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Can't Fool a Fool

Posted on Sat Oct 21st, 2023 @ 2:36pm by

2,194 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Ice Lounge
Timeline: MD32
Tags: Kobi

Paisley was done with her long day at work. After a quick check of the day's activities, and signing off on final tickets, she left the office after handing over the reins to next shift's Officer of the Day. She headed quickly to her quarters to change-into a pair of jeans, and a nice blouse. Finally, she asked the computer to locate Kobi Tomm.

He was still in his office. She made a face-of course he was. Nerd alert. Anyway, she left her quarters after making sure her face was clean of the oil, grease, and general schmaltz she was normally covered in, and ran a hand through her inky-black hair, freshly freed from it's tight plait. She wouldn't put on makeup or anything-it wasn't that kind of thing.

A bit later, she knocked at the door to the Security office.
"It's Commander F'rar. Are you still here or is the computer a liar again?" She hollered. She didn't mean to be quite so loud, oops. "Come eat a meal with me. I have...uh...some questions." Smooth, Paisley. You should've thought about that first. Oh, well.

Commander Tomm heard F’rar’s voice outside his office door. He generally did not keep it locked, but, after all, he was the Security Chief.

“Paisley? What are you doing here?” he said through the door. “Come on in,” he said.

“Commander F’Rar… what brings you here to darken my door at this time of day? Dinner? Sure, I was planning on a relaxing with a nice porterhouse going over the Security protocols for the upcoming mission. The company would be nice. What did you have in mind?”

She shrugged. "Nothing in particular, but I realized we haven't really met one-on-one yet, and I like to know who I am working with," she said. "Being the security officer, you understand that," she said. "Lounge?" She asked. "You can bring your PADD, I won't mind," she might make fun of him in her head, though. "Kendri often works while we hang out," she said.

“Fine with me, Commander. Lead on. By the way, I’d appreciate your input on some things I’d like to implement within the Security department. It might involve some adjustments to the ODN feeds. I would do it myself, but I’m afraid that’s a little out of my realm of expertise. There are times I can’t tell the difference between a hyperspanner and a phase decoupler.”

Paisley laughed. "Most people can't," she said. "Tell me all about it," she said. "Well. What you can, of course." She led them to the turbolift and entered. "Lounge," she said. "So. Tell me about you," she said.

“Not much tell, really. I’m the third host to the symbiont Tomm. Born on Trill, went to the Academy with Tactical Training as my field of study. Took extra training in San Francisco for a couple of years. I know my way around weapons and the armory. Security and Tactical has been my life and career.”

Paisley raised an eyebrow. She'd forgotten about the Trill- thing. "Interesting!! Three, huh? Is that common?" She asked. "I don't know much about your people, I'll admit," she said. Keep it to small talk until she could trap him in the Lounge while she needled him for information.

“Keep in mind that the symbionts are long lived sentient beings. More often than not, the host doesn’t outlive the symbiont. As it moves from host to host it retains the memories of the previous ones. It comes down to the life of the host. If he or she is healthy and is deemed suitable
by Trill society, it will stay in that body until death, or if it succumbs to disease or an accident. We want the symbiont to stay alive as long as possible, so the number of hosts doesn’t matter.”

Paisley considered for a moment. "Honestly, that sounds...a little creepy, but I guess if it's your culture, you're used to it. Can you control when the symbiont comes out or-? Like, if you're arguing with someone, does it ever just pipe in? I'd hate that." She shrugged. "'re arguing with a Cardassian, she's taking it as a flirt, do they say "Whoa, slow down, friend?"

“It’s not like the symbiont pops its head out of my belly and says ‘Hi, there!’. The host draws on the memories and experience of the past hosts. The symbiont just acts as a kind of conduit to transmit the information. Does that make it easier for you to understand?”

Paisley laughed. "Well, of course not!" She said. "But yes, that makes sense, thanks." They stepped out of the turbolift and she lead them to the Lounge. "So. Tell me. You like Kendri?" She asked, cutting straight to the chase. Unlike women, men liked it straightforward, at least in her experience. "Because I can help you, you know..." She shot him a wicked grin. "Be right back. You look like you need an Andorian Sunset." She disappeared before he could say anything, off in search of the dancing juice.

Paisley returned with drinks for them both and Tomm tried to steer the conversation away from Kendri. She was correct, though. He liked Kendri.

“Hang on a minute. Just what kind of ‘help’ are you talking about, Paisley. I really was trying to avoid this topic of conversation, but,….here goes. Honestly, I do like Kendri. There’s a chemistry I didn’t appreciate. She’s interesting, fun, confident, and, of course, very beautiful. It would be….inappropriate for us to begin a relationship. She’s my Commanding Officer, for goodness’ sake. Now, let’s turn the proverbial tables, shall we? I saw the way you and Elliot looked at each other at the party the other night. You teased me on the way out, when you left with him. What’s happening with you, Commander?”

