Thrita sh'Qirhess

Name Thrita sh'Qirhess

Position Chako Tiaani Artist


  • 9 Mission Posts

Last Post

Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 8:21pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian - Thalassan
Age 19

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color Silver-White
Eye Color Rich Violet
Physical Description Thrita sh'Zeles embodies the distinctive elegance and striking features of the Thalassan Andorians. Her cerulean skin was reminiscent of her home world’s briny seas. A cascade of pristine white hair, like freshly fallen snow, framed her face as it fell to her shoulders. Thrita possessed a pair of rich violet orbs, reminiscent of rare Andorian gemstones.

Her antennae, thicker and more pronounced than the average Andorian's, emerge gracefully from the top rear of her skull, adding a regal and distinctive touch to her appearance. Thrita's slender and agile physique spoke of her youth and the grace inherent in her people's heritage. She moves with a confident gait, every step exuding poise and self-assuredness. Her smile often matched her violet eyes its radiance.

A look of snarky determination is often worn on her face. Her heart is worn on her sleeve, her expressive features usually providing a window into her feelings.


Father Ryhl th'Zeles (44), Sanoss ch'Thaarrehr (44)
Mother Sytte zh'Qirhess (46), Zilla sh'Kiannorh (45)
Brother(s) Tath ch'Qirhess (17)
Other Family Zeles and Kaaliq families

Personality & Traits

General Overview Thrita sh'Qirhess is a complex and engaging individual. Her journey through life is marked by a deep passion for Andorian culture and martial arts. Her studies in these ancient combat techniques reveal her tenacity, as she tirelessly hones her skills and absorbs the wisdom of her instructors.

Thrita is not solely defined by her martial prowess. Her personable nature sometimes draws people towards her. She possesses a unique brand of humor, often lacing her conversations with witty remarks and playful banter. Her ability to connect with others makes her a beloved presence among friends and colleagues.

Beneath her outgoing exterior, Thrita carries a complex history and emotions. Her relationship with her father, Captain Ryhl th'Zeles, is marked by a strain born from his Starfleet career during her formative years. This left a mark on her, shaping her desire to forge her own path in the universe.

Thrita's next venture, opening an Andorian martial arts facility on the USS Columbia, is her way of both preserving her cultural heritage and reconciling with her father.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
* Determination: Thrita's unwavering determination is one of her greatest assets. She approaches challenges with a tenacious spirit, refusing to give up until she's achieved her goals.

* Adaptability: Her diverse background, which includes a stint as an asteroid miner, has given her the ability to adapt to a wide range of environments and situations. This adaptability makes her an asset in unpredictable and high-pressure scenarios.

* Martial Arts Expertise: As a skilled martial artist and instructor, Thrita possesses exceptional combat skills and a deep understanding of self-discipline. Her expertise in hand-to-hand combat and self-defense can prove invaluable in critical situations.

* Outgoing and Sociable: Thrita's outgoing nature makes her an approachable and friendly team member. She excels at building connections with others and fostering a sense of camaraderie among her peers.

* Quick Reflexes: Her fast-paced gait and high-energy demeanor translate into quick reflexes, which are particularly useful in security-related tasks and martial arts training.

* Impulsivity: Thrita's enthusiasm for life can sometimes lead to impulsive decisions. While her spontaneity can be an asset, it may also put her and others in challenging or risky situations.

* Strained Family Dynamics: Her complex relationship with her father, Captain Ryhl th'Zeles, can occasionally affect her emotional state. This strain may create tension or distractions in her personal and professional life.

* Impatience: Her quick-paced gait and anxious tendencies can translate into impatience, particularly when faced with slow or bureaucratic processes. This impatience might hinder her ability to wait for results or navigate administrative tasks.

* Overconfidence: Thrita's confidence is one of her strengths, but it can occasionally border on overconfidence. This may lead her to underestimate certain challenges or overlook potential risks.

* Difficulty Letting Go: Her caring and protective nature can make it challenging for her to let go of past grievances or conflicts. This trait may occasionally hinder her ability to move forward in relationships or situations.
Ambitions * Explore the Universe: Thrita has an insatiable curiosity about the cosmos and a deep desire to explore the uncharted reaches of space. Her ambition is to visit distant star systems, uncover the mysteries of the universe, and make contact with new species. She dreams of boldly going where no Andorian has gone before.

