Ensign Sar

Name Sar

Position Propulsion Specialist

Second Position Flight Control Officer

Rank Ensign


  • 35 Mission Posts

Last Post

Tue Jan 9th, 2024 @ 2:36pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 176 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Khaki
Physical Description Ensign Sar possesses the distinctive features of a Vulcan, with a face characterized by sharp angles and high cheekbones. His straight, jet-black hair falls neatly, framing his face in a sleek, professional manner. Sar's hair is often styled in a clean and precise fashion, reflecting his disciplined approach to both his appearance and his work. His eyebrows are finely arched, giving his countenance an air of intensity and focus. Sar's eyes are deep and piercing, their khaki hue almost appearing as sandy pools of concentrated thought. They convey a sense of unwavering determination and logical analysis, mirroring the essence of his Vulcan nature.

Sar's physique is lean and athletic, a testament to his dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. His Vulcan physiology grants him enhanced strength and endurance, allowing him to endure the rigors of his duties with ease. Standing at an average Vulcan height, Sar carries himself with an air of graceful efficiency, moving with precision and purpose. Though his appearance may seem somewhat reserved to those unfamiliar with Vulcan culture, there is an unmistakable aura of strength and resilience emanating from him, a testament to his disciplined and disciplined nature.

In his choice of attire, Sar adheres to the traditional Vulcan aesthetic, favoring the simplicity and functionality of Starfleet uniforms. His uniform is always impeccably maintained, reflecting his meticulous attention to detail.

When off duty. Sar typically dresses in attire that combines Vulcan practicality with subtle elegance. His clothing is modest yet stylish, designed to ensure comfort and functionality while adhering to Vulcan sensibilities.

Overall, Sar's physical appearance embodies the epitome of Vulcan precision and understated elegance.


Father Staak
Mother T'Mun
Brother(s) Skann
Sister(s) T'Lissa

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ensign Sar epitomizes the essence of a Vulcan officer. His logical and analytical mind is the cornerstone of his approach to every aspect of his life. Sar possesses an unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and intellectual growth. His insatiable curiosity drives him to constantly seek new challenges and expand his understanding of the universe. With an exceptional aptitude for problem-solving and a meticulous attention to detail, Sar excels in his role as an Engineering Officer.

While his Vulcan nature lends itself to a composed and disciplined demeanor, Sar is not devoid of emotions. However, he has mastered the Vulcan techniques of emotional control and maintains a calm and stoic facade even in the face of adversity. This emotional discipline allows him to make objective decisions based on logical analysis, free from the influence of impulsive reactions. Sar's clarity of thought and ability to remain composed under pressure make him a valuable asset in high-stress situations.

Sar's devotion to efficiency and precision extends beyond his work. He embraces the Vulcan principles of minimalism and simplicity in all aspects of his life, striving for the most effective and streamlined approach. His quarters are kept impeccably organized, free from any clutter or unnecessary distractions. Sar's dedication to order and structure permeates his daily routines, allowing him to maintain a harmonious balance between his personal and professional responsibilities.

In his interactions with others, Sar's Vulcan upbringing instills a sense of diplomacy and respect. He maintains a composed and measured demeanor, choosing his words carefully to ensure clarity and precision in communication. Sar approaches collaboration and teamwork with a logical and cooperative mindset, valuing the input and expertise of his colleagues. While his Vulcan nature may sometimes be perceived as aloof, Sar makes a concerted effort to foster positive relationships and bridge the gap between different species and cultures.

Beyond his dedication to his duties as an Engineering Officer, Sar is deeply committed to the pursuit of self-improvement and personal growth. He is an avid reader and enjoys delving into a wide range of subjects, from scientific theories to ancient Vulcan philosophies. Sar also finds solace in meditation, using the practice to find inner balance and clarity amidst the chaos of the universe.

In his spare time, Sar indulges in physical activities such as Vulcan martial arts and endurance training. These practices not only keep his body in optimal condition but also serve as outlets for channeling his focus and discipline. Sar understands the importance of maintaining a well-rounded lifestyle that nurtures both the mind and body.