Paisley smiled wickedly. "Sex is all that's happening," she said. "He's got some baggage, and we're taking it slowly," she said. "Which is fine with me. I am not looking for marriage, or anything!" She made a face. "Not that I am against it. ANYWAY. It's only inappropriate if someone says something. And nobody cares," she said. "I can say that confidently. A couple of the ladies in my department are gossipy, and I hear things," she said, with a shrug. "Anyway. I told her already. You're both close in age and rank and job. Rhyl is in good health, I doubt he's going to be dying in the field anytime soon. So. I wouldn't worry," she said, with a shrug. She wasn't ready to tell anyone that she was actually getting quite attached to the Security officer, particularly this guy. She liked him fine, just...they weren't close like that.

“I’m keeping things a little more close to the vest, if you know what I mean. And I’m also not willing to compromise our friendship, Paisley. Yes, I am attracted to Kendri and I think we’d have fun together. But her friendship and the bond we’ve formed as colleagues…coworkers is too important.
That’s that, really.”

Paisely raised an eyebrow, but sipped her drink. "Well, that was WAAYYYY easier than Kendri was," she said. She smiled. "Took me FOREVER the other night just to get her to say your name," she said. "Not in a bad way, she's just too Bajoran, and has a thing for privacy," Paisley said. "I, however, was raised mostly Cardassian, and I have no such qualms. Anyway. You both have bullshit reasons, if you want my opinion," she said. "Shouldn't lovers BE friends? Like, why are you having romances unless you like the person?" She pointed out.

“When you put it that way, of course, it makes sense. But I’m afraid, Paisley…..,” Kobi paused and thought for a beat before he spoke his next words.

“I’m afraid what could happen to our professional relationship if I propose to take it to the next level. What if we jump headfirst into it, something happens and it doesn’t work out? I’m sorry. I appreciate your perspective but I don’t want to move in that direction. Kendri and I…. the respect we’ve developed for each other, professionally and personally. It goes a long way. She’s my direct superior, for goodness sake. But I trust her implicitly. I’m not going to jeopardize that. She is a beautiful woman, isn’t she? I could fall in love with her so easily. Fuck! At least for the moment, not now. People already think we’re a couple, but you have to keep this close to the vest. You have to promise me. Promise me, Paisley.”

She sighed. "What if something does happen, and she is hurt or dies without knowing? I know, as a woman, I would appreciate the knowledge," she said. "But even still. Yes, she's your CO. All of ours. But you can still maintain a professional working relationship while still having a romantic one on the side. Plenty of people do. I know a few," she said. "Yes, it's hard, and it takes a LOT of maturity and a mutual agreement, but it IS doable." Paisley sipped her drink again. "Listen, Kendri...she's a tough nut to crack. We share a lot of the same lineage and the baggage from mixing both cultures, but she was raised without her father, and I don't have my mother. It changes a person, ya know? She needs that, I think...a male presence that is steady. That ISN'T the Captain," she said, making a face. Ew. "Plus, in case you didn't know it, she likes YOU, too. Think about it," she said. "But yeah, I'll take it to my grave. Probably tomorrow, between you two and Jason," she said, with another exasperated sigh. "It's not like I am telling you to date an Admiral. Unless there's something you're not telling me, you're both adults, both consenting, and both the same rank. Like I said...tough to navigate, but not impossible. Not against the rules, either, I checked," she said, to clear that up. "Mostly for myself. Just in case something DOES happen with Jason."

“You’re not going to let this go, are you? You’ve also given me a lot to think about,” Kobi said.

Tomm casually put his hand on Paisley’s. “I appreciate your honesty and candor. I still don’t think it would work. Nor would it be practical. One’s judgement, professionalism, and duties could be called into question. Like I said, you’ve made me think about a lot. I know Kendri likes me, too. We see each other on and off duty. I just don’t know, Paisley. It’s a lot.”

Paisley shrugged and finished the last of her ale. "A lot isn't impossible, and you're both way more mature than Jason and I are. If WE can keep it professional in public and on the Bridge, I am sure you two can," she said. "I'll let it go. For NOW," she said. "But I have the Cardassian eidetic memory AND the Bajoran passion. I won't let it go forever," she said. "And don't worry, Kendri got all this, too," she said.

"I even offered to her to date YOU, just so she could forget but then we agreed that you probably couldn't handle me and I'd get bored quickly. You need someone more...tame," she said. Tact wasn't a concept that existed in Paisley's world. "I am glad it gives you food for thought, though. Believe it or not, I DO understand that sometimes, things happen organically, but with all the lame shit happening with this mission...maybe time isn't as fluid as we thought."

Kobi laughed under his breath and took a couple of sips from his drink. “I like you, Paisley. I really do. You say what’s on your mind, you just say what you feel. And, by the way, how do know what I need? Did Kendri tell you something…..?”

Tomm help us his hands, palms facing outward. “Wait. I don’t want to know. If something happens between the two of us, I’m sure you’ll be the first to know. But, um, since you brought it up, how do you know it’s not YOU that I want?”

Kobi took Paisley’s hand and kissed the top of it. “I’ll see ya, Paisley. Seems we BOTH have a lot to think about. Keep a look out for drifting neutrinos.”

Paisley laughed. "She said a few things, but I won't tell. I am her friend," she said. "If you want me, say so. I don't do well with hints," she said. She smiled wickedly. "Thanks for dinner. Watch out for the Bajorans, I hear those ladies have an insatiable appetite once you snag them in your lair," she said. She shook her head as they parted ways. At least the three had an understanding. She'd stop. For now.


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