music slowed Bella stepped forward and draped her arm over Zeke and smiled. "Let's see your footwork."

"What was that I just did?" Zeke asked. "You sure are hard to impress," he added playfully, leading her into a simple box step. "What's your pleasure?

"This works," Bella smiled. "So where did you learn to dance?"

Zeke led Bella on a quick inside turn, bringing her back around before answering. "These Earth steps where when I was at the Academy, but they aren't too different from the social dances we have on Trill."

"Why don't you show me your people's dance?" Bella suggested. "I'm eager to learn."

"Um," Zeke said, a puzzled look on his face. "I have never tried to put the steps to anything other than Tril music. It might seem strange at first," he said continuing the box step. "So we might do a box step for a slow song like this, but the leads are different, and in a mixed couple pairing the female usually leads ."

"Interesting," Bella said. "let's stick to the box step for now."

"It would be easier to teach with the right music," Zeke agreed. "If I hear of a Trill music night, I'll call you up."

And all my tomorrows belong to you
No one knows better than I
That luck keeps passing me by
That's fate
But with you there by my side
I'll soon be turning the tide
Just wait

Sar continued to move to the music. His thoughts were not on dancing, but on Sarah. He normally knew what to say, words based on logic and observation. Now did not feel like the time for words. He held Sarah by the waist and hand and danced close to her.

He turned to watch the others dance, many more comfortable. Everybody seemed full of emotion to the Vulcan. He saw the expression each person carried, contemplating how they viewed his own hollow features.

Sar turned his attention back to Sarah. "I am curious. What attributes do you look for in a partner?"

They had moved aside a bit, as more people had come to the dance floor-none more good at then than Zeke and Bella, though. She was watching the others, too.

As long as I've got arms that cling at all
It's you I'll be clinging to
And all the dreams I dream, beg or borrow
On some bright tomorrow
Will all come true
And all my bright tomorrows belong to you

"Oh.," she said, blushing again. "Kindness, a bit of humor. You know. The regular things. What about you? Do I meet your wish list?" She asked, taking his hand. She'd forgotten how strangely men acted when they liked a woman.

Sar brushed aside inner concerns that he might not have enough personality for her, immediately realizing it was illogical to ponder such thoughts. "The ability to compromise and willingness to build towards shared goals would be of the utmost importance in a relationship."

Sar settled into the rhythm as he moved closer, speaking softly into her ear with his deep voice. "I believe it would be best for me to keep an open mind and be accepting of my partner.. Never succumbing to judgement or individual desires."

"I value you as a potential partner", Sar said as they danced.

She felt Sar move closer, and she did, too, out of habit. He tended to speak in a low tone, and she had to be close to hear him fully, especially in a crowded place like this.

He took her into his arms, and she smiled a little. When he began to speak, the hairs on her arms stood up. The sensation of his warm breath against her ears was...exciting.

"I think it's wise to remain open-minded. But maybe not too long," Sarah said. She smiled a little bit. "I value you, too. I am not the kind of girl who sleeps around, so. If we're going to date, it will be serious for me," she said. She bit the inside of her mouth. It was the most forward she'd been with him, but the music, and the stress of the past few weeks were getting to her. Or something was. She didn't know.

"I am not sure what you mean by 'open-minded'. Vulcans put forth much time and consideration towards a potential partner. A Vulcan would never give nor expect less than faithfulness and a shared understanding of the relationship's goals."

"Such a decision is also one that I would not take lightly." Sar thought he had been clear in his desire to pursue Sarah, but wondered if she still needed clarity. "There is no other person I would rather connect with than you."

He was concerned that his Vulcan resolve might come off as a lack of excitement. Sar would be different than the emotional companion many humans expected. He hoped they could still find common ground. Sar did care for her in his own way.

She smiled. "I don't know what I mean, either," she said. "I just feel a lot of emotions and I am not as good as you at suppressing them," she said. "I...let's go chat somewhere else. Not here. It's too loud; I can't focus," she said, pulling away gently. "Let me get my things. Maybe we can go back to my quarters and chat? If Lissa took Annika to the infirmary, we'll be alone until Jefferies get there," she said. She shared with the three other women for now. "If you'd like. Or the arboretum, if you'd prefer," she said. "I don't really care, honestly. Just trying to think of a quiet place."

"Unlike many Vulcans, I appreciate humans for their quirks and personality. I admire your openness, especially in matters of connecting." He realized how alien he sounded when he spoke. She was also very different from every woman he'd ever met.

"Although I do not let my emotions rise beyond a level suppression, I do understand them. The chance to connect with you fills me with new hope for the future."

"Perhaps my quarters would be suitable for a quiet evening. My suite-mate is currently assigned to the surface. It would give us a chance to bond through shared meditation and thought. There are even rituals which may help express my underlying thoughts. First, we must build our psychic chemistry through more simple techniques."

"Shall we?" As they rolled out of a close dance, Sar led Sarah by the hand away from the dance floor.

Sarah nodded, letting him lead her away. "That sounds good," she said. They gathered their things and left hurriedly.

Sar held her hand tightly as they left.

As long as I've got arms that cling at all
It's you that I'll be clinging to
And all the dreams I dream, beg or borrow
On some bright tomorrow
They will all come true
And all my bright tomorrows belong to you

Kas smiled at the young people dancing he wondered if the young woman walking with Vulcan knew the challenges of such a relationship. He wished them the best.

Zeke finished off by sending Bella out into a triple spin, as she came back he bowed to her. "You've been a lovely dance partner. Thank you for the pleasure."

"Your welcome," Bella smiled. "You should see me in the parkour gym."

"I do a little to keep in shape for mountain climbing. I'm trying to scale ten major mountains on ten planets. Only seven to go," he said lightheartedly, as they walked toward the stage where Kas was stepping down.

"Nice job singing tonight, man," Zeke said nodding at Kas. "It was nice of you guys to jump in. I wasn't really looking forward to doing this all night," he added as he packed up his guitar. "I'd rather stand off to the side and play my guitar while someone else sings and gets all the attention."

"Catch you both later," Zeke said throwing up a hand in a casual wave as he turned to leave.

"Of course " Kas smiled. "This was an enjoyable night."


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