* Run Her Own Andorian Mining Vessel: Drawing from her experience as an asteroid miner, Thrita aspires to captain her own Andorian mining vessel. She envisions a ship that harnesses the rich resources of asteroids and celestial bodies while respecting ecological balance and sustainability. This goal reflects her commitment to preserving Andorian mining traditions and protecting their cultural heritage.

* Promote Thalassan Culture: Thrita takes immense pride in her Thalassan heritage, and she is determined to ensure its preservation and celebration. She hopes to promote Thalassan culture, art, and traditions to the broader galactic community. Whether through martial arts exhibitions, cultural exchanges, or storytelling, she aims to foster a deeper appreciation of her people's unique identity.

* Become a Respected Martial Arts Instructor: As a passionate martial artist, Thrita aims to become a renowned martial arts instructor and trainer. Her goal is to open a thriving training center where she can impart her skills and knowledge to students from various species. She envisions a place where discipline, self-defense, and the art of combat are not just learned but celebrated.

* Rebuild Her Relationship with Her Father: While their relationship has been strained, Thrita ultimately hopes to rebuild her connection with her father, Captain Ryhl th'Zeles. She understands the importance of family and wishes to bridge the gaps that have formed between them, fostering a stronger bond built on understanding and support.
Hobbies & Interests Thrita’s deep love for Andorian culture drives her to immerse herself in its rich history. She spends countless hours delving into the annals of Andorian lore, seeking to understand the traditions, values, and stories that define her people. This passion for history not only connects her with her heritage but also fuels her desire to preserve and promote the traditions of her people.

She also enjoys being an active participant in cultural social events. Whether it's the exuberant festivities of the Andorian Shashaan or the serene contemplation of an Aen'rhien meditation ceremony, she eagerly joins in these communal experiences. Her involvement in such events not only strengthens her connection with her fellow Andorians but also fosters a sense of belonging within her.

Her love for travel knows no bounds, and she often seeks out new adventures. Thrita finds solace in the rugged landscapes of her homeworld, where she explores the icy wilderness, hikes through pristine snowfields, and indulges in the adrenaline rush of ice climbing. These activities not only keep her physically fit but also provide moments of introspection and communion with nature.

Sports hold a special place in Thrita's heart, especially those rooted in Andorian traditions.

Personal History Thrita sh'Qirhess was born on the ice-capped world of Andoria. Her upbringing was a testament to the diverse society of Andoria, where the four Andorian genders played crucial roles in her life. With two fathers and two mothers, she experienced the richness of her culture from an early age.

Growing up, Thrita lived aboard the Andorian mining vessel known as the Kelv, surrounded by her mothers and the ship’s tight-knit mining community. Life aboard the Kelv was a stark contrast to the frigid beauty of Andoria's surface.

At the age of seven, her parents, all Starfleet officers, made the difficult choice to follow their respective callings in the cosmos. Despite their love for her, the demands of their careers meant they spent more time among the stars than with their daughter. Thrita's mothers left Starfleet and immersed themselves in the mining industry when she was turned ten. This transition led to even fewer visits from her fathers, leaving a void that she learned to fill through her cultural studies and lust for adventure.

At 18, she joined the crew of the Kelv as a security officer, seeking a change in her life. During her time on the Kelv, Thrita developed her combat skills, embraced discipline, and forged bonds with her fellow crew members. Life aboard the mining vessel had its challenges, but it also instilled in her a sense of resilience and camaraderie.

At age 19, Thrita's world changed once again. Her father, Captain Ryhl th'Zeles, extended a surprising invitation for her to join him on the USS Columbia. This offer represented an opportunity to reconnect with her estranged father and explore the cosmos together. Excitement filled her heart as she embarked on this new chapter, eager to bridge the gap with her father and to embrace the adventures the universe had in store for her aboard the starship.
Service Record 2394-2396: Mining Vessel Kelv - Miner/Security Officer