Intel as requested
Posted on Tue Jan 14th, 2025 @ 8:22pm by Captain Jason Elliot & Lieutenant Eira Cortez
Edited on on Tue Jan 21st, 2025 @ 8:44pm
1,062 words; about a 5 minute read
A new era - Time for change
Location: Deck 1: CO's Ready Room
Timeline: Day 20 0944
It was already starting to get late by the time Eira arrived at her new posting, and she thought that it would be ideal to meet with her new Commanding Officer before she did anything else.
"So this is the USS Columbia, is it?" Eira looked at the ship in the dock before she made her way down toward it.
She had done her due diligence and already located the CO's Ready Room, banking on the fact he would be in there. An Ensign in Security yellow asked if she needed help with either her bags or her transfer orders to which she politely declined and continued on her way.
Once the Ready Room had been located and prior to pressing the chime on the door to signify she way there, Eira made sure her uniform was straight, hair in place, and her transfer orders were in her hand. A quick press of the chime and a deep breath later, Eira waited for a response.
Jason set down a pad "Enter!" he called out.
Leaving her bag just outside the door, Eira entered into the room, "Commander Elliot? I'm Lieutenant Cortez, your new Chief of Intelligence. I've just arrived and thought it would be ideal to meet with you, here are my transfer orders." She held out the padd for him to look over.
Jason looked up accepting the orders, "You'll have to excuse me, it's been a long twenty four hours of system tests and other matters," he paused looking quickly over the orders "I see you have a couple of respectable references as well, even with the injuries your record is quite good." he said setting aside the pad "I was actually the ships intelligence officer previously before the whole chain of events that lead all of us here."
"Ah yes, the injuries. Fortunately, they're part of who I am now so I can't change things," Eira gave a slow nod. "I can provide as many references as required, and I can honestly say I'm looking forward to getting back to what I'm good at."
Jason smiled, "Your file was the only one forwarded to me, someone in intelligence thought you were the fit for this crew."
"Well, that's a good sign then, right?" She gave a slight smile in return. "I'll admit here and that this is the first time I've been a department head, so it's all new to me." Taking a seat, she added, "On my way over here, I did take the opportunity to look at who I will be working with, and I believe that you and I may have crossed paths before."
Jason paused, "Academy? USS Forrestal? or Deep space three?" he started to think about it slightly.
"I was briefly involved with the Starfleet intelligence HQ Field officer training program for a couple of months, and I was also on the ground when the peace conference was attacked by a Gorn raid, hence the scars," Eira admitted.
Jason leaned back in the high back chair, "The gorn raid.." he paused the one chapter of his life that changed everything "That was a chaotic year in my life after that, I left starfleet about four months later following some other events, I assume you don't know about the Blackburn incident then?"
Eira shook her head, "Unfortunately, I was on medical leave after that raid, so I'm aware it happened but not what entailed, sir."
Jason wasn't surprised by her reply, "It actually happened in the early days after the Romulan sun went nova, USS Blackburn's senior staff took it upon themselves to fire upon a refugee convoy, the rest is well complicated." he quickly changed topics "So after the conference you moved through a few assignments, what brought you back into intelligence?"
Eira understood the change in topic, welcomed it even, "To be honest, I had a really bad onset of PTSD that caused a bit of chaos mentally and personally, and I needed the break from Intelligence. I studied computer programming at the Academy and tried my hand at being a Computer Systems Specialist for a... safe... change." She took a deep breath in and out again, "After various counselling and psychological evaluations deeming I was in the right frame of mind, I was able to come back to Intel, and now I'm here."
"Well, you've got a good staff, Lieutenant Wiseman is good with the analytics and in a fight, and the Recon pilots are a good group, so you've got a solid team to work with, and I'll make sure that my door is open if you need to talk." Jason said, "I also kept the tradition of leaving a bottle of whiskey on your desk, one intel officer to another."
"I'll make sure not to hide it from you then if you ever come down my way for a chat, right?" She asked in response, thinking about how she would need to meet this new team soon.
Jason liked what he's seen and heard from this officer, "Keep it somewhere that's easy to find, Rear Admiral Wallace from intelligence operations has a habit of showing up when you least expect it, and things have that habit on Columbia too."
Eira raised an eyebrow, "We get visits from the Rear Admiral even? Wow, this is definitely going to be an interesting posting if he's stopping by. I'll make sure to sweet talk a bartender into giving me two bottles of whiskey then, shall I?"
Jason smiled again, "That's a good idea."
"So, two bottles of whiskey, a new team to meet and a ship to take a tour of," Eira started to list off things she needed to do, "Is there anything else you require of me, or is there anything else I need to catch up on before I start?"
"For now, get settled in, meet up with your team, I've got a meeting at Douglas station concerning our next mission and some other issues, I'll make sure you're in the loop." He said.
"Sounds like a plan, sir," Eira nodded, taking that as her cue to leave. "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me." With that, she took her leave and walked out of the room, picking up her bag on the way.
"No problem Lieutenant and again welcome aboard." Jason said