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Calling Home

Posted on Thu Sep 21st, 2023 @ 10:52pm by

682 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Recreation Deck
Timeline: After crossing the Nebula

Paisley had gotten a subspace relay from her father. While she REALLY, REALLY didn't want to talk to him, she dutifully reserved the use of the Relay station on her next day off. She knew that he knew what ship she was on-she told him that much. How he'd found them all the way out here, however, was anyone's guess. Actually, she KNEW the answer-no doubt one of his friends had friends who had friends. It was how he'd kept track of her all these years, after all. She'd been left alone on Cardassia Prime since she was 10 year old, sometimes with a nanny but usually just by herself because he figured she was old enough and smart enough to not do anything to burn down the house or hurt herself. He had been mostly right-the kind of trouble she got into was mostly the kind with the opposite sexual organs than her own.

She dialed out the relay number he'd provided, and a bit later, she heard his gruff, low baritone down the line. "Yiecet F'rar, please?" She always asked, because it annoyed him. *It's me, Sport.* She closed her eyes. Sport?! That was a new one. "Hi, Dad," she said. "You said you wanted to chat. What is it? Is everything ok?" She feigned care. She didn't. It wasn't that she didn't love him-he was her father, of course she did, as her father. It was more or less that they weren't even that close, and very different people.
*Yeah. I wanted to see how my little girl was. And also...I am getting remarried*

Paisley paused. Figures. "Well. Congrats! Anyone I know?" She asked. Not likely. Sure enough, his answer came. *No, you don't. Another Human. Her name is Karen.* Paisley nodded. Sounded like a stupid name, if you asked her. Not that her's wasn't but, what could she do? "I see. How is Paisley? The other one," she asked, meanly. The other Paisley was her fathers on and off mistress-or had been, until she married a human man and cut it off with Yeicet. AND the woman she'd been named after. Because if her mother's life hadn't been difficult enough, might as well force her to name her child after her husband's mistress. No wonder she was neurotic.
*I don't know, I haven't spoken to her in some time.* The jilted tenor of his words said he was lying. She knew better than to push her luck.
"I see. That's too bad," she said. "What does this Karen do?" She asked. A safe topic. Keep it to him.
*She's a dance teacher to young people. Sol Ballet*
A dancer. Must be young. They always were.
"Well. At least she's athletic. When is the big day? If I can get leave, which is doubtful, we're far from the Alpha Quadrant-I might show up," she said. They both knew she wouldn't.
Of course. Make it so she couldn't be there, even if she had wanted to. He'd always been a bit manipulative in that way.
"Well. That's great, Dad. You'll have to send me some photos," she said. "Tell me about Karen. How old is she? Does she have children?" Paisley asked. He'd been married to a woman with kids before. They were not her siblings, and that marriage didn't last long.
*She's...twenty-three. No children. I think she might really be the RIGHT one...*
Paisley rolled her eyes. Nearly ten years younger than she was. And the right one?! He said that about ALL of them.
"Well. She sounds nice," Paisley said. "Is she aware of my existence?"
*Yes. She has expressed interest in meeting you*
Paisley let out a breath. Of course she was.
"I won't be able to take leave for a while, but I'll let you know when I can."
"Anyway. I should go...Good luck. Send me a photo when you can, ok?" She forced a smile, and then watched as he nodded.
"Ok, kiddo. It was nice to hear from you."
The line went dead, and she sighed.


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