Overall, Ensign Sar embodies the essence of a Vulcan officer, blending intellect, discipline, and emotional control. His commitment to logical reasoning, efficiency, and personal growth make him a valuable asset to any starship crew, contributing to the collective pursuit of knowledge and exploration.
Strengths & Weaknesses Sar's strengths lie in his exceptional logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities. He excels at analyzing complex systems and finding efficient solutions to engineering challenges. His Vulcan discipline and focus allow him to remain calm and composed even in high-pressure situations. However, his strict adherence to logic can sometimes come across as cold or detached to others. Additionally, Sar's unwavering pursuit of perfection can occasionally lead to him being overly critical of himself and others, making it difficult for him to accept mistakes or imperfections.
Ambitions Ensign Sar's primary ambition is to contribute to the advancement of Starfleet's engineering capabilities. He seeks to refine and expand his knowledge of warp systems, plasma conduits, and other intricacies of starship technology. Sar aspires to rise through the ranks of Starfleet Engineering and become a respected expert in his field. Additionally, he hopes to bridge the gap between Vulcan logic and the human capacity for creativity, understanding that the fusion of these two approaches can lead to groundbreaking advancements in engineering.
Hobbies & Interests Outside of his engineering pursuits, Sar finds solace in the Vulcan practice of meditation, which allows him to maintain emotional equilibrium and clear his mind. He is an avid reader of Vulcan literature and enjoys exploring ancient Vulcan texts to deepen his understanding of his cultural heritage. Sar also has a keen interest in human music, finding the raw emotion and poetic expression captivating. Though he doesn't openly express it, Sar appreciates the power of music as a medium for emotional connection and self-expression.

With his logical mind, unwavering dedication to engineering, and a touch of Vulcan mystique, Ensign Sar is poised to make valuable contributions to Starfleet's engineering endeavors while navigating the complexities of his own Vulcan identity.

Personal History Ensign Sar hails from the serene region of Kir Province on Vulcan, known for its intellectual and scholarly pursuits. From a young age, Sar's inquisitive mind and thirst for knowledge set him apart. He immersed himself in the teachings of the Vulcan Science Academy, eagerly absorbing the principles of logic, science, and technology. His passion for understanding the intricacies of the universe grew, and he became particularly fascinated by the field of engineering and its applications.

With a single-minded focus on his studies, Sar excelled in his academic pursuits. He delved into the depths of Vulcan literature, eagerly devouring scientific texts and technological treatises. Sar's ability to grasp complex concepts quickly became evident, earning him the admiration of his instructors and peers alike. His natural aptitude for mathematics and problem-solving only further propelled his academic achievements.

As Sar matured, his interests gravitated toward the practical applications of his knowledge. He immersed himself in the study of engineering systems, spending countless hours in the laboratories and workshops, dissecting and analyzing various technologies. His insatiable curiosity pushed him to explore the inner workings of starship engines, transporters, and other advanced systems.

Driven by his desire to fully understand the intricate interplay of technology, Sar sought to apply his knowledge beyond the confines of the classroom. He actively sought internships and practical experiences, eager to work alongside seasoned engineers and witness firsthand the real-world application of his studies. These opportunities not only honed his technical skills but also fostered a deep appreciation for the collaborative nature of engineering work within a diverse team.

With his academic achievements and practical experiences, Sar's reputation as a talented and dedicated engineer spread throughout Kir Province. His mentors recognized his potential and encouraged him to pursue a career in Starfleet, where his skills and thirst for knowledge would be further nurtured. Inspired by their faith in his abilities, Sar embarked on a new path, joining Starfleet Academy to refine his engineering expertise and contribute to the vast array of technological marvels that the Federation had to offer.

During his time at the Academy, Sar's unwavering commitment to excellence and his logical approach to problem-solving set him apart. His academic prowess earned him accolades, and his ability to collaborate effectively with others in team-based projects highlighted his diplomatic and cooperative nature. Sar immersed himself in a range of engineering disciplines, from warp field dynamics to antimatter containment systems, expanding his technical repertoire and developing a deep understanding of advanced starship technologies.

Now, as Ensign Sar begins his career as an Engineering Officer aboard the USS Columbia, he carries with him the knowledge and experiences gained from his formative years on Vulcan. The intellectual rigor, discipline, and dedication instilled within him by his upbringing continue to shape his path. With a thirst for exploration and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of technological innovation, Sar is eager to contribute to the ever-evolving frontiers of science and engineering in the vast expanse of the galaxy.
Service Record 2390-2394: Starfleet Academy, Engineering Major - Propulsion
2395-2396: USS North Sea
2396-Present: USS Columbia