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Posted on Wed Sep 20th, 2023 @ 8:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

2,334 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Ten-Forward
Timeline: post-Afternoons

Paisley spent the rest of the afternoon messing around in her quarters. As a department head, she'd already had senior officer's quarters, so she hadn't had to move. She had cleaned up, did her duty rosters for the next week, and then set about getting ready.

She put on some music, and rocked out while she got ready. After emerging from a steamy shower, she dried her hair, set it in curlers, and fixed her face. After she let down her hair, she slipped a dress over her head-red polka dots that hugged her curves, and had spaghetti straps. She put on some red pumps, and red lipstick. She put the left side of her hair up in a Victory roll hairstyle. The look was very retro-pinup girl. Perfect. Paisley had no one particular style-she wore what she liked that day, whether it was leather and spikes or a prim and proper suit. But no matter what, it was a thing that she wore pink or red-Cardassian fathers forbade both because they were immature or for girls from the wrong parts of town.

She made her way to Jason's office, and rang the chime. She didn't wait for him, preferring instead to just let herself in. "Hi!" She said, cheerfully. "Dinner?" She asked.

Jason's desk had two large equipment cases on top, the Starfleet intelligence logo very visibly emblazoned, Jason failed to turn at first "Yeah, but it might be a short....." Jason turned and if his jaw could dislocate it would be on the floor ".....Uh...." was the only other words that could come out.

"Short is fine," she said. "So you like the dress?" She asked, a smirk playing on her face. "Let's go because I am HUNGRY," she said, "And I don't want to have to pull a Klingon and eat some poor soul's liver through their belly button," she said. "If you'd rather, we could replicate something here..." she suggested. "You seem a little busy."

Jason had to process for a second, he had trouble moving his eyes all the way up, "I was almost done, but it looks like I'll be busy shortly." he said putting one hand high on her waist.

Jason looked at her, "I have to go back planet side in the early hours, the captain needs some stuff checked into quietly, I was prepping gear." he paused "it's nothing exciting, unlike your dress." his hand slid down giving a squeeze.

Paisley giggled. "Well. Guess you need an assistant or something," she said. "You can see what's under it later," she said, pulling him towards the door. "But first...feed me. Maybe a beer, too," she said. She, too, was going back planet-side but not until the next morning.

Jason smiled, something he'd been doing more of, "You thinking bar food or something casual?" he asked "Let me lock these cases and we can go."

"Casual. You should know by now that I don't really do fancy things most of the time," she said. She didn't like the reminders of where she'd come from-the stupid monied manners she'd had to have used her whole life, the hiding behind the facade. She wanted to be rough and tumble-that's what she FELT like, anyway, as a mixed-race person. Never fitting in anywhere exactly. "I need something full of carbs," she said. "And preferably deep fried." She said. She was going to probably die of a heart attack but she didn't care. Her job and love life kept her active and she didn't worry.

Jason smiled, "Deep fried and bad for you, gotcha." he opened the one case to make sure it would be closed properly until he had to depart, the dulled glint of metal would have been visible even too the most untrained eye.

Paisley noticed the glint of the metal, and raised an eyebrow. "Can you tell me?" She asked, indicating the case. They entered the corridor and to the turbolift. After a bit, they were in the Lounge. She laughed. Perfect. She hadn't chosen this dress exactly for this reason, but she was glad it was having an effect. They-or she, she wasn't sure-were garnering stares. She didn't look at anyone else, just her dinner date.

Jason looked at her, mildly distracted by the dangerous curves hugging her dress, "There's been a lot of sabotage on the colony, the captain wants Annika and I to look into some of it covertly, and reach out too my contacts on the colony later to try and get a handle on the rest." Jason waved for a server, "this isn't the first time I've done this, it'll be fine."

Paisley nodded. "I see...I know you will be. I trust your skills." They weren't exactly at a place yet where she could voice distaste at him going into a dangerous situation. "Just...keep me posted as you can," she said. "I am going back down to Campor...Shan and I are still cobbling out the parts and things for the planes. Romulan tech isn't in my skill set...would be a PR nightmare if I just made them into Cardassian ships, you think?" The last thing she'd said was a joke, of course. "HI!! Can I have an Andorian Ale, and the chicken strips? Maybe instead of the fries, I'll sub in some roasted broccoli," she said, realizing that too much grease wouldn't sit well with the after-dinner activities she was hoping were going to be taking place.

Jason looked up "Loaded Cheese burger, fries and an IPA." Jason said seconds later the server disappeared "If everything goes according to plan I should be back for breakfast." Jason said with a smile his eyes flicked quickly down to he cleavage.

Paisley didn't mind that he turned to her cleavage. That was the point. "Good!! When do you leave?" She asked. "Mmm, an IPA, I might have to try one," she said. "You know I've never had one?!"

Jason looked at Paisley, "During the night watch, around zero-three-thirty, shouldn't take more than maybe an hour to get the information we need." he paused as the server returned with the drinks, "This stuff isn't as strong as the real thing."

Paisley nodded. "Well. Be careful, ok?" She said. She smiled at the waiter. "Thanks," she said. She reached for his beer, and took a sip. "Pretty good," she said, handing it back. She sipped her own drink. "What happens if you don't get the info? Do you come back?" She asked.

Jason smiled again, "It'll be about what information I get and if it's enough to confirm things, I'll be back for breakfast regardless." he paused taking a drink "I promise."

She nodded. She tried to sound like she didn't care a lot. "I understand. Do what you have to," she said. Wow, it was hard caring about someone who had a dangerous job. Not that her's was perfectly safe, but it was far less of a worry than his. She tried to make small talk.

"Have you made any friends?" She asked.

Jason paused, "I've been hanging out with Raz a little, but it's not easy when I'm always on call, the only time I don't get middle of the night calls is when I'm with you."

She smiled. "I see. He seems nice!" She said. They'd only crossed paths a few times and it had been friendly. "Ah, see? You gotta spend more time with me, then! That's the key," she joked. Though she wouldn't mind it much. "I've been hanging out with Commander Chalan. She's actually pretty neat. It's weird that we have the same genetic backgrounds but led such different lives," she said. "She was raised much more Bajoran than I was. Sometimes, I wonder if that is a detriment," she said. She sipped her drink. Their food appeared, and she perked up. "Yay! I am starving," she said, biting into her meal.

As the plates arrived Jason contemplated his response, he tried to process that comment, ~more time together?~ his mind wandered for a split second, he'd rushed his past relationships, but things were clearly different now, he inhaled, he really needed this, all of it, but he couldn't completely put his finger on it either, after devouring a few bites he looked at Paisley, he held back what he wanted to say and spoke "When I get back in the morning I'll treat you to breakfast, something you'd get if we were on earth, near my house." he said with a smile.

She was oblivious to his internal strife, eating her dinner, thinking about everything-and nothing. She smiled. "I'd like that," she said. "Pancakes?" She asked. She was fond of the little flat breads that the Humans called pancakes-though they weren't cakes, exactly, were they?! "Well, anyway, it doesn't matter. I eat just about anything," she said. It was true. Paisley hadn't met a food that she didn't like. She just hadn't tried everything yet, so that could change.

Jason smiled more at her eagerness than anything else. "I was going to get a little fancy but pancakes, maybe some wild boar bacon, and maybe fruit salad." he paused "I think I have some real coffee too."

Paisley raised an eyebrow. "Ooh, wild boar bacon?" Nice. "OOH, if you have real coffee, I will marry you YESTERDAY!" She laughed. "That's a joke, but seriously!! This stuff from the replicators is terrible," she made a face. "We get a ration of the real stuff from the Mess Hall in Engineering, but it's not much and those boys make it so your spoon can stand up in it." She sighed. Coffee was meant to be strong, yes. It wasn't supposed to make you grow a second arm.

Jason snickered "I've got a large stash in the cargo bay, and a coffee pot in the bullpen, it's pretty much almost tradition to have one, but then again, you never come into my office through the bullpen, you always come in through the corridor entrance so you never smell it."

She nodded. "That's true. Next time, I'll just drop through the ceiling tiles," she said. "I just...I've been trying to give you space, you know?" She said. "No pressure. All of that," she said. She would be OK with a bit more but she wouldn't push it-it would happen when it was right. "How's your burger?" She asked.

"It's not bad." Jason wiped his mouth, "There's no pressure, I'd rather wake up in the morning with you next to me than alone, probably the best part of being here."

She blushed a little bit. “That’s sweet,” she said. “I hope we can, more often. If you want to. I understand that tonight won’t work out but, there’s always tomorrow.” She grinned. “I should’ve gotten the fries,” she said.

"Eaters remorse?' Jason laughed.

"I've still got a couple of hours, wanna do something?" he asked.

She laughed too. “Something like that,” she said. “And yeah. What do you have in mind?” She asked him, a sly smile on her face. As long as he was with her for a while longer, she didn’t care what they did. She decided she definitely liked him.

Jason took her hand, "How about a walk in the arboretum or maybe we can have some time alone." he said smiling.

"MMM, both sound lovely. Surprise me," she said. They did, really. She could stand some fresh air, but also could stand an hour or so of whatever else he had in mind.

They left the pub, hand in hand. As they entered the turbolift "Deck 9" after the door hissed closed he wrapped Paisley in his arms holding her close. the short trip ended with them near the arboretum, "hopefully it's not too busy, I wouldn't mind a little alone time and grass under my feet." Jason commented.

She smiled as he pulled her close. That was new and unexpected. She didn't mind, though. "Mmm, that's nice," she said. They were quiet the ride to the Arboretum. She was happy to see it was empty. Perfect. "This is beautiful," she said. "Reminds me a bit of some of the places I've seen. Bajor, namely, and some places on Sol." She'd let him lead the way-everyone had a preferred place to go. She liked the flower area, and reading under the trees.

Jason followed Paisley, he found himself thinking of other things, he paused "I have a small confession, I've only been here one other time."

"Oh? That's too bad. It really is very nice. I'll have to bring you here more often," she said. "What's on your mind?" She asked. She took his hand in hers. "Here, let me show you my favorite," she said, leading him towards a bank of cottonwood trees. "Look, Cottonwood trees, like from Sol. We lived there, in Florida, for a full year when my father was married to his second wife," she said.

Jason looked at the tree, he'd seen a few in his day but the excitement Paisley had was slightly contagious, but that moment came to a crashing halt.

"Intelligence to Lieutenant Elliot."

Jason's heart sunk ~shit~ "Go ahead."

=^="I'm sorry sir, but the stormfront that was going to delay the mission has dissipated and our window to go is clear."=^=


"Thank you, I'll be there shortly." Jason said looking at his...What was she? girlfriend, lover, partner? He couldn't wrap his head around it, he just knew this was something that he needed at this moment.

"So much for that." he said without hiding his disappointment there wasn't going to be more, "I've got to go get ready."

Paisley nodded. "It's OK. Really. I understand. careful." She said. She gave him a kiss on the cheek as he left her.


Jason leaned in and kissed Paisley, "I promised you breakfast, I'm not going anywhere."


Lt Cmdr Paisley F'rar

Lt Jason Elliot